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/** * @author - Zachary Goldberg @ 2008// w ww . j a v a 2s. c o m */ package com.penn.cis121.androidmessenger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.IntentReceiver; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.ScrollView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.ViewSwitcher; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.View.OnFocusChangeListener; import android.view.View.OnKeyListener; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; public class ConversationContainer extends Activity { private List<Button> buttons; private List<String> windows; private HashMap<String, String> editing; // Buddy -> currently editing // text private HashMap<String, List<String>> messages; // buddy -> message // conversation private HashMap<String, String> nameFromAlias; /* Store information on the connection for each buddy */ private Map<String, String> buddyToMe; private Map<String, Integer> buddyToConnectionId; private String currentBuddy; private ButtonListener bl; private String lastMessage = ""; private Logger logger; private LinearLayout currentRow; private LinearLayout rowContainer; private EditText input; private ScrollView scroller; private Button closeButton; private ConversationReciever aml; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); setupUIComponents(); aml = new ConversationReciever(); registerReceiver(aml, new IntentFilter("AndroidMessenger")); windows = new ArrayList<String>(); editing = new HashMap<String, String>(); messages = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); nameFromAlias = new HashMap<String, String>(); buttons = new ArrayList<Button>(); buddyToMe = new HashMap<String, String>(); buddyToConnectionId = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); makeWindows(); reloadPrefs(); Intent i = getIntent(); Bundle bb = i.getExtras(); String alias = bb.getString("alias"); String name = bb.getString("name"); String me = i.getStringExtra("username"); if (alias != null && name != null) { if(!windows.contains(name)){ buddyToMe.put(name, me); buddyToConnectionId.put(me,bb.getInt("connectionId")); nameFromAlias.put(alias, name); messages.put(name, new LinkedList<String>()); editing.put(name, ""); Button b = addButton(name); b.performClick(); //fire the onFocusChanged }else{ for(Button b : buttons){ if(b.getText().toString().equals(name)){ b.performClick(); } } } currentBuddy = name; }else{ finish(); //Something not good happened } /* * Handle any messages received prior to opening the conversation * panel. */ for (int x = 0; x < bb.getInt("numwaiting"); x++) { Bundle b = bb.getBundle(x + ""); handleMessage(b.getString("name"), b.getString("message"), b .getString("username"), b.getInt("connectionId")); logger.severe(b.getString("name") + "," + b.getString("message")); } regenLayout(); } public void onDestroy(){ super.onDestroy(); unregisterReceiver(aml); } private void setupUIComponents(){ setContentView(R.layout.conversationcontainer); bl = new ButtonListener(); rowContainer = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; closeButton = (Button) findViewById(; closeButton.setOnClickListener(bl); scroller = (ScrollView) findViewById(; input = (EditText) findViewById(; input.setOnKeyListener(bl); } private Button addButton(String text) { logger.severe("Adding button for " + text); Button nb = new Button(this); nb.setText(text); setProps(nb); if (currentRow == null || currentRow.getChildCount() == 3) { LinearLayout newrow = new LinearLayout(this); newrow.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); newrow.setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL); rowContainer.addView(newrow); currentRow = newrow; } currentRow.addView(nb); rowContainer.requestLayout(); windows.add(text); return nb; } private void removeButton(String name) { if (currentRow == null) return; // Easiest way to do this is just going to be to entirely redo the buttons if (!windows.remove(name)) { logger.severe("Problem removing " + name); } buttons.clear(); currentRow = null; rowContainer.removeAllViews(); List<String> oldWindows = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : windows) oldWindows.add(s); windows.clear(); for (String s : oldWindows) { addButton(s); } } private void setProps(Button b) { b.setOnClickListener(bl); b.setOnFocusChangeListener(bl); if (windows.size() >= 3 && b.getText().toString().length() > 10) { b.setText(b.getText().toString().substring(0, 10) + ".."); } b.