Comparison Operators : Operator « Select Clause « SQL / MySQL

Comparison Operators


Operator                      Syntax                  Description
=                             a = b                   True if both a and b are equal (excluding NULL).
!=, <>                        a != b, a <> b          True if a is not equal to b.
>                             a > b                   True if a is greater than b.
<                             a < b                   True if a is less than b.
>=                            a >= b                  True if a is greater than or equal to b.
<=                            a <= b                  True if a is less than or equal to b.
<=>                           a <=> b                 True if a and b are equal (including NULL).
IS NULL                       a is NULL               True if a contains a NULL value.
IS NOT NULL                   a IS NOT NULL           True if a does not contain a NULL value.
BETWEEN                       a BETWEEN b and c       True if a is between the values of b and c, inclusive.
NOT BETWEEN                   a NOT BETWEEN b and c   True if a is not between the values of b and c, inclusive.
LIKE                          a LIKE b                True if a matches b on an SQL pattern match.
NOT LIKE                      a NOT LIKE b            True if a does not match b on an SQL pat-tern match. The two acceptable wildcard characters are % (which means any number of characters) and _ (which means one character).
IN                            a IN (b1, b2, b3...)    True if a is equal to anything in the list.
NOT IN                        a NOT IN (b1,b2,b3...)  True if a is not equal to anything in the list.
REGEXP, RLIKE                 a REGEXP b, a RLIKE b   True if a matches b with a regular expression.
NOT REGEXP, NOT RLIKE         a NOT REGEXP b,         True if a does not match b with a regular expression.
                              a NOT RLIKE B 


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12.Reversing or Negating Query Conditions
13.Not equal