Utilities to use Java reflection without all of the checked exceptions : Exception « Reflection « Java

Utilities to use Java reflection without all of the checked exceptions

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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 * under the License.

 * ReflectUtils is a collection of utilities that allows you to leverage Java
 * reflection without all of the checked exceptions (they are converted to
 * runtime exceptions or return values). This class was created to get around
 * the fact that the classes in java.lang.reflect.* turn every event into an
 * exception, which is often cumbersome or inaccurate.
 * @author Dan Jemiolo (danj)

class ReflectUtils {
  // The class loader used by this class
  private static final ClassLoader _DEFAULT_CLASS_LOADER;

  // The class loader used by this class
  private static ReflectUtilHelper _helper = null;

  static {
    // load the default class loader (we need an instance to do so)
    ReflectUtils instance = new ReflectUtils();
    _DEFAULT_CLASS_LOADER = instance.getClass().getClassLoader();
    _helper = null;

   * @param className
   *          The qualified name of the class to search for.
   * @return True if the class is in the JVM's classpath.
  public static boolean exists(String className) {
    if (_helper != null)
      return _helper.exists(className);

    try {
      return true;

    catch (ClassNotFoundException error) {
      return false;

   * @param className
   *          The qualified name of the class to search for.
   * @param classLoader
   *          The class loader to use in the class lookup.
   * @return True if the class is in the JVM's classpath.
  public static boolean exists(String className, ClassLoader classLoader) {
    try {
      return true;

    catch (ClassNotFoundException error) {
      return false;

   * @param theClass
   *          A "normal", non-array type.
   * @return The array version of the given type. For example, if you pass
   *         <em>String.class</em>, you get <em>String[].class</em>. If
   *         you pass <em>int.class</em>, you get <em>int[].class</em>. If
   *         the given class is already an array type, it is returned.
   * @see #getClassFromArrayClass(Class)
  public static Class getArrayClassFromClass(Class theClass) {
    if (theClass.isArray())
      return theClass;

    return Array.newInstance(theClass, 0).getClass();

   * This method calls getClass(Class, ClassLoader) with this class'
   * ClassLoader.
   * @param className
   *          The name of the class to load.
   * @return The Class representing the given class name. A RuntimeException is
   *         thrown if the class is not found.
   * @see #exists(String)
  public static Class getClass(String className) {
    if (_helper != null) {
      Class clazz = _helper.getClass(className);

      if (clazz != null)
        return clazz;

    return getClass(className, _DEFAULT_CLASS_LOADER);

   * @param className
   *          The name of the class to load.
   * @param classLoader
   *          The class loader to use for class lookup.
   * @return The Class representing the given class name. A RuntimeException is
   *         thrown if the class is not found.
   * @see #exists(String)
  public static Class getClass(String className, ClassLoader classLoader) {
    try {
      return classLoader.loadClass(className);

    catch (Throwable error) {
      // if it failed, try the default loader, if applicable
      if (_helper != null) {
        Class clzz = _helper.getClass(className);
        if (clzz != null)
          return clzz;

      if (classLoader != _DEFAULT_CLASS_LOADER) {
        try {
          return _DEFAULT_CLASS_LOADER.loadClass(className);

        catch (Throwable error2) {
          // still failed - ignore this one and throw from the
          // original error

      Object[] filler = { className };
      String message = "JavaClassNotFound";
      throw new RuntimeException(message);

   * @param arrayClass
   *          The array version of a given type (<em>YourType[].class</em>)
   * @return The non-array version of the given type. For example, if you pass
   *         <em>String[].class</em>, you get <em>String.class</em>. If
   *         you pass <em>int[].class</em>, you get <em>int.class</em>.
   * @see #getArrayClassFromClass(Class)
  public static Class getClassFromArrayClass(Class arrayClass) {
    if (arrayClass == null)
      throw new NullPointerException("NullClass");

    String name = arrayClass.getName();

    // make sure it's an array type
    if (name.charAt(0) != '[') {
      Object[] filler = { name };
      throw new RuntimeException("NotArrayClass");

    if (name.charAt(1) == '[') {
      Object[] filler = { name };
      throw new RuntimeException("NoMultiArrays");

    // the char after the [ signifies the type of the array. these
    // values are documented with java.lang.Class.getName()
    char type = name.charAt(1);

    switch (type) {
    case 'Z':
      return boolean.class;

    case 'B':
      return byte.class;

    case 'C':
      return char.class;

    case 'D':
      return double.class;

    case 'F':
      return float.class;

    case 'I':
      return int.class;

    case 'J':
      return long.class;

    case 'S':
      return short.class;

    case 'L':
      return getClass(name.substring(2, name.length() - 1));

      Object[] filler = { name, new Character(type) };
      String message = "UnsupportedType";
      throw new RuntimeException(message);

  public static Method getFirstMethod(Class theClass, String name) {
    Method[] methods = theClass.getMethods();

    for (int n = 0; n < methods.length; ++n)
      if (name.equals(methods[n].getName()))
        return methods[n];

    return null;

   * @param theClass
   * @return The full name of the Java package that contains the given class, or
   *         null if the class is not in a package.
  public static String getPackageName(Class theClass) {
    // NOTE: Using the Package would be the easiest way to get this
    // data, but the ClassLoader is not required to provide it. Thus,
    // we use the more reliable method of parsing the class name.

    // arrays will have the [ as part of their name - no good
    if (theClass.isArray())
      theClass = getClassFromArrayClass(theClass);

    return getPackageName(theClass.getName());

   * @param qualifiedName
   * @return The full name of the Java package that contains the given class, or
   *         null if the class is not in a package.
  public static String getPackageName(String qualifiedName) {
    int dot = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.');
    return dot >= 0 ? qualifiedName.substring(0, dot) : null;

   * @param type
   * @return The unqualified (local) name of the class/interface. If the type is
   *         an array, the [] characters will be appended.
  public static String getShortName(Class type) {
    if (type.isArray()) {
      Class base = getClassFromArrayClass(type);
      String name = getShortName(base);
      return name + "[]";

    return getShortName(type.getName());

   * @param qualifiedName
   * @return The unqualified (local) name.
  public static String getShortName(String qualifiedName) {
    int dot = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.');
    return qualifiedName.substring(dot + 1);

   * Invokes the Class.newInstance() method on the given Class.
   * @param theClass
   *          The type to instantiate.
   * @return An object of the given type, created with the default constructor.
   *         A RuntimeException is thrown if the object could not be created.
  public static Object newInstance(Class theClass) {
    try {
      return theClass.newInstance();

    catch (InstantiationException error) {
      Object[] filler = { theClass };
      String message = "ObjectCreationFailed";
      throw new RuntimeException(message);

    catch (IllegalAccessException error) {
      Object[] filler = { theClass };
      String message = "DefaultConstructorHidden";
      throw new RuntimeException(message);

   * This is a convenience method that invokes newInstance(Class) with a Class
   * object representing the given type.
   * @see #getClass(String, ClassLoader)
   * @see #newInstance(Class)
  public static Object newInstance(String className) {
    return newInstance(getClass(className));

   * This is a convenience method that invokes newInstance(Class) with a Class
   * object loaded by the given ClassLoader
   * @see #getClass(String, ClassLoader)
   * @see #newInstance(Class)
  public static Object newInstance(String className, ClassLoader classLoader) {
    return newInstance(getClass(className, classLoader));

   * This is a setter for the helper object
  public static void setHelper(ReflectUtilHelper helper) {
    _helper = helper;

 * @author Joel Hawkins
interface ReflectUtilHelper {
  boolean exists(String className);

  Class getClass(String className);


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