Operator precedence. : Perl Script « Language Basics « Perl

Operator precedence.

Operator                                   Operation Performed 
++, --                                     Autoincrement and autodecrement 
-, ~, !                                    Operators with one operand 
**                                         Exponentiation 
=~, !~                                     Pattern-matching operators 
*, /, %, x                                 Multiplication, division, remainder, repetition 
+, -, .                                    Addition, subtraction, concatenation 
<<, >>                                     Shifting operators 
-e, -r, etc.                               File-status operators 
<, <=, >, >=, lt, le, gt,ge                Inequality-comparison operators 
==, !=, <=>, eq, ne, cmp                   Equality-comparison operators 
&                                          Bitwise AND 
|, ^                                       Bitwise OR and XOR 
&&                                         Logical AND 
||                                         Logical OR 
..                                         List-range operator 
? and :                                    Conditional operator (together) 
=, +=, -=, *=,                             Assignment operators and so on 
,                                          Comma operator 
not                                        Low-precedence logical NOT 
and                                        Low-precedence logical AND 
or, xor                                    Low-precedence logical OR and XOR 


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2.Perl Statements
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4.Operator Precedence
5.Operator associativity.
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7.Operators demo: Comparison Operators
8.Operators demo: Logical Operators
9.Operators demo: String Operators
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11.Perl Flow Control in Brief
12.Perl offers many types of operators
13.Precedence and Associativity
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15.Statements, Whitespace, and Linebreaks
16.Ending modifiers