1. | Use StringBuilder for fast processing strings | |  |
2. | StringBuilder Performance Test | | |
3. | StringBuilder: Char and Replace | |  |
4. | Demonstrating StringBuilder class constructors | |  |
5. | StringBuilder Length and Capacity | |  |
6. | Use StringBuilder Indexer | |  |
7. | StringBuilder Append methods | |  |
8. | StringBuilder method AppendFormat | |  |
9. | Insert and Remove of the StringBuilder class | |  |
10. | StringBuilder Replace method | |  |
11. | Append String to StringBuilder | |  |
12. | Append bool data type values to a StringBuilder object. | | |
13. | Append SByte data type values to a StringBuilder object. | | |
14. | Insert char array to StringBuilder | | |
15. | Insert Object to StringBuilder | | |
16. | Insert xInt32 to StringBuilder | | |
17. | Insert System.SByte to StringBuilder | | |
18. | StringBuilder Class represents a mutable string of characters | | |
19. | Append three characters (D, E, and F) to the end of the StringBuilder | | |
20. | Append a format string to the end of the StringBuilder | | |
21. | Display the number of characters in the StringBuilder and its string | | |
22. | Insert a string at the beginning of the StringBuilder | | |
23. | Replace all uppercase A's with lowercase A's | | |
24. | TextElementEnumerator Class enumerates the text elements of a string. | | |
25. | TextInfo.ToTitleCase Converts the specified string to titlecase. | | |
26. | FieldAttributes Enumeration specifies flags that describe the attributes of a field. | | |
27. | BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance | | |
28. | BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static | | |
29. | FileStream Class Exposes a Stream around a file | | |
30. | FileStream("c:\Variables.txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write) | | |
31. | Marks each type of member that is defined as a derived class of MemberInfo. | | |
32. | StringBuilder Class represents a mutable string of characters | | |
33. | Create StringBuilder class that starts with a specified capacity and can grow to a specified maximum. | | |
34. | Create StringBuilder class using the specified string. | | |
35. | Create StringBuilder class using the specified string and capacity. | | |
36. | Create StringBuilder class from the specified substring and capacity. | | |
37. | Appends various data to StringBuilder | | |
38. | StringBuilder.AppendFormat Method | | |
39. | StringBuilder.AppendLine Method appends line terminator to the end of the current StringBuilder object. | | |
40. | StringBuilder.Capacity Property gets or sets the maximum number of characters that can be contained | | |
41. | StringBuilder.Clear Method removes all characters from the current StringBuilder instance. | | |
42. | StringBuilder.Insert Method | | |
43. | StringBuilder.Remove removes the specified range of characters from this instance. | | |
44. | StringBuilder.Replace replaces all occurrences of a character in this instance with another specified character. | | |