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package com.parnswir.unmp.core; //www. j a v a 2 s. c o m import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.text.TextUtils; public class DatabaseUtils { public static final String IDNOTINTABLE = ""; private static SQLiteDatabase DB = null; public static SQLiteDatabase getDB(Context context) { if (DB == null) { MusicDatabaseHelper dbHelper = new MusicDatabaseHelper(context); DB = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } return DB; } public static int getCurrentIDForTable(String tableName, SQLiteDatabase db) { Cursor c = db.query(tableName, new String[] {C.COL_ID}, null, null, null, null, C.COL_ID + " DESC"); boolean successful = c.moveToFirst(); int result = 0; if (successful) { result = c.getInt(0); } c.close(); return result; } public static int getNextIDForTable(String tableName, SQLiteDatabase db) { return getCurrentIDForTable(tableName, db) + 1; } public static String getIDForTableEntry(String tableName, String entrySelection, String[] entrySelectionArguments, SQLiteDatabase db) { Cursor c = db.query(tableName, new String[] {C.COL_ID}, entrySelection, entrySelectionArguments, null, null, null); boolean successful = c.moveToFirst(); String result = IDNOTINTABLE; if (successful) { result = c.getString(0); } c.close(); return result; } public static String getIDForTableEntryByName(String tableName, String entryName, SQLiteDatabase db) { return getIDForTableEntry(tableName, C.getNameColumnFor(tableName) + " = ?", new String[] {entryName}, db); } public static String getIDForTuple(String tableName, ContentValues cv, SQLiteDatabase db) { return getIDForTableEntryByName(tableName, cv.getAsString(C.idNameFrom(tableName)), db); } public static boolean fileAlreadyInDatabase(String absolutePath, SQLiteDatabase db) { boolean result = (! getIDForTableEntry(C.TAB_TITLES, C.COL_FILE + " = ?", new String[] {normalize(absolutePath)}, db).equals(IDNOTINTABLE)) || (! getIDForTableEntry(C.TAB_PLAYLISTS, C.COL_FILE + " = ?", new String[] {normalize(absolutePath)}, db).equals(IDNOTINTABLE)); return result; } public static boolean tupleAlreadyInTable(String tableName, ContentValues cv, SQLiteDatabase db) { String[] whereClauseItems = new String[cv.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < cv.size(); i++) { String key = (String) cv.keySet().toArray()[i]; whereClauseItems[i] = key + " = " + android.database.DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(cv.get(key).toString()); } String whereClause = TextUtils.join(" AND ", whereClauseItems); Cursor c = db.query(tableName, null, whereClause, null, null, null, null); return c.moveToFirst(); } public static boolean relationAlreadyInDatabase(String tableName, ContentValues cv, SQLiteDatabase db) { String firstColumn = C.COLUMNS.get(tableName)[0]; String secondColumn = C.COLUMNS.get(tableName)[1]; return (! getIDForTableEntry(tableName, "? = ? AND ? = ?", new String[] {firstColumn, cv.getAsString(firstColumn), secondColumn, cv.getAsString(secondColumn)}, db).equals(IDNOTINTABLE)); } public static void insertWithNewID(String tableName, ContentValues cv, SQLiteDatabase db) { cv.put(C.COL_ID, DatabaseUtils.getNextIDForTable(tableName, db)); db.insert(tableName, null, cv); } public static void insertRelationWithNewID(String relationName, ContentValues cv, SQLiteDatabase db) { if (! DatabaseUtils.relationAlreadyInDatabase(relationName, cv, db)) { insertWithNewID(relationName, cv, db); } } public static byte[] getAlbumArtFor(String albumName, SQLiteDatabase db) { String id = getIDForTableEntryByName(C.TAB_ALBUMS, albumName, db); String innerSelection = String.format("SELECT %s.%s FROM %s, %s%s AS ta WHERE %s.%s=ta.%s AND ta.%s = %s LIMIT 1", C.TAB_TITLES, C.COL_ID, C.TAB_TITLES, C.TAB_TITLES, C.TAB_ALBUMS, C.TAB_TITLES, C.COL_ID, C.COL_TITLE_ID, C.COL_ALBUM + C.COL__ID, id); String selection = String.format("SELECT %s FROM %s JOIN %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s WHERE %s.%s = (%s)", C.COL_IMAGE_BLOB, C.TAB_IMAGE_DATA, C.TAB_IMAGES, C.TAB_IMAGE_DATA, C.COL_IMAGE_HASH, C.TAB_IMAGES, C.COL_IMAGE_HASH, C.TAB_IMAGES, C.COL_TITLE_ID, innerSelection); Cursor c = db.rawQuery(selection, null); boolean successful = c.moveToFirst(); byte[] result = null; if (successful) { byte[] binaryData = c.getBlob(0).clone(); result = binaryData; } c.close(); return result; } public static String getGiantJoin() { return getJoinForTables(C.TABLENAMES); } public static String getJoinForTables(String[] tableNames) { String join = C.TAB_TITLES + " "; for (String tableName : tableNames) { String relation = C.getRelationNameFor(tableName); String idColumn = C.idNameFrom(tableName) + C.COL__ID; join += String.format("JOIN %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s ", relation, C.TAB_TITLES, C.COL_ID, relation, C.COL_TITLE_ID); join += String.format("JOIN %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s ", tableName, relation, idColumn, tableName, C.COL_ID); } return join; } public static ArrayList<String> getAllPlaylists(SQLiteDatabase db) { Cursor c = db.query(C.TAB_PLAYLISTS, new String[] {C.COL_FILE}, null, null, null, null, null); c.moveToFirst(); ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); while (! c.isAfterLast()) { result.add(c.getString(0)); c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); return result; } public static String normalize(String path) { String result = path; try { result = new File(result).getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { } return result; } }