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package nz.gen.geek_central.ObjViewer; /*//w w w .j a va2 s . c om ObjViewer -- viewer for .obj files -- mainline. Copyright 2011-2014 by Lawrence D'Oliveiro <>. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import nz.gen.geek_central.GLUseful.ObjReader; public class Main extends { java.util.Map<android.view.MenuItem, Runnable> OptionsMenu; ObjectView TheObjectView; final Random = new; /* why use anything less */ float Rand() /* returns a random float in [0.0 .. 1.0). */ { final byte[] V = new byte[4]; Random.nextBytes(V); return (float)( ((int)V[0] & 255) | ((int)V[1] & 255) << 8 | ((int)V[2] & 255) << 16 | ((int)V[3] & 255) << 24 ) / 4294967296.0f; } /*Rand*/ /* request codes, all arbitrarily assigned */ static final int LoadObjectRequest = 1; interface RequestResponseAction /* response to an activity result */ { public void Run ( int ResultCode, android.content.Intent Data ); } /*RequestResponseAction*/ java.util.Map<Integer, RequestResponseAction> ActivityResultActions; private interface SelectedIDAction { public void Set ( int SelectedID ); } /*SelectedIDAction*/ private ObjReader.Model ReadObj ( final String ObjFileName ) { ObjReader.Model Result = null; try { Result = ObjReader.ReadObj ( /*FileName =*/ ObjFileName, /*LoadMaterials =*/ new ObjReader.MaterialLoader() { public ObjReader.MaterialSet Load ( ObjReader.MaterialSet Materials, String MatFileName ) { return ObjReader.ReadMaterials ( /*FileName =*/ new ( new .getParentFile(), MatFileName ).getPath(), /*CurMaterials =*/ Materials ); } /*Load*/ } /*MaterialLoader*/ ); } catch (ObjReader.DataFormatException Failed) { android.widget.Toast.makeText ( /*context =*/ this, /*text =*/ String.format ( nz.gen.geek_central.GLUseful.GLUseful.StdLocale, getString(R.string.obj_load_fail), Failed.toString() ), /*duration =*/ android.widget.Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show(); } /*try*/ return Result; } /*ReadObj*/ private String CurObjFileName = null; private static final String CurFileKey = "curfile"; private class OptionsDialog extends implements android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener { private final android.content.Context ctx; private final String Title; private final SelectedIDAction Action; private final int InitialButtonID; private class ButtonDef { final String ButtonTitle; final int ButtonID; public ButtonDef ( String ButtonTitle, int ButtonID ) { this.ButtonTitle = ButtonTitle; this.ButtonID = ButtonID; } /*ButtonDef*/ } /*ButtonDef*/ private final java.util.ArrayList<ButtonDef> TheButtonDefs = new java.util.ArrayList<ButtonDef>(); private android.widget.RadioGroup TheButtons; public OptionsDialog ( android.content.Context ctx, String Title, SelectedIDAction Action, int InitialButtonID ) { super(ctx); this.ctx = ctx; this.Title = Title; this.Action = Action; this.InitialButtonID = InitialButtonID; } /*OptionsDialog*/ public OptionsDialog AddButton ( String ButtonTitle, int ButtonID ) { TheButtonDefs.add(new ButtonDef(ButtonTitle, ButtonID)); return this; } /*AddButton*/ @Override public void onCreate ( android.os.Bundle ToRestore ) { setTitle(Title); final android.widget.LinearLayout MainLayout = new android.widget.LinearLayout(ctx); MainLayout.setOrientation(android.widget.LinearLayout.VERTICAL); setContentView(MainLayout); TheButtons = new android.widget.RadioGroup(ctx); final android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams ButtonLayout = new android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams ( android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ); for (ButtonDef ThisButtonDef : TheButtonDefs) { final android.widget.RadioButton ThisButton = new android.widget.RadioButton(ctx); ThisButton.setText(ThisButtonDef.ButtonTitle); ThisButton.setId(ThisButtonDef.ButtonID); TheButtons.addView(ThisButton, TheButtons.getChildCount(), ButtonLayout); } /*for*/ MainLayout.addView(TheButtons, ButtonLayout); TheButtons.check(InitialButtonID); setOnDismissListener(this); } /*onCreate*/ @Override public void onDismiss ( android.content.DialogInterface TheDialog ) { Action.Set(TheButtons.getCheckedRadioButtonId()); } /*onDismiss*/ } /*OptionsDialog*/ @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu ( android.view.Menu TheMenu ) { OptionsMenu = new java.util.HashMap<android.view.MenuItem, Runnable>(); OptionsMenu.put ( TheMenu.add(R.string.pick_file), new Runnable() { public void run() { startActivityForResult ( new android.content.Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_PICK) .setClass(Main.this, Picker.class) .putExtra(Picker.ExtensionID, ".obj") .putExtra ( Picker.LookInID, new String[] { "Models", "Download", } ), LoadObjectRequest ); } /*run*/ } /*Runnable*/ ); OptionsMenu.put ( TheMenu.add(R.string.reset_view), new Runnable() { public void run() { TheObjectView.ResetOrientation(true); } /*run*/ } /*Runnable*/ ); OptionsMenu.put ( TheMenu.add(R.string.options_lighting), new Runnable() { public void run() { new OptionsDialog ( /*ctx =*/ Main.this, /*Title =*/ getString(R.string.lighting_title), /*Action =*/ new SelectedIDAction() { public void Set ( int SelectedID ) { TheObjectView.SetUseLighting(SelectedID != 0); } /*Set*/ } /*SelectedIDAction*/, /*InitialButtonID =*/ TheObjectView.GetUseLighting() ? 