Assume a date and time string formatted for the fr-FR culture is the local time and convert it to UTC : Date Time Format « Date Time « VB.Net

Assume a date and time string formatted for the fr-FR culture is the local time and convert it to UTC


Imports System.Globalization

Module ParseDateExample
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim dateString As String  
      Dim culture As CultureInfo
      Dim styles As DateTimeStyles 
      Dim result As DateTime

      dateString = "2010-03-01 10:00"
      culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("fr-FR")
      styles = DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal Or DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal
         result = DateTime.Parse(dateString, culture, styles)
         Console.WriteLine("{0} converted to {1} {2}.", _
                           dateString, result, result.Kind.ToString())
      Catch e As FormatException
         Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert {0} to a date and time.", dateString)
      End Try      
   End Sub
End Module


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12.Get the long date formats using the current culture
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14.Get the short date formats using the "fr-FR" culture
15.Attempt to convert a string in improper ISO 8601 format
16.Custom Date and Time Format Strings
17.Display the long time pattern and string
18.Display the short date pattern and string.
19.Display the short time pattern and string
20.Short Date Pattern
21.Long Date Pattern
22.Full Date Time Pattern
23.Month Day Pattern
24.RFC1123 Pattern
25.RFC1123 Pattern
26.Sortable Date Time Pattern
27.Short Time Pattern
28.Long Time Pattern
29.Universal Sortable Date Time Pattern
30.Year Month Pattern
31.Output Date in different culture format