Meta-Characters listing : Metacharacters « Regular Expression « Perl

Meta-Characters listing


Character    Meaning

\            Escape, do not interpret the following meta-character

|            OR, match either of the alternatives

( )          Create a single expression or atom

{ }          Define the minimum and/or maximum repetitions of an atom

*            Match an atom zero or more times

+            Match an atom one or more times

?            Match an atom zero or one times

^            Match an atom at the start of the string

$            Match an atom at the end of the string

[ ]          Match one of the enclosed atoms

.            Match any character

\A           Alternative to meta-character ^

\Z           Alternative to meta-character $


Related examples in the same category

1.Meta-Character ASCII Values
2.Metacharacters and metasymbols
3.Metacharacters for Single Characters
4.Metacharacters that Turn off Greediness
5..* special-character combination tries to match as much as possible
6.The dot metacharacter
7.The dot metacharacter and the zero or more quantifier
8.Some Regular Expression Metacharacters