Referencing Charts and Chart Objects in VBA Code : Chart « Excel « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

Referencing Charts and Chart Objects in VBA Code

Sub SpecifyLocation()
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Set WS = Worksheets("Sheet1")
    WS.Shapes.AddChart(xlColumnClustered, Left:=100, Top:=150, Width:=400, Height:=300).Select
    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=WS.range("A1:E4")
End Sub


Related examples in the same category

1.Creating a New Chart Using the ChartWizard Method
2.Creating a Chart Using the Chart Object
3.Creating a Chart
4.Creating a Chart on an Existing Worksheet
5.Specifying the Source Data for the Chart by using the SetSourceData method of the Chart object
6.Specifying the Chart Type
7.Adding a New Series to the chart identified by the object variable myChart, drawing the data from the range C4:K4 on the active worksheet in the active workbook, using rows:
8.Extending an Existing Series in the chart identified by the object variable myChart using the data in the cells P3:P8 on the worksheet named Chart Data:
9.Creating a New Series, use the NewSeries method with the SeriesCollection collection.
10.Creating Charts
11.Creating an Embedded Chart
12.Add Chart
13.Select a chart object
14.Get Chart sheet
15.Reference Char object from ActiveSheet
16.Get Embedded Charts
17.Inserts a chart before each sheet
18.Inserts a chart before each sheet 2
19.Determining a chart's source data
20.Get Chart SeriesCollection value
21.Retrieving data point labels from field names in the worksheet
22.Show chart
23.Automatically generating a chart without user interaction
24.Producing an Excel worksheet on a Word 2000 document
25.Insert two chart sheets after the last worksheet in the active workbook. The chart sheets receive default names, such as Chart1 and Chart2:
26.Use For Each to loop through all chart objects
27.Activates the ChartObject named Chart 1
28.Modifying the chart type
29.To ensure that a chart is selected, you can add a statement to determine if a chart is active.
30.In most cases you can avoid using the worksheet Index property
31.Insert chart sheets after each worksheet
32.Adding a Chart Sheet Using VBA Code
33.convert an existing chart to use arrays instead of cell references and make it independent of the original data
34.add the data labels using the following code:
35.Specify Exact Location