Word « FullText Search « SQL / MySQL

1.Performs an OR search for any of the words.
2.Requiring or Excluding FULLTEXT Search Words
3.Noise Words
4.Get the numbers and titles of the books in which the word to appears.
5.Get the numbers and titles of the books in which the word database appears.
6.Get the numbers and titles of the books in which the word practical appears.
7.Get the numbers and relevance values of the books in which the word introduction appears in the title.
8.Get the numbers and titles of the books in which the word practical and/or the word distributed appears in the
9.Get the numbers and titles of the books in which the word careers appears in the title and/or the summary.

10.Get the numbers and titles of the books in which the word database and/or the word design appears.
11.Get the numbers and titles of the books in which the words database and design appear.
12.Give the numbers and titles of the books in which the word database appears, but not the word design.
13.Get the numbers and titles of the books in which words appear that begin with data.
14.Give the numbers and titles of the books in which the word sql appears.
15.Search for a word