Meta-Character ASCII Values : Metacharacters « Regular Expression « Perl

Meta-Character ASCII Values


Code    Meaning

\a      Alarm

\b      Word boundary

\B      Not word boundary

\d      Digit

\D      Not digit

\e      Escape

\f      Form feed

\n      Newline

\r      Carriage return

\s      Space character (space, \t, \n, \r, \f)

\S      Not space character

\t      Tab

\w      Word

\W      Not word

\oNN    Octal

\xNN    Hexadecimal

\cC     Control character


Related examples in the same category

1.Meta-Characters listing
2.Metacharacters and metasymbols
3.Metacharacters for Single Characters
4.Metacharacters that Turn off Greediness
5..* special-character combination tries to match as much as possible
6.The dot metacharacter
7.The dot metacharacter and the zero or more quantifier
8.Some Regular Expression Metacharacters