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package org.dklisiaris.downtown.db; // www. ja v a2 s . c o m import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import android.content.AsyncQueryHandler; import android.content.ContentProvider; import android.content.ContentProviderClient; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Pair; import android.widget.FilterQueryProvider; /** * A class designed to simplify selections in query, update and delete * operations through a {@link ContentProvider} * @author Jesper Borgstrup */ public class QueryBuilder { public QueryBuilder() {} private StringBuilder selection = new StringBuilder(); private ArrayList<String> selectionArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); private String[] searchColumns = new String[0]; private String[] searchQueryTokens = new String[0]; private String[] projection; private String sortOrder; /** * Requires the ID column ({@link BaseColumns#_ID}) to be the specified long.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>_id=[id]</tt> * @param id * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereId( long id ) { readySelection(); selection.append( BaseColumns._ID ).append( "=?" ); selectionArgs.add( Long.toString( id ) ); return this; } /** * Requires the ID column ({@link BaseColumns#_ID}) to be the specified integer.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>_id=[id]</tt> * @param id * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereId( int id ) { readySelection(); selection.append( BaseColumns._ID ).append( "=?" ); selectionArgs.add( Integer.toString( id ) ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to be null.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column] IS NULL</tt> * @param column * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnIsNull( String column ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( " IS NULL" ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to not be null.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column] IS NOT NULL</tt> * @param column * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnIsNotNull( String column ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( " IS NOT NULL" ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to be the specified value.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column]=[value]</tt> * @param column * @param value * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnEquals( String column, Object value ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( "=?" ); selectionArgs.add( value == null ? null : value.toString() ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to not be the specified value.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column]!=[value]</tt> * @param column * @param value * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnNotEquals( String column, Object value ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( "!=?" ); selectionArgs.add( value == null ? null : value.toString() ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to be greater than the specified value.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column]>[value]</tt> * @param column * @param value * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnGreaterThan( String column, Object value ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( ">?" ); selectionArgs.add( value == null ? null : value.toString() ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to be greater than or equal to the specified value.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column]>=[value]</tt> * @param column * @param value * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnGreaterThanOrEqual( String column, Object value ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( ">=?" ); selectionArgs.add( value == null ? null : value.toString() ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to be less than the specified value.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column]<[value]</tt> * @param column * @param value * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnLessThan( String column, Object value ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( "<?" ); selectionArgs.add( value == null ? null : value.toString() ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to be less than or equal to the specified value.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column]<=[value]</tt> * @param column * @param value * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnLessThanOrEqual( String column, Object value ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( "<=?" ); selectionArgs.add( value == null ? null : value.toString() ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to be one of the specified values.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column] IN ([set])</tt> * @param column * @param set * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnInSet( String column, Object[] set ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( " IN (" ); joinInSelection( set ); selection.append( ")" ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to be one of the specified longs.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column] IN ([set])</tt> * @param column * @param set * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnInSet( String column, long[] set ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( " IN (" ); joinInSelection( set ); selection.append( ")" ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to be one of the specified integers.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column] IN ([set])</tt> * @param column * @param set * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnInSet( String column, int[] set ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( " IN (" ); joinInSelection( set ); selection.append( ")" ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to not be one of the specified values.