Define 'Male' and 'Female' as Enum : ENUM « Data Type « SQL / MySQL

Define 'Male' and 'Female' as Enum

/*mysql> select CONCAT(employee.firstname, " ", employee.lastName)
    -> AS Name, employee_person.s_name AS 'Spouse Name'
    -> from employee, employee_person
    -> where employee_person.m_status = 'Y'
    -> AND =;
| Name          | Spouse Name     |
| John Chen     | Ane Regina      |
| Jan Pillai    | Jane Van        |
| Mary Anchor   | Manish Sha      |
| Arthur Sam    | Mary Shelly     |
| Susan Ra      | Man Nanda       |
| Edward Parhar | Muriel Lovelace |
| Kim Hunter    | Rina Brighton   |
| Roger Lewis   | Matt Shi        |
| Mike Harper   | Betty Cudly     |
| Mary Sunday   | Stella Stevens  |
| Jack Sim      | Edgar Alan      |
11 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Drop table employee;
Drop table employee_person;

CREATE TABLE employee_person (
    id int unsigned not null primary key, 
    address varchar(60), 
    phone int, 
    email varchar(60), 
    birthday DATE, 
    sex ENUM('M', 'F'), 
    m_status ENUM('Y','N'), 
    s_name varchar(40), 
    children int

CREATE TABLE employee (
    id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
    firstname varchar(20),
    lastname varchar(20),
    title varchar(30),
    age int,
    yearofservice int,
    salary int,
    perks int,
    email varchar(60)

INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("John", "Chen", "Senior Programmer", 31, 3, 120000, 25000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Jan", "Pillai", "Senior Programmer", 32, 4, 110000, 20000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Ane", "Pandit", "Web Designer", 24, 3, 90000, 15000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Mary", "Anchor", "Web Designer", 27, 2, 85000, 15000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Fred", "King", "Programmer", 32, 3, 75000, 15000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("John", "Mac", "Programmer", 32, 4, 80000, 16000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Arthur", "Sam", "Programmer", 28, 2, 75000, 14000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Alok", "Nanda", "Programmer", 32, 3, 70000, 10000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Susan", "Ra", "Multimedia Programmer", 32, 4, 90000, 15000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Paul", "Simon", "Multimedia Programmer", 23, 1, 85000, 12000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Edward", "Parhar", "Multimedia Programmer", 30, 2, 75000, 15000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Kim", "Hunter", "Senior Web Designer", 32, 4, 110000, 20000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Roger", "Lewis", "System Administrator", 32, 3, 100000, 13000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Danny", "Gibson", "System Administrator", 31, 2, 90000, 12000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Mike", "Harper", "Senior Marketing Executive", 36, 1, 120000, 28000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Mary", "Sunday", "Marketing Executive", 31, 5, 90000, 25000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Jack", "Sim", "Marketing Executive", 27, 1, 70000, 18000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Joe", "Irvine", "Marketing Executive", 27, 1, 72000, 18000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Henry", "Ali", "Customer Service Manager", 32, 3, 70000, 9000, "");
INSERT INTO employee (firstname, lastName, title, age, yearofservice, salary, perks, email) values ("Peter", "Champion", "Finance Manager", 32, 2, 120000, 25000, "");

INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name) values (1, '200, Regina Street', 7176666, '', '1971-04-26', 'M', 'Y', 'Ane Regina');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (2, '1232 Alberta Road', 5553312, '', '1968-03-02', 'M', 'Y', 'Jane Van', 3);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (3, '90 Potter A', 3331211, '', '1967-09-22', 'M', 'N', 'Sandhya Pil', 2);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name) values (4, '202, Donna Street', 7176167, '', '1976-08-09', 'F', 'Y', 'Manish Sha');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (5, 'Apartment #8, UBC, Van Street', 8973242, '', '1974-10-14', 'F', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (6, '46 SFU Street', '6451234', '', '1978-12-31', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (7, '432 Mercury Ave', 7932232, '', '1966-8-21', 'M', 'Y', 'Mary Shelly', '3');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (8, '8 Little YaleTown', 5442994, '', '1975-01-14', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (9, '64 Temp Road', 4327652, '', '1969-05-19', 'M', 'Y', 'Man Nanda', '1');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (10, '132 Metro House, Henry Street', 5552376, '', '1968-07-06', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (11, '1 Grace Town, Van Avenue', 5433879, '', '1957-11-04', 'M', 'Y', 'Muriel Lovelace', '4');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (12, '97 Oakland Road', 5423311, '', '1968-02-15', 'M', 'Y', 'Rina Brighton', 3);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (13, '543 Applegate Lane', 3434343, '', '1968-09-03', 'F', 'Y', 'Matt Shi', '2');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (14, '76 Fish Street', 7432433, '', '1965-04-28', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (15, '98 Gun Street', 6500787, '', '1966-06-23', 'M', 'Y', 'Betty Cudly', 3);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (16, '#5 Winnepag Homes', 5433243, '', '1964-03-06', 'M', 'Y', 'Stella Stevens', 2);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (17, '652 Devon Building, 6th Jade Avenue', 5537885, '', '1970-04-18', 'F', 'Y', 'Edgar Alan', 1);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (18, 'Apartment #9, Together Towers', 5476565, '', '1973-10-09', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (19, 'Apartment #9, West Towers', 5476565, '', '1973-1-20', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (20, '90 Yale Town', 7528326, '', '1968-01-25', 'F', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (21, '4329 Eucalyptus Avenue', 4254863, '', '1964-06-13', 'M', 'Y', 'Ruby Richer', 2);

select CONCAT(employee.firstname, " ", employee.lastName)
AS Name, employee_person.s_name AS 'Spouse Name'
from employee, employee_person
where employee_person.m_status = 'Y'
AND =;

Related examples in the same category

1.How to use enum
2.Use two ENUM data type in a table
3. Storage Comparisons of ENUM and SET
4.Insert String value as ENUM
5.Define and use ENUM data type
6.ENUM: Enumeration of up to 65,535 strings
7.With ENUM you can manage a list of up to 65,535 character strings.
8.Sorting ENUM Values
9.MySQL uses the internal numeric values for sorting for enum value
10.Sort ENUM values in lexical order
11.Consider changing the column type to ENUM, if you always sort a non-enumeration column in a specific non-lexic
12.Use ALTER TABLE to convert the name column to an ENUM that lists the colors in the desired sort order:
13.Add to mytbl an ENUM column e that has several members
14.Enumerating a Many-to-Many Relationship
15.Configure an ENUM column and a SET column
16.If you add an invalid value to ENUM columns, an empty string ("") is inserted instead
17.Perform queries on enumerated fields based on their indexes
18.Sets work in a similar way to enumerated fields
19.The ENUM and SET Column Types
20.Enumeration values aren't limited to being single letters or uppercase.
21.An ENUM column definition may list up to 65,535 members.
22.Insert value to enum type column
23.The SET datatype, like ENUM, is declared using a comma-separated list of quoted strings that define its valid
24.enum value index
25.Enum for month names
26.Enum type column
27.Order by enum value
28.Using foreign key as an enum type
29.Use operators to specify a range of values.