1. | Using CSS to style the border | | |
2. | Connect to CSS Style Sheet in same Package | | |
3. | Connect to CSS Style Sheet in another Package | | |
4. | Set CSS style | | |
5. | -fx-stroke: green; | | |
6. | -fx-stroke-width: 5; | | |
7. | -fx-stroke-dash-array: 12 2 4 2; | | |
8. | -fx-stroke-dash-offset: 6; | | |
9. | -fx-stroke-line-cap: butt; | | |
10. | -fx-background-color: transparent; | | |
11. | -fx-border-color: white; | | |
12. | -fx-background-radius: 30; | | |
13. | -fx-border-radius: 30; | | |
14. | -fx-text-fill: white; | | |
15. | -fx-font-weight: bold; | | |
16. | -fx-font-size: 14px; | | |
17. | -fx-padding: 10 20 10 20; | | |
18. | Chart -fx-background-color: rgba(0,168,355,0.05); | | |
19. | Chart -fx-border-color: rgba(0,16,35,0.5) rgba(0,68,55,0.6) transparent rgba(0,68,55,0.7); | | |
20. | Set css file to Scene | | |
21. | Use addAll() to attach several stylesheets. | | |
22. | Set Control Id and use it in css | | |
23. | Sample application that shows the use of CSS with the different layout panes provided by the JavaFX layout API. | | |
24. | -fx-fill: red; | | |