1. | Rotated Buttons | |  |
2. | Pendulum Button | |  |
3. | Button.Background and DrawingBrush | |  |
4. | Button with Semi-Transparent image | |  |
5. | Set Width for Button | |  |
6. | Button HorizontalAlignment | |  |
7. | Button Padding | |  |
8. | Button Margin | |  |
9. | Button Padding and HorizontalAlignment | |  |
10. | Button HorizontalAlignment: Stretch | |  |
11. | Set BlurBitmapEffect for Button | |  |
12. | Set Padding for Button | |  |
13. | Set Margin for Button | |  |
14. | Set Button Content with element value | |  |
15. | Set Button Width,Height and Content String by using Attributes | |  |
16. | Use Button.Content to set the content for a Button | |  |
17. | Adding image to a Button | |  |
18. | Button with no position and size | |  |
19. | Button with Property Attributes | |  |
20. | Button with Property Elements | |  |
21. | Button with default Xml namespace | |  |
22. | Button with named Namespace | |  |
23. | Button Based On Style | |  |
24. | Property Trigger for Button | |  |
25. | Setting FontSize for Button | |  |
26. | Layout Tranform | | |
27. | Using alternate elements as the content of a Button | |  |
28. | Button's Background = ImageBrush. The resulting button has an image as its background | |  |
29. | A rotated Button | |  |
30. | Using Button.Content to set content for Button | |  |
31. | Scale Transform | |  |
32. | Scale Transformate a Button | |  |
33. | Fisheye Effect for Button | |  |
34. | A button that has been skewed and rotated | |  |
35. | Button PreviewMouseDown action and MouseDown action | |  |
36. | Button click action | |  |
37. | Add CommandTarget for Button | |  |
38. | Adding graphics to a Button | |  |
39. | Button with image and text, use grid to layout Button content | |  |
40. | Canvas with Button on | |  |
41. | Resizing Buttons | |  |
42. | To add a button control and a text block to the canvas | |  |
43. | To add a button control and a text block to the canvas | |  |
44. | A simple template for a round button | |  |
45. | Load style defined in Xaml and apply to the Button | |  |
46. | Nested Button content | |  |
47. | Two repeat buttons that increase and decrease a numerical value. | |  |
48. | Generate Click Events Repeatedly While a Button Is Clicked | |  |
49. | Button Click event handler | |  |
50. | Button mouse down event | |  |
51. | Button mouse down preview | |  |
52. | Set button properties with Linq style | |  |
53. | Simple Custom Button | |  |
54. | Custom Shaped Button | |  |
55. | Raise exception from button click event | |  |
56. | Button VerticalAlignment=Top HorizontalAlignment=Left | |  |