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Java Source Code
package com.parnswir.unmp.media;
/*www.java2s.com*/import java.io.Serializable;
import com.parnswir.unmp.playlist.Playlist;
publicclass MediaPlayerStatus implements Serializable {
privatestaticfinallong serialVersionUID = -3086458695042317582L;
publicstaticfinalint DO_NOT_REPEAT = 0, REPEAT_ALL = 1, REPEAT_ONE = 2;
stopped = true,
playing = false,
paused = false,
shuffled = true;
length = 0,
position = 0,
repeatMode = REPEAT_ALL,
rating = 0;
public String
file = "",
title = "",
album = "",
artist = "",
publisher = "",
composer = "",
year = "";
publicbyte[] cover = null;
public Playlist playlist = null;
public MediaPlayerStatus() {