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// Guidebook is an Android application that reads audioguides using Text-to-Speech services. // Copyright (C) 2013 Adrin Romero Corchado ///*from w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. package com.adrguides; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import com.adrguides.model.Guide; import com.adrguides.model.Place; import com.adrguides.model.Section; import com.adrguides.utils.GuidesException; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.helper.StringUtil; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.jsoup.nodes.Node; import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode; import; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by adrian on 18/09/13. */ public class LoadGuideHTML extends LoadGuide { public LoadGuideHTML(Context context, int imagesize) { super(context, imagesize); } private Guide guide; private String guidebookimage; private String chapterimage; @Override protected Guide load_imp(URL address, String text) throws Exception { Document doc = Jsoup.parse(text); guide = new Guide(); guidebookimage = null; chapterimage = null; // address Elements canonical = doc.head().getElementsByAttributeValue("rel", "canonical"); if (canonical.size() == 1 && canonical.get(0).tagName().equals("link")) { guide.setAddress(new URL(address, canonical.get(0).attr("href")).toString()); } else { guide.setAddress(address.toString()); } // Title if exists guide.setTitle(doc.title()); // Description, Author and Keywords. Elements metas = doc.head().getElementsByTag("meta"); for (Element meta: metas) { if ("description".equals(meta.attr("name"))) { guide.setDescription(meta.attr("content")); } else if ("author".equals(meta.attr("name"))) { guide.setAuthor(meta.attr("content")); } else if ("keywords".equals(meta.attr("name"))) { guide.setKeywords(meta.attr("content")); } } // Language in html Elements htmls = doc.getElementsByTag("html"); if (htmls.size() == 1) { String lang = htmls.get(0).attr("lang"); if (lang != null && !lang.equals("")) { setLanguage(lang); } } // Language in Content-Language Elements metalang = doc.head().getElementsByAttributeValue("http-equiv", "Content-Language"); if (metalang.size() == 1 && metalang.get(0).tagName().equals("meta")) { setLanguage(metalang.get(0).attr("content")); } navigateElement(address, doc.body()); return guide; } private void setLanguage(String lang) { String[] loc = lang.split("-"); guide.setLanguage(loc.length > 0 ? loc[0] : ""); guide.setCountry(loc.length > 1 ? loc[1] : ""); guide.setVariant(loc.length > 2 ? loc[2] : ""); } private void navigateElement(URL address, Element elem) throws GuidesException { if (elem.hasClass("guidebook_title")) { Log.d("com.adrguides.LoadGuideHTML", "Processing guidebook_title " + elem.tagName()); guide.setTitle(elem.text()); } else if (elem.hasClass("guidebook_chapter")) { Log.d("com.adrguides.LoadGuideHTML", "Processing guidebook_chapter " + elem.tagName()); Place place = new Place(); place.setId(elem.hasAttr("data-guidebook-id") ? elem.attr("data-guidebook-id") : null); place.setTitle(elem.text()); guide.getPlaces().add(place); chapterimage = null; } else if (elem.hasClass("guidebook_image")) { if (guide.getPlaces().size() == 0) { guidebookimage = loadReferencedImage(address, elem); } else { chapterimage = loadReferencedImage(address, elem); } } else if (elem.hasClass("guidebook_paragraph")) { processParagraph(elem, loadLinkedImage(address, elem), true); } else if (elem.hasClass("guidebook_section")) { processParagraph(elem, loadLinkedImage(address, elem), false); } else { navigateChildren(address, elem); } } private void addSection(String text, String read, String loadedimage) throws GuidesException { if (guide.getPlaces().size() == 0) { throw new GuidesException(R.string.ex_cannotaddtext, "Cannot add text to an empty guide."); } Log.d("com.adrguides.LoadGuideHTML", "adding text -> " + text); if (text != null && read != null) { String texttrimmed = text.trim(); String readtrimmed = read.trim(); if (!texttrimmed.equals("")) { Place place = guide.getPlaces().get(guide.getPlaces().size() - 1); Section section; if (place.getSections().size() == 0 || !place.getSections().get(place.getSections().size() - 