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/** * @author - Zachary Goldberg @ 2008// w w w. j a v a2 s.c o m */ package com.penn.cis121.androidmessenger.protocols; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.DeadObjectException; import android.os.IBinder; import; import android.content.Intent; import com.levelonelabs.aim.AIMBuddy; import com.levelonelabs.aim.AIMClient; import com.levelonelabs.aim.AIMListener; import com.penn.cis121.androidmessenger.AMProtocolMapper; import com.penn.cis121.androidmessenger.AMService; /* * All Client Classes require the following: * extends service and provides an AMService IBinder with all necessary functions implemented * Sends the following Intents to action "AndroidMessenger" * All intents specify their "purpose" via an extra called "purpose" * Format: purpose - other extras, description * connected - username, password, className - tell the messenger that we've successfully connected */ public class Aim extends Service implements AIMListener { private boolean connected = false; private String username; private String password; private int connectionId; private AIMClient aim; static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AIMClient.class.getName()); static { AMProtocolMapper.addMapping(Aim.class,"AIM"); } /* Service Functions */ @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) { AMService.Stub mBinder = new AMService.Stub() { public void Connect(String username, String password, int connectionId) throws DeadObjectException { // ConnectAIM("AndroidTest","q1w2e3r4"); ConnectAIM(username, password,connectionId); } public void sendMessage(String buddyName, String message) throws DeadObjectException { aim.sendMessage(aim.getBuddy(buddyName), message); } }; return mBinder; } @Override protected void onCreate(){ super.onCreate(); } @Override protected void onDestroy(){ if(connected && aim != null) aim.signOff(); super.onDestroy(); } public void ConnectAIM(String username, String password,int connectionId) { this.username = username; this.password = password; this.connectionId = connectionId; aim = new AIMClient(username, password,"",true); // Third option is for profiles; we don't support that for now aim.addAIMListener(this); new Thread(aim).start(); } private void sendIntent(String purpose, Bundle b){ b.putString("username",username); b.putString("password",password); b.putString("className", getClass().getName().toString()); b.putInt("connectionId", connectionId); Intent toAM = new Intent(); toAM.setAction("AndroidMessenger"); toAM.putExtra("purpose", purpose); toAM.putExtras(b); broadcastIntent(toAM); } /* Aim Listener Event Handlers */ public void handleConfigReady(Map<String,AIMBuddy> config){ Bundle b = new Bundle(); for(String s : config.keySet()){ AIMBuddy buddy = config.get(s); Bundle bud = new Bundle(); bud.putString("name",buddy.getName()); bud.putString("group", buddy.getGroup()); bud.putString("alias", buddy.getAlias()); b.putBundle(s, bud); } sendIntent("config",b); } public void handleBuddySignOff(AIMBuddy buddy, String info) { Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putString("name",buddy.getName()); b.putString("alias",buddy.getAlias()); b.putString("group", buddy.getGroup()); b.putString("protocol",AMProtocolMapper.getName(this.getClass())); sendIntent("buddySignOff", b); } public void handleBuddySignOn(AIMBuddy buddy, String info) { Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putString("name",buddy.getName()); b.putString("alias",buddy.getAlias()); b.putString("group", buddy.getGroup()); b.putString("protocol",AMProtocolMapper.getName(this.getClass())); sendIntent("buddySignOn", b); } public void handleConnected() { Bundle b = new Bundle(); sendIntent("signOnSuccess",b); connected = true; } public void handleDisconnected() { if(connected){ connected = false; Bundle b = new Bundle(); sendIntent("disconnected",b); } } public void handleError(String error, String message) { Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putString("error", message); sendIntent("signOnError",b); } public void handleMessage(AIMBuddy buddy, String request) { Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putString("name",buddy.getName()); b.putString("alias",buddy.getAlias()); b.putString("message", request); sendIntent("messageRecieved", b); } public void handleWarning(AIMBuddy buddy, int amount) { /* Unimplemented */ } public void handleBuddyAvailable(AIMBuddy buddy, String message) { /* UnImplemented Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putString("name",buddy.getName()); b.putString("group", buddy.getGroup()); b.putString("protocol",AMProtocolMapper.getName(this.getClass())); sendIntent("buddyBack", b); */ } public void handleBuddyUnavailable(AIMBuddy buddy, String message) { /* UnImplemented in Messenger Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putString("name",buddy.getName()); b.putString("group", buddy.getGroup()); b.putString("protocol",AMProtocolMapper.getName(this.getClass())); sendIntent("buddyAway", b); */ } }