1. | Module Class performs reflection on a module. | | |
2. | Module.Assembly Property gets the appropriate Assembly for this instance of Module. | | |
3. | Module.FilterTypeName Field | | |
4. | Module.FilterTypeNameIgnoreCase | | |
5. | Module.FullyQualifiedName | | |
6. | Module.GetCustomAttributes returns all custom attributes. | | |
7. | Module.GetCustomAttributes gets custom attributes of the specified type. | | |
8. | Module.GetType returns the specified type, performing a case-sensitive search. | | |
9. | Module.GetType returns the specified type, searching the module with the specified case sensitivity. | | |
10. | Module.GetType returns type | | |
11. | Module.IsDefined tells whether the specified attribute type has been applied to this module. | | |
12. | Module.IsResource gets a value indicating whether the object is a resource. | | |
13. | Module.Name gets a String representing the name of the module with the path removed. | | |
14. | Module.ScopeName gets a string representing the name of the module. | | |
15. | Module.ToString returns the name of the module. | | |
16. | Assembly.GetModules gets all the modules that are part of this assembly. | | |