Use the basic mathematical operators : Operator « Select Clause « SQL / MySQL

Use the basic mathematical operators

mysql> CREATE TABLE duck_sales(
    ->     design_name CHAR(20),
    ->     winter_sales INT,
    ->     spring_sales INT,
    ->     summer_sales INT,
    ->     fall_sales INT,
    ->     design_category CHAR(13),
    ->     primary key(design_num)
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into duck_sales(design_name, winter_sales, spring_sales, summer_sales, fall_sales, design_category)values
    -> ("Duck",1067,200,150,267,"Holiday"),
    -> ("Mac",970,770,531,486,"Profession"),
    -> ("Duckula",53,13,21,856,"Literary"),
    -> ("iPhone",782,357, 168, 250,"Profession"),
    -> ("HTML",589,795, 367, 284,"Holiday"),
    -> ("SQL",953,582, 336, 489,"Literary"),
    -> ("Sherlock_Duck",752,657, 259, 478,"Literary"),
    -> ("XML",67,23, 83 ,543,"Holiday"),
    -> ("Database",673,48,625,52,"Profession");
Query OK, 9 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 9  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> SELECT REPLACE(design_name, "_", " ") AS Outfit,
    -> winter_sales+spring_sales+summer_sales+fall_sales AS "Yearly Sales",
    -> design_category AS Category
    -> FROM duck_sales;
| Outfit        | Yearly Sales | Category   |
| Duck          |         1684 | Holiday    |
| Mac           |         2757 | Profession |
| Duckula       |          943 | Literary   |
| iPhone        |         1557 | Profession |
| HTML          |         2035 | Holiday    |
| SQL           |         2360 | Literary   |
| Sherlock Duck |         2146 | Literary   |
| XML           |          716 | Holiday    |
| Database      |         1398 | Profession |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> drop table duck_sales;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


Related examples in the same category

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2.Comparison operators 2
3.Arithmetic Operators
4.Sort Operators
5.special <=> operator, which is like = except that it works with NULL operands by treating them as any other va
6.Compare NULL with <=> operator
7.Not operator
8.or operator vs in operator
9.Comparison Operators and null
10.In operator and a long list of integer
11.Less than and equals(<=) operators with All operator
12.Reversing or Negating Query Conditions
13.Not equal