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column] NOT IN ([set])</tt> * @param column * @param set * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnNotInSet( String column, Object[] set ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( " NOT IN (" ); joinInSelection( set ); selection.append( ")" ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to not be one of the specified longs.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column] NOT IN ([set])</tt> * @param column * @param set * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnNotInSet( String column, long[] set ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( " NOT IN (" ); joinInSelection( set ); selection.append( ")" ); return this; } /** * Requires the specified column to not be one of the specified integers.<br /> * Similar to the SQL expression <tt>[column] NOT IN ([set])</tt> * @param column * @param set * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder whereColumnNotInSet( String column, int[] set ) { readySelection(); selection.append( column ).append( " NOT IN (" ); joinInSelection( set ); selection.append( ")" ); return this; } /** * Adds an extra SQL selection string to the where-clause * @param extraSelection The selection string * @param extraSelectionArgs One argument for every question mark in the selection string * @return The QueryBuilder instance for chaining method calls */ public QueryBuilder addSelection( String extraSelection, Object... extraSelectionArgs ) { readySelection(); selection.append( extraSelection ); for ( Object arg: extraSelectionArgs ) { selectionArgs.add( arg == null ? null : arg.toString() ); } return this; } /** * Sets one or more columns for free-text searching.<br /> * Note that subsequent calls to this method will overwrite previously set search columns. * @param columns * @return */ public QueryBuilder setSearchColumns( String... columns ) { this.searchColumns = columns; return this; } /** * Sets a query to be searched for in the column(s) defined in {@link #setSearchColumns(String...)}.<br /><br /> * * The query is broken into tokens separated by whitespace, and each of these tokens has to be occur in at least * one of the search columns in order for a row to be selected.<br /> * <br /> * Note that subsequent calls to this method will replace any search query set earlier. * @param query * @return */ public QueryBuilder setSearchQuery( String query ) { if ( TextUtils.isEmpty( query ) ) { this.searchQueryTokens = new String[ 0 ]; } else { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( query ); this.searchQueryTokens = new String[ tokenizer.countTokens() ]; for ( int index = 0; tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); index++ ) { this.searchQueryTokens[ index ] = tokenizer.nextToken(); } } return this; } /** * Sets the column projection to be returned when querying.<br /> * <br /> * You must call this method with a non-zero amount of columns before doing any querying. * Failure to do so will result in an IllegalStateException being thrown.<br /> * <br /> * Note that subsequent calls to this method will overwrite previously selected columns. * @param columns * @return */ public QueryBuilder select( String... columns ) { this.projection = columns; return this; } /** * Sets the row sort order.<br /> * <br /> * This will be put after the ORDER BY keywords in the SQL expression, * e.g. <tt>SELECT * FROM [table] ORDER BY [sortOrder]</tt> * @param sortOrder * @return */ public QueryBuilder orderBy( String sortOrder ) { this.sortOrder = sortOrder; return this; } /** * Builds a selection string and an array of arguments to be used directly in * an query, update or delete call * @return First value of the pair is the selection string, second value is the arguments (both may be null). * The pair itself will never be null. */ public Pair<String, String[]> buildSelection() { /* * First build the selection string */ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( selection ); if ( searchQueryTokens.length > 0 && searchColumns.length > 0 ) { readySelection(); /* * Build single search selection */ StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); for ( int i = 0; i < searchColumns.length; i++ ) { sb2.append( searchColumns[i] ); sb2.append( " LIKE ?" ); if ( i < searchColumns.length-1 ) { sb2.append( " OR " ); } } /* * Build search selection for all tokens */ final String singleSearchSelection = sb2.toString(); sb2 = new StringBuilder(); for ( int i = 0; i < searchQueryTokens.length; i++ ) { sb2.append( "(" ); sb2.append( singleSearchSelection ); sb2.append( ")" ); if ( i < searchQueryTokens.length-1 ) { sb2.append( " AND " ); } } sb.append( sb2 ); } String selectionString = sb.length() == 0 ? null : sb.toString(); /* * Second, build the selection argument array */ ArrayList<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>( selectionArgs ); if ( searchQueryTokens.length > 0 && searchColumns.length > 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < searchQueryTokens.length; i++ ) { String arg = String.format( "%%%s%%", searchQueryTokens[i] ); for ( int j = 0; j < searchColumns.length; j++ ) { argList.add( arg ); } } } String[] selectionArgsArray = argList.toArray( new String[ argList.size() ] ); return new Pair<String, String[]>( selectionString, selectionArgsArray ); } /** * Ensure that we can query, by checking that at least one column is selected for projection. */ private void validateForQuery() { if ( projection == null || projection.length == 0 ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "No projection defined. Set one with select(String...)" ); } } /** * Queries the defined projection, selection and sort order on the given URI through the ContentResolver * retrieved from the given context * @param context * @param uri * @return */ public Cursor query( Context context, Uri uri ) { validateForQuery(); Pair<String, String[]> builtSelection = buildSelection(); return context.getContentResolver().query( uri, projection, builtSelection.first, builtSelection.second, sortOrder ); } /** * Queries the defined projection, selection and sort order on the given URI through the ContentProviderClient * @param provider * @param uri * @return * @throws RemoteException May be thrown from {@link ContentProviderClient#query(Uri, String[], String, String[], String)} */ public Cursor query( ContentProviderClient provider, Uri uri ) throws RemoteException { validateForQuery(); Pair<String, String[]> builtSelection = buildSelection(); return provider.query( uri, projection, builtSelection.first, builtSelection.second, sortOrder ); } public interface AsyncQueryCallback { public void queryCompleted( Cursor c ); } /** * Queries the defined projection, selection and sort order on a background thread * on the given URI through the ContentResolver retrieved from the given context.