1. | Reference a range by name | | |
2. | Refer to a range outside the active sheet by qualifying the range reference with a worksheet name from the active workbook | | |
3. | To refer to a range in a different workbook | | |
4. | Refer to an entire row | | |
5. | Refer to an entire column | | |
6. | Noncontiguous ranges | | |
7. | Select a range A1:A3 | | |
8. | Activate the Range | | |
9. | Use disgonal cells to select a range | | |
10. | Use ActiveCell.End to select a range | | |
11. | Use the cell reference directly | | |
12. | Select a range by using the ActiveCell | | |
13. | Refer to the B2 cell in DataInput, while another workbook is active | | |
14. | Select Last Cell | | |
15. | The Offset method can also use negative arguments. A negative row offset refers to a row above the range. A negative column offset refers to a column to the left of the range. | | |
16. | Use 0 as one or both of the arguments for Offset: expression refers to cell A1 | | |
17. | returns a range object that represents the last non-empty cell in the same row | | |
18. | Using the End Property to Navigate within a Worksheet | | |
19. | Using the Range Property to Refer to Groups of Cells | | |
20. | Specifying Individual Cells with the Cells Property | | |