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// Guidebook is an Android application that reads audioguides using Text-to-Speech services. // Copyright (C) 2013 Adrin Romero Corchado ///* www .j av a 2 s . c o m*/ // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. package com.adrguides; import; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Bundle; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech; import android.speech.tts.UtteranceProgressListener; import android.util.Log; import com.adrguides.model.Guide; import com.adrguides.model.Place; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Created by adrian on 7/09/13. */ public class TTSFragment extends Fragment implements TextToSpeech.OnInitListener { public static final String TAG = "TTSFragment-Tag"; private static final String CURRENT_GUIDE= "TTS_Current_guide"; private static final String CURRENT_CHAPTER = "TTS_Current_chapter"; private static final String CURRENT_PARAGRAPH = "TTS_Current_paragraph"; // On create members private SharedPreferences sharedPref; private TextToSpeech tts = null; private boolean initialized = false; // Media private Guide guide = null; private int chapter = 0; private int paragraph = 0; private boolean playing = false; private String playing_last = null; private boolean stopping = false; private PlayingListener playinglistener = null; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // Retain this fragment across configuration changes. setRetainInstance(true); // Loading TTS engine tts = new TextToSpeech(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), this); sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()); if (savedInstanceState != null) { Guide g = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(CURRENT_GUIDE); int c = savedInstanceState.getInt(CURRENT_CHAPTER); int p = savedInstanceState.getInt(CURRENT_PARAGRAPH); playGuide(g, c, p); } } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putParcelable(CURRENT_GUIDE, guide); outState.putInt(CURRENT_CHAPTER, chapter); outState.putInt(CURRENT_PARAGRAPH, paragraph); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); if (isTTSReady()) { tts.stop(); playing = false; tts.shutdown(); tts = null; } } @Override public void onInit(int i) { initialized = true; if (TextToSpeech.SUCCESS != i) { tts = null; } else { tts.setOnUtteranceProgressListener(new UtteranceListener()); } fireUpdate(); } public Guide getGuide() { return guide; } public int getChapter() { return chapter; } public int getParagraph() { return paragraph; } public boolean isPlaying() { return playing; } public boolean isTTSReady() { return (initialized && tts != null); } public boolean isGuideAvailable() { return isTTSReady() && guide != null; } public boolean isGuideLanguageAvailable() { return isTTSReady() && isGuideAvailable() && tts.isLanguageAvailable(guide.getLocale()) >= 0; } public boolean isTTSError() { return initialized && tts == null; } public boolean isInitialized() { return initialized; } public void playGuide(Guide guide) { playGuide(guide, 0, -1); } private void playGuide(Guide guide, int chapter) { playGuide(guide, chapter, -1); } private void playGuide(Guide guide, int chapter, int paragraph) { if (isTTSReady()) { tts.stop(); playing = false; } = guide; this.chapter = chapter; this.paragraph = paragraph; fireUpdate(); } public void playstartpause() { if (playing) { stopping = true; tts.stop(); playing = false; } else { playresume(); } } public void gotoChapter(int i) { tts.stop(); playing = false; if (i >= 0 && i < guide.getPlaces().size()) { chapter = i; paragraph = -1; } fireUpdate(); // if (sharedPref.getBoolean("pref_gdi_autoplay", false)) { playresume(); } } public boolean isEnabledPrevious() { return paragraph >= 0 || chapter > 0; } public void gotoPrevious() { if (paragraph == -1) { // if we are in the begining of a chapter go to previous chapter gotoChapter(chapter -1); } else { // if we are not in the begining of a chapter go to the begining of the chapter gotoChapter(chapter); } } public boolean isEnabledNext() { return chapter < guide.getPlaces().size() - 1; } public void gotoNext() { gotoChapter(chapter + 1); } public void gotoFirst() { gotoChapter(0); } private float calculateLogValue(int value, double exponent, double factor) { return (float) Math.pow(exponent, value * factor); } private void playresume() { tts.stop(); playing = false; if (chapter < guide.getPlaces().size()) { tts.setLanguage(guide.getLocale()); tts.setPitch(calculateLogValue(sharedPref.getInt("pref_gdi_pitch", 0), 5.0, 0.1)); tts.setSpeechRate(calculateLogValue(sharedPref.getInt("pref_gdi_speechrate", 0), 3.0, 0.1)); Place place = guide.getPlaces().get(chapter); if (paragraph < 0) { paragraph = 0; } for (int i = paragraph; i < place.getSections().size(); i++) { String readparagraph = place.getSections().get(i).getRead(); if (readparagraph == null || readparagraph.equals("")) { readparagraph = place.getSections().get(i).getText(); } Log.d("com.adrguides.TTS", "playing --> " + readparagraph); HashMap<String, String> ttsparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); ttsparams.put(TextToSpeech.Engine.KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID, Integer.toString(i)); tts.speak(readparagraph, i == 0 ? TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH : TextToSpeech.QUEUE_ADD, ttsparams); playing_last = Integer.toString(i); } } } public void setPlayingListener(PlayingListener playinglistener) { this.playinglistener = playinglistener; } private class UtteranceListener extends UtteranceProgressListener { @Override public void onStart(String s) { playing = true; paragraph = Integer.parseInt(s); fireUpdate(); } @Override public void onDone(String s) { playing = false; if (stopping) { stopping = false; fireUpdate(); } else if (s.equals(playing_last)) { playing_last = null; paragraph = -1; fireUpdate(); } // else do nothing because is not the last and then it will start a new one } @Override public void onError(String s) { playing = false; if (stopping) { stopping = false; fireUpdate(); } else if (s.equals(playing_last)) { playing_last = null; paragraph = -1; fireUpdate(); } // else do nothing because is not the last and then it will start a new one } } private void fireUpdate() { if (playinglistener != null) { playinglistener.update(); } } public static interface PlayingListener { public void update(); // should be called only if change playlist } }