<br /> * <br /> * The callback is called on the thread that called this method when the query finishes. * @param context * @param uri * @param callback */ public void queryAsync( Context context, Uri uri, final AsyncQueryCallback callback ) { validateForQuery(); AsyncQueryHandler aqh = new AsyncQueryHandler( context.getContentResolver() ) { @Override protected void onQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor) { callback.queryCompleted(cursor); if ( !cursor.isClosed() ) { cursor.close(); } } }; Pair<String, String[]> builtSelection = buildSelection(); aqh.startQuery(0, null, uri, projection, builtSelection.first, builtSelection.second, sortOrder ); } /** * Creates a CursorLoader that queries the defined projection, selection and sort order * with the specified uri. * @param context * @param uri * @return */ public CursorLoader createCursorLoader( Context context, Uri uri ) { validateForQuery(); Pair<String, String[]> builtSelection = buildSelection(); return new CursorLoader(context, uri, projection, builtSelection.first, builtSelection.second, sortOrder ); } /** * Creates a SearchFilterProvider that searches through the columns set in {@link #setSearchColumns(String...)}. * @param context * @return */ public FilterQueryProvider createSearchFilterQueryProvider( final Context context, final Uri uri ) { return new FilterQueryProvider() { public Cursor runQuery(CharSequence constraint) { setSearchQuery( TextUtils.isEmpty( constraint ) ? null : constraint.toString() ); return query( context, uri ); } }; } /** * Updates any row that matches the defined selection, with the specified values. * @param context * @param values * @param uri * @return */ public int update( Context context, ContentValues values, Uri uri ) { Pair<String, String[]> builtSelection = buildSelection(); return context.getContentResolver().update( uri, values, builtSelection.first, builtSelection.second ); } /** * Updates any row that matches the defined selection, with the specified values. * @param provider * @param values * @param uri * @return * @throws RemoteException May be thrown from {@link ContentProviderClient#update(Uri, ContentValues, String, String[])} */ public int update( ContentProviderClient provider, ContentValues values, Uri uri ) throws RemoteException { Pair<String, String[]> builtSelection = buildSelection(); return provider.update( uri, values, builtSelection.first, builtSelection.second ); } /** * Creates an update operation that updates any row that matches the defined selection, with the specified values.<br/> * <br/> * To be used in batch operations with {@link ContentProvider#applyBatch(ArrayList)}. * @return */ public ContentProviderOperation createUpdateOperation( ContentValues values, Uri uri) { Pair<String, String[]> builtSelection = buildSelection(); return ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate( uri ).withSelection( builtSelection.first, builtSelection.second ).withValues( values ).build(); } /** * Deletes any row that matches the defined selection. * @param context * @param uri * @return */ public int delete( Context context, Uri uri ) { Pair<String, String[]> builtSelection = buildSelection(); return context.getContentResolver().delete( uri, builtSelection.first, builtSelection.second ); } /** * Deletes any row that matches the defined selection. * @param provider * @param uri * @return * @throws RemoteException */ public int delete( ContentProviderClient provider, Uri uri ) throws RemoteException { Pair<String, String[]> builtSelection = buildSelection(); return provider.delete( uri, builtSelection.first, builtSelection.second ); } /** * Creates a delete operation that deletes any row that matches the defined selection.<br/> * <br/> * To be used in batch operations with {@link ContentProvider#applyBatch(ArrayList)}. * @param uri * @return */ public ContentProviderOperation createDeleteOperation( Uri uri ) { Pair<String, String[]> builtSelection = buildSelection(); return ContentProviderOperation.newDelete( uri ).withSelection( builtSelection.first, builtSelection.second ).build(); } /** * Make ready for another expression by appending "<tt> AND </tt>" if the selection * is non-empty */ private void readySelection() { if ( selection.length() > 0 ) { selection.append( " AND " ); } } /** * Append the objects in the array to the selection, each separated by a comma * @param objects */ private void joinInSelection( Object[] objects ) { for ( int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++ ) { selection.append( objects[i] ); if ( i != objects.length - 1 ) { selection.append( ',' ); } } } /** * Append the longs in the array to the selection, each separated by a comma * @param objects */ private void joinInSelection( long[] objects ) { for ( int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++ ) { selection.append( objects[i] ); if ( i != objects.length - 1 ) { selection.append( ',' ); } } } /** * Append the integers in the array to the selection, each separated by a comma * @param objects */ private void joinInSelection( int[] objects ) { for ( int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++ ) { selection.append( objects[i] ); if ( i != objects.length - 1 ) { selection.append( ',' ); } } } }