Store Objects in Collection and retrieve

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim intCollection As New Collection( )
Dim empCollection As New Collection( )
Dim empCollection2 As New Collection( )
'populate the Collections
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 4
empCollection.Add(New Employee(i + 100))
intCollection.Add((i * 5))
Next i
'add key/value pairs
empCollection2.Add(New Employee(1989), "G W")
empCollection2.Add(New Employee(1997), "J A")
empCollection2.Add(New Employee(1901), "T J")
'print each member of the array
For Each i In intCollection
Console.Write("{0} ", i.ToString( ))
Next i
Console.WriteLine( )
Console.WriteLine("Employee collection...")
Dim e As Employee
For Each e In empCollection
Console.Write("{0} ", e.ToString( ))
Next e
Console.WriteLine( )
Console.WriteLine("Employee collection 2...")
For Each e In empCollection2
Console.Write("{0} ", e.ToString( ))
Next e
Console.WriteLine( )
'retrieve an Employee by key
Dim emp As Employee
emp = empCollection2.Item("J A")
Console.WriteLine( emp.ToString( ))
'note that indexing is 1-based (rather than zero based)
emp = empCollection2.Item(1)
Console.WriteLine(emp.ToString( ))
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Employee
Private myEmpID As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal empID As Integer)
Me.myEmpID = empID
End Sub 'New
Public Overrides Function ToString( ) As String
Return myEmpID.ToString( )
End Function 'ToString
Public Property EmpID( ) As Integer
Return myEmpID
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
myEmpID = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class 'Employee
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