Get StackTraceElement : Exception « Reflection « Java

Get StackTraceElement

//                                                                            //
//                             C l a s s U t i l                              //
//                                                                            //
//  Copyright (C) Herve Bitteur 2000-2009. All rights reserved.               //
//  This software is released under the GNU General Public License.           //
//  Please contact to report bugs & suggestions. //

 * Class <code>ClassUtil</code> provides utilities related to Class handling.
 * @author Herv&eacute Bitteur
 * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2009/03/03 19:45:51 hbitteur Exp $
public class ClassUtil
    //~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------

    // getCallingFrame //
     * Infer the calling frame, skipping the given classes if so provided.
     * Code was derived from a private method found in the JDK Logger class
     * @param skippedClasses the classes to skip
     * @return the frame found, just before the skipped classes (or just before
     * the caller of this method)
    public static StackTraceElement getCallingFrame (Class... skippedClasses)
        // Get the current stack trace.
        StackTraceElement[] stack = (new Throwable()).getStackTrace();

        // Simple case, no classes to skip, just return the caller of the caller
        if (skippedClasses.length == 0) {
            return stack[2];

        // More complex case, return the caller, just before the skipped classes
        // First, search back to a method in the skipped classes, if any
        int ix;
        for (ix = 0; ix < stack.length; ix++) {
            StackTraceElement frame = stack[ix];
            String            cname = frame.getClassName();

            for (Class skipped : skippedClasses) {
                if (cname.equals(skipped.getName())) {
                    break searchingForSkipped;

        // Now search for the first frame before the skipped classes
        for (; ix < stack.length; ix++) {
            StackTraceElement frame = stack[ix];
            String            cname = frame.getClassName();

            for (Class skipped : skippedClasses) {
                if (cname.equals(skipped.getName())) {
                    continue searchingForNonSkipped;

            // We've found the relevant frame.
            return frame;

        // We haven't found a suitable frame
        return null;

    // nameOf //
     * Report the full name of the object class, without the package information
     * @param obj the object to name
     * @return the concatenation of (enclosing) simple names
    public static String nameOf (Object obj)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        for (Class cl = obj.getClass(); cl != null;
             cl = cl.getEnclosingClass()) {
            if (sb.length() > 0) {
                sb.insert(0, "-");

            sb.insert(0, cl.getSimpleName());

        return sb.toString();


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