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); buttons.add(b); } private void regenLayout() { TextView messageBox = (TextView) findViewById(; messageBox.setText(""); if (messages.get(currentBuddy) == null) { logger.warning(currentBuddy + " has no message list?"); return; } String newText=""; for (String s : messages.get(currentBuddy)) { newText += s; } messageBox.setText(newText); EditText editBox = (EditText) findViewById(; editBox.setText(editing.get(currentBuddy)); /* * I could not get this to ever scroll all the way to the bottom. The problem is that the UI * has not yet updated to the new text. So it scrolls to the bottom of the text pre-new text. * I've spent hours trying to find a hack. I encourage you to try and best me. Things i've tried: * * Playing with requestLayout,computeScroll(),invalidate() and notify() on both the messageBox and scroller objects * Setting up a TextWatcher on the messageBox to reset the scroll onTextChanged * Setting up a new thread and setting a timer in that thread. When the timer expires try and update the window (Give the UI time to update). * Does not work because you can't update the UI from another thread * So I tried to set an uncaughtExceptionHandler on the thread and then in the thread divide by zero to throw an exception. * Then 'this' thread would have the uncaughtExceptionHandler and be able to update the UI. * This caused all sorts of BAD behavior in many many many ways. Don't try it. * * Labeled as an Android Deficiency for now. */ messageBox.requestLayout(); messageBox.invalidate(); scroller.fullScroll(ScrollView.FOCUS_DOWN); } private String currentInput() { EditText editBox = (EditText) findViewById(; return editBox.getText().toString(); } private void handleMessage(String buddyName, String message, String username, int connectionId) { if (!buddyToMe.containsKey(buddyName)) buddyToMe.put(buddyName, username); if(!buddyToConnectionId.containsKey(username)){ buddyToConnectionId.put(username,connectionId); } if (!messages.containsKey(buddyName)) messages.put(buddyName, new LinkedList<String>()); lastMessage = buddyName + ": " + message + "\n"; messages.get(buddyName).add(lastMessage); boolean found = false; logger.warning(buddyName + "," + currentBuddy + "," + (buddyName.equals(currentBuddy))); if (!buddyName.equals(currentBuddy)) { for (Button b : buttons) // Find the right button and add a * if (b.getText().equals(buddyName)) { b.setText("*" + buddyName); found = true; } if (!found) addButton("*" + buddyName); } regenLayout(); } private class ButtonListener implements OnFocusChangeListener, OnClickListener, OnKeyListener { public void onFocusChanged(View v, boolean hasFocus) { // Set all buttons to not focusable if (hasFocus == true) { for (Button b : buttons) { if (!b.getText().equals(((Button) v).getText())) b.clearFocus(); } } // Save the current input editing.put(currentBuddy, currentInput()); Button b = (Button) v; if (b.getText().charAt(0) == '*') { b.setText(b.getText().toString().substring(1)); // get rid of the * } currentBuddy = nameFromAlias.get(b.getText()); if (currentBuddy == null) currentBuddy = b.getText().toString(); TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(; tv.setText("Conversation with " + currentBuddy); regenLayout(); } public void onClick(View button) { if (button != closeButton){ onFocusChanged(button, true); }else { if (windows.size() <= 1) { //Close the whole panel if we're closing the last buddy windows.remove(currentBuddy); finish(); return; } removeButton(currentBuddy); currentBuddy = windows.get(0); for (Button bv : buttons) { if (bv.getText().equals(currentBuddy)) bv.requestFocus(); } } } public boolean onKey(View view, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { //We only want key events for the input window if (view != input) return false; //For debugging if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MINUS){ scroller.fullScroll(ScrollView.FOCUS_DOWN); } //If we actually want to send a message if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_NEWLINE) { String from = buddyToMe.get(currentBuddy); String msg = input.getText().toString(); if (msg.length() == 0) return false; if((from + ": " +msg + "\n").equals(lastMessage)) return false; Intent i = new Intent(); i.setAction("AndroidMessenger"); i.putExtra("purpose", "sendMessage"); i.putExtra("connectionId",buddyToConnectionId.get(from)); i.putExtra("message", msg); i.putExtra("buddyName", currentBuddy); broadcastIntent(i); input.setText(""); lastMessage = from + ": " + msg + "\n"; messages.get(currentBuddy).add(lastMessage); regenLayout(); return true; } return false; } } private class ConversationReciever extends IntentReceiver { @Override public void onReceiveIntent(Context arg0, Intent intent) { String purpose = intent.getStringExtra("purpose"); if (purpose.equals("messageRecieved")) { handleMessage( intent.getStringExtra("name"), intent.getStringExtra("message"), intent.getStringExtra("username"), intent.getIntExtra("connectionId",0) ); } } } /* * The below functions can be classified as * "Terrible horrible ugly bad never do this its no good HACK" * (Only the first 3 are used. The second 2 are for if we could onFreeze() but we can't) * (The actual hack is using SharedPreferences to emulate persistent memory) * * * I've had some discussion with Android developers on IRC and read * lots of documentation; and thus far there is no _good_ way of maintaining state * in between switches back and fourth from conversation page to the * main buddy list. Hence every time we re-open the conversation pain we need to * rebuild all of the UI from saved (serialized) state. The below code does that * saving and serialization. Even the way we're saving data isn't the best way * and likely leaks a bit. Its just _bad_. But as the SDK develops i'm sure * a better solution will arise. For now we leave it. * */ private void makeWindows(){ SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"windows", 0); Map<String,? extends Object> map = prefs.getAll(); for(String s : map.keySet()){ logger.severe("Adding button for " + s); addButton(s); } } public void reloadPrefs() { SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"editing", 0); Map<String,? extends Object> map = prefs.getAll(); for(String buddy : map.keySet()){ editing.put(buddy, (String)map.get(buddy)); } prefs = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"aliases", 0); map = prefs.getAll(); for(String buddy : map.keySet()){ nameFromAlias.put(buddy, (String)map.get(buddy)); } prefs = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"tome", 0); map = prefs.getAll(); for(String buddy : map.keySet()){ buddyToMe.put(buddy, (String)map.get(buddy)); } prefs = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"meid", 0); map = prefs.getAll(); for(String buddy : map.keySet()){ buddyToConnectionId.put(buddy, (Integer)map.get(buddy)); } for(String buddy : windows){ prefs = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"messages"+buddy, 0); map = prefs.getAll(); if(!messages.containsKey(buddy)) messages.put(buddy,new ArrayList<String>());"Restoring messages for " + buddy + " (#" + map.keySet().size()+")"); for(String message : map.keySet()){ messages.get(buddy).add(message); } } } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"windows", 0).edit(); for(String s : windows){ editor.putString(s,s); } editor.commit(); editor = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"aliases", 0).edit(); for(String buddy : nameFromAlias.keySet()){ editor.putString(buddy,nameFromAlias.get(buddy)); } editor.commit(); editor = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"tome", 0).edit(); for(String buddy : buddyToMe.keySet()){ editor.putString(buddy,buddyToMe.get(buddy)); } editor.commit(); editor = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"meid", 0).edit(); for(String buddy : buddyToConnectionId.keySet()){ editor.putInt(buddy,buddyToConnectionId.get(buddy)); } editor.commit(); editor = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"editing", 0).edit(); for(String buddy : editing.keySet()){ editor.putString(buddy,editing.get(buddy)); } editor.commit(); for(String buddy : messages.keySet()){ editor = getSharedPreferences(getClass().toString()+"messages"+buddy, 0).edit();"Saving messages for " + buddy + " (#" + messages.get(buddy).size()+")"); for(String msg : messages.get(buddy)) editor.putString(msg,""); editor.commit(); } } /* private void restoreFromBundle(Bundle state) { rowContainer.removeAllViews(); Bundle windowBundle = state.getBundle("windowBundle"); Bundle NFABundle = state.getBundle("NFABundle"); Bundle BTMBundle = state.getBundle("BTMBundle"); Bundle MPWBundle = state.getBundle("MPWBundle"); Bundle MClassBundle = state.getBundle("MClassBundle"); Bundle EditingBundle = state.getBundle("EditingBundle"); Bundle MessageBundle = state.getBundle("MessageBundle"); for (String s : windowBundle.keySet()) addButton(s); for (String buddy : EditingBundle.keySet()) editing.put(buddy, (String) EditingBundle.getString(buddy)); for (String buddy : NFABundle.keySet()) nameFromAlias.put(buddy, (String) NFABundle.getString(buddy)); for (String buddy : BTMBundle.keySet()) buddyToMe.put(buddy, (String) BTMBundle.getString(buddy)); for (String buddy : MPWBundle.keySet()) mePw.put(buddy, (String) MPWBundle.getString(buddy)); for (String buddy : MClassBundle.keySet()) meClass.put(buddy, (String) MClassBundle.getString(buddy)); for (String buddy : MessageBundle.keySet()) { if (!messages.containsKey(buddy)) messages.put(buddy, new ArrayList<String>()); messages.get(buddy).add(MessageBundle.getString(buddy)); } } /** * Any time we are paused we need to save away the current state, so it will * be restored correctly when we are resumed. *//* @Override protected void onFreeze(Bundle outBundle) { logger.severe("Inside onFreeze"); Bundle windowBundle = new Bundle(); Bundle NFABundle = new Bundle(); Bundle BTMBundle = new Bundle(); Bundle MPWBundle = new Bundle(); Bundle MClassBundle = new Bundle(); Bundle EditingBundle = new Bundle(); Bundle MessageBundle = new Bundle(); for (String s : windows) windowBundle.putString(s, s); for (String buddy : nameFromAlias.keySet()) NFABundle.putString(buddy, nameFromAlias.get(buddy)); for (String buddy : buddyToMe.keySet()) BTMBundle.putString(buddy, buddyToMe.get(buddy)); for (String buddy : mePw.keySet()) MPWBundle.putString(buddy, mePw.get(buddy)); for (String buddy : meClass.keySet()) MClassBundle.putString(buddy, meClass.get(buddy)); for (String buddy : editing.keySet()) EditingBundle.putString(buddy, editing.get(buddy)); for (String buddy : messages.keySet()) { String big = ""; for (String msg : messages.get(buddy)) big += msg; MessageBundle.putString(buddy, big); } outBundle.putBundle("windowBundle", windowBundle); outBundle.putBundle("NFABundle", NFABundle); outBundle.putBundle("BTMBundle", BTMBundle); outBundle.putBundle("MPWBundle", MPWBundle); outBundle.putBundle("MClassBundle", MClassBundle); outBundle.putBundle("EditingBundle", EditingBundle); outBundle.putBundle("MessageBundle", MessageBundle); super.onFreeze(outBundle); }*/ }