1 : 0 ) .AddButton(getString(R.string.on), 1) .AddButton(getString(, 0) .show(); } /*run*/ } /*Runnable*/ ); OptionsMenu.put ( TheMenu.add(R.string.options_orient_faces), new Runnable() { public void run() { new OptionsDialog ( /*ctx =*/ Main.this, /*Title =*/ getString(R.string.orient_faces_title), /*Action =*/ new SelectedIDAction() { public void Set ( int SelectedID ) { TheObjectView.SetClockwiseFaces(SelectedID != 0); } /*Set*/ } /*SelectedIDAction*/, /*InitialButtonID =*/ TheObjectView.GetClockwiseFaces() ? 1 : 0 ) .AddButton(getString(R.string.anticlockwise), 0) .AddButton(getString(R.string.clockwise), 1) .show(); } /*run*/ } /*Runnable*/ ); OptionsMenu.put ( TheMenu.add(R.string.random_view), new Runnable() { public void run() { final float X = Rand(), Y = Rand(), Z = Rand(), R = (float)Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z), Angle = Rand() * 360.0f; TheObjectView.SetOrientation ( new nz.gen.geek_central.GLUseful.Rotation(Angle, true, X / R, Y / R, Z / R), true ); } /*run*/ } /*Runnable*/ ); return true; } /*onCreateOptionsMenu*/ void BuildActivityResultActions() { ActivityResultActions = new java.util.HashMap<Integer, RequestResponseAction>(); ActivityResultActions.put ( LoadObjectRequest, new RequestResponseAction() { public void Run ( int ResultCode, android.content.Intent Data ) { /* Unfortunately I can't send this Intent directly from the Picker without using some odd launch-mode settings to avoid another instance of Main being created. Which is why I do it here. */ startActivity ( new android.content.Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Data.getData()) .setClass(Main.this, Main.class) .setFlags(android.content.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP) ); } /*Run*/ } /*RequestResponseAction*/ ); } /*BuildActivityResultActions*/ @Override public void onCreate ( android.os.Bundle ToRestore ) { super.onCreate(ToRestore); setContentView(R.layout.main); TheObjectView = (ObjectView)findViewById(; BuildActivityResultActions(); final ObjReader.Model PreviousModel = (ObjReader.Model)getLastNonConfigurationInstance(); if (PreviousModel != null) { TheObjectView.SetObject(PreviousModel); } /*if*/ if (ToRestore != null) { /* reload previously-viewed object */ CurObjFileName = ToRestore.getString(CurFileKey); if (PreviousModel == null && CurObjFileName != null) { TheObjectView.SetObject(ReadObj(CurObjFileName)); } /*if*/ TheObjectView.onRestoreInstanceState(ToRestore.getParcelable("ObjectView")); /* doesn't seem to be done by GLSurfaceView */ } else { android.widget.Toast.makeText ( /*context =*/ this, /*text =*/ getString(R.string.startup_prompt), /*duration =*/ android.widget.Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show(); } /*if*/ onNewIntent(getIntent()); } /*onCreate*/ @Override protected void onNewIntent ( android.content.Intent TheIntent ) { String Action = TheIntent.getAction(); if (Action != null) { Action = Action.intern(); } /*if*/ if (Action == android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW) { final String ObjFileName = TheIntent.getData().getPath(); final ObjReader.Model NewObj = ReadObj(ObjFileName); if (NewObj != null) { CurObjFileName = ObjFileName; TheObjectView.SetObject(NewObj); } /*if*/ } /*if*/ } /*onnewIntent*/ @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); TheObjectView.onPause(); } /*onPause*/ @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); TheObjectView.onResume(); } /*onResume*/ @Override public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() /* optimization to avoid re-reading .obj file */ { return TheObjectView.GetObject(); } /*onRetainNonConfigurationInstance*/ @Override public void onSaveInstanceState ( android.os.Bundle ToRestore ) { if (CurObjFileName != null) { /* remember what file I was looking at */ ToRestore.putString(CurFileKey, CurObjFileName); } /*if*/ ToRestore.putParcelable("ObjectView", TheObjectView.onSaveInstanceState()); /* doesn't seem to be done by GLSurfaceView */ } /*onSaveInstanceState*/ @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected ( android.view.MenuItem TheItem ) { boolean Handled = false; final Runnable Action = OptionsMenu.get(TheItem); if (Action != null) {; Handled = true; } /*if*/ return Handled; } /*onOptionsItemSelected*/ @Override public void onActivityResult ( int RequestCode, int ResultCode, android.content.Intent Data ) { System.err.printf("ObjViewer.onActivityResult request %d result %d\n", RequestCode, ResultCode); /* debug */ if (ResultCode != { final RequestResponseAction Action = ActivityResultActions.get(RequestCode); if (Action != null) { Action.Run(ResultCode, Data); } /*if*/ } /*if*/ } /*onActivityResult*/ } /*Main*/