1).getText().equals("")) { section = new Section(); place.getSections().add(section); } else { // if section has image but no text add it. section = place.getSections().get(place.getSections().size() - 1); } section.setText(texttrimmed); section.setRead(readtrimmed.equals(texttrimmed) ? null : readtrimmed); section.setImageURL(loadedimage); } } } private String loadLinkedImage(URL address, Element elem) throws GuidesException { try { return loadReferencedImage(address, elem); } catch (GuidesException e) { if (chapterimage != null) { return chapterimage; } else if (guidebookimage != null) { return guidebookimage; } else { return null; } } } private String loadReferencedImage(URL address, Element elem) throws GuidesException { if (elem == null) { throw new GuidesException(R.string.ex_imagenotfound, "Refered image has not been found."); } else if ("img".equals(elem.tagName())) { return loadImage(address, elem.attr("src")); } else if (elem.hasAttr("data-guidebook-image")) { return loadLinkedImage(address, elem.ownerDocument().getElementById(elem.attr("data-guidebook-image"))); } else { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("background\\s*:\\s*url\\s*\\(('|\"?)?+(.*)\\1\\)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(elem.attr("style")); if (m.find()) { return loadImage(address,; } else { throw new GuidesException(R.string.ex_imagenotfound, "Refered image has not been found."); } } } private void navigateChildren(URL address, Element content) throws GuidesException { Elements children = content.children(); for (Element e : children) { navigateElement(address, e); } } private void processParagraph(Element elem, String srcimage, boolean divide) throws GuidesException { final StringBuilder accum = new StringBuilder(); final StringBuilder accumread = new StringBuilder(); processParagraph(accum, accumread, elem, srcimage, divide); if (accum.length() > 0) { addSection(accum.toString(), accumread.toString(), srcimage); accum.delete(0, accum.length()); accumread.delete(0, accumread.length()); } } private void processParagraph(StringBuilder accum, StringBuilder accumread, Element elem, String srcimage, boolean divide) throws GuidesException { for (Node node : elem.childNodes()) { if (node instanceof TextNode) { TextNode textNode = (TextNode) node; appendNormalisedText(accum, accumread, textNode, srcimage, divide); } else if (node instanceof Element) { Element element = (Element) node; if (accum.length() > 0 && (element.isBlock() || element.tagName().equals("br")) && !(accum.length() != 0 && accum.charAt(accum.length() - 1) == ' ')) { accum.append(" "); accumread.append(" "); } else if (element.hasAttr("data-guidebook-speech")) { accum.append(element.text()); accumread.append(element.attr("data-guidebook-speech")); } else { // recursion processParagraph(accum, accumread, element, srcimage, divide); } } } } private void appendNormalisedText(StringBuilder accum, StringBuilder accumread, TextNode textNode, String srcimage, boolean divide) throws GuidesException { String text = textNode.getWholeText(); if (!preserveWhitespace(textNode.parent())) { text = StringUtil.normaliseWhitespace(text); if (accum.length() != 0 && accum.charAt(accum.length() - 1) == ' ') text = text.replaceFirst("^\\s+", ""); } if (divide) { // Divide text by . and ; int start = 0; while (start < text.length()) { int i = text.indexOf(". ", start); int j = text.indexOf("; ", start); if (i < 0 || j < 0) { i = Math.max(i, j); } else { i = Math.min(i, j); } if (i < 0) { accum.append(text.substring(start)); accumread.append(text.substring(start)); start = text.length(); } else { accum.append(text.substring(start, i + 2)); accumread.append(text.substring(start, i + 2)); addSection(accum.toString(), accumread.toString(), srcimage); accum.delete(0, accum.length()); accumread.delete(0, accumread.length()); start = i + 1; } } } else { accum.append(text); accumread.append(text); } } private boolean preserveWhitespace(Node node) { // looks only at this element and one level up, to prevent recursion & needless stack searches if (node != null && node instanceof Element) { Element element = (Element) node; return element.tag().preserveWhitespace() || element.parent() != null && element.parent().tag().preserveWhitespace(); } return false; } }