1. | Creating a New Chart Using the ChartWizard Method | | |
2. | Creating a Chart Using the Chart Object | | |
3. | Creating a Chart | | |
4. | Creating a Chart on an Existing Worksheet | | |
5. | Specifying the Source Data for the Chart by using the SetSourceData method of the Chart object | | |
6. | Specifying the Chart Type | | |
7. | Adding a New Series to the chart identified by the object variable myChart, drawing the data from the range C4:K4 on the active worksheet in the active workbook, using rows: | | |
8. | Extending an Existing Series in the chart identified by the object variable myChart using the data in the cells P3:P8 on the worksheet named Chart Data: | | |
9. | Creating a New Series, use the NewSeries method with the SeriesCollection collection. | | |
10. | Creating Charts | | |
11. | Creating an Embedded Chart | | |
12. | Add Chart | | |
13. | Get Chart sheet | | |
14. | Reference Char object from ActiveSheet | | |
15. | Get Embedded Charts | | |
16. | Inserts a chart before each sheet | | |
17. | Inserts a chart before each sheet 2 | | |
18. | Determining a chart's source data | | |
19. | Get Chart SeriesCollection value | | |
20. | Retrieving data point labels from field names in the worksheet | | |
21. | Show chart | | |
22. | Automatically generating a chart without user interaction | | |
23. | Producing an Excel worksheet on a Word 2000 document | | |
24. | Insert two chart sheets after the last worksheet in the active workbook. The chart sheets receive default names, such as Chart1 and Chart2: | | |
25. | Use For Each to loop through all chart objects | | |
26. | Activates the ChartObject named Chart 1 | | |
27. | Modifying the chart type | | |
28. | To ensure that a chart is selected, you can add a statement to determine if a chart is active. | | |
29. | In most cases you can avoid using the worksheet Index property | | |
30. | Insert chart sheets after each worksheet | | |
31. | Adding a Chart Sheet Using VBA Code | | |
32. | convert an existing chart to use arrays instead of cell references and make it independent of the original data | | |
33. | add the data labels using the following code: | | |
34. | Referencing Charts and Chart Objects in VBA Code | | |
35. | Specify Exact Location | | |