Type Tutor : Game « Page Components « JavaScript DHTML

Type Tutor

<!-- jsTypingTutor_lib.js -->
<script language="JavaScript">
# Name:        jsTypingTutor
# Purpose:     To help build typing speed in users
#              and in developers.
# Author:      Jason Don Stracner
# Created:     2001/10/06
# RCS-ID:      $Id: jsTypingTutor_lib.js $
# Copyright:   (c) Little Rock Technology Consulting
# Licence:     GPL

jsTypingTutor - Source Code Documentation

This file is the JavaScript code for jsTypingTutor.  This
project is intended to help users develop faster typing
by simply re-typing text.  The sample text files that are
included are mainly computer code.  Computer code is thought
to make fuller use of the keyboard.  It is a simple matter 
to add your own text to the HTML file and have any text

var objTimer=null;
var rStartTime=0;
var rSecondsPassed_=0;
var rPauseStart_=0;
var iStrLen_=0;
var sStatMsg="";

  * Sets text in txtStats_ on the HTML page on a timed interval.
function timer() {
  var dtNow_ = new Date();

  rSecondsPassed_ = dtNow_.getTime();
  rSecondsPassed_ = rSecondsPassed_ / 1000;
  rSecondsPassed_ = Math.round(rSecondsPassed_ - rStartTime);
  iStrLen_ = document.frmTyping_.txtTop_.value.length;
  iStrLen_ = iStrLen_ + document.frmTyping_.txtTypeHere_.value.length;
  sStatMsg="Characters: " + iStrLen_;
  sStatMsg += "  Seconds Passed:" + rSecondsPassed_;
  sStatMsg += "  Word per minute:" + Math.round((iStrLen_ / rSecondsPassed_)/ (6 / 60));

  * Called by button in HTML to start running the
  * 'timer' function on a timed interval.
function startTimer() {
  rStartTime = parseInt((new Date).getTime()/1000);
  objTimer = setInterval("timer();",1000);

  * Called by button in HTML to pause the running 
  * of the 'timer' function on a timed interval.
function pauseTimer() {
  rPauseStart_ = parseInt((new Date).getTime()/1000);
  if (objTimer != null) {
    objTimer = null;

  * Called by button in HTML to resume the running 
  * of the 'timer' function on a timed interval.
function resumeTimer() {
  rStartTime=rStartTime+(parseInt((new Date).getTime()/1000)-rPauseStart_);
  if (objTimer != null) {
    objTimer = null;
  objTimer = setInterval("timer();",1000);

  * Called by button in HTML to stop running the
  * 'timer' function on a timed interval.
function endTimer() {
  rSecondsPassed_ = 0;
  if (objTimer != null) {
    objTimer = null;

  * Checks the content of the textbox 'txtTypeHere_'
  * and eleminates any incorrect characters.
function validateTyping(e) {

  var isNN = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")!=-1);

  if (isNN) {
    sChar = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
  } else {
    sChar = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);

  var iTypedLength =  document.frmTyping_.txtTypeHere_.value.length;
  var sInitialValue = document.frmTyping_.txtBottom_.value.substring(0,iTypedLength);
  var sTestChunk =    document.frmTyping_.txtTypeHere_.value.substring(0,iTypedLength) + sChar;
  var sCorrectChunk = document.frmTyping_.txtBottom_.value.substring(0,iTypedLength+1);

  if (sTestChunk != sCorrectChunk) {
  } else {

  if (escape(document.frmTyping_.txtBottom_.value.charAt(iTypedLength))=="%0D") {
    document.frmTyping_.txtTop_.value+= "\n" +
  //There should never be a return character at the end.
  if (escape(document.frmTyping_.txtTypeHere_.value.charAt(iTypedLength-1))=="%0A") {
    // Remove return character.


<body text="#0000ff">
<strong><center><font size="+2">jsTypingTutor</font></center></strong>
<hr align="center" size="2" width="25%">
<form name="frmTyping_"><b>T</b>yping statistics:<br>
<textarea name="txtStats_" rows="1" cols="80"></textarea><br>
<input onclick="startTimer()" value="Start" name="cmdStartTimer_" type="button"> 
<input onclick="pauseTimer()" value="Pause" name="cmdPauseTimer_" type="button"> 
<input onclick="resumeTimer()" value="Resume" name="cmdResumeTimer_" type="button"> 
<input onclick="endTimer()" value="Stop" name="cmdEndTimer_" type="button"><br>
<textarea name="txtTop_" rows="8" cols="80"></textarea><br>
<small><b>T</b>ype text into this area:</small><br>
<textarea name="txtTypeHere_" rows="1" cols="80" onkeypress="validateTyping(event);return false;"></textarea>
<textarea name="txtBottom_" rows="8" cols="80">Instructions:
Paste some text into this area then press the 'Start button'.


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17.Count Game
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