TRUNC Date « Date Timezone « Oracle PL / SQL

1.formats used with the TRUNC() function for the DATE data type
2.Trunc a date
3.Truncates 7:45:26 P.M. on May 25, 2005, to the hour
4.TRUNC(SYSDATE,'Q'): Truncating to the quarter
5.TRUNC: Removing the time from SYSDATE
6.Use TRUNC(Date value) in where clause
7.truncate and round a date that falls into the second part of a year, the results would be different:
8.Use TRUNC(date_variable) when you want to extract a date from a timestamp
9.Truncates May 25, 2005, to the first day in the month

10.TRUNC(): truncate May 25, 2005, to the first day in the year