1. | The mqping utility is similar to the Unix ping utility in some regards | | |
2. | This example illustrates how JMS (Java Message Service) API can be used in a Java applet |  | |
3. | This example illustrates how JMS can be used to create a simple chat application | | |
4. | The UniversalClient example is a basic 'client' application that uses the JMS 1.1 APIs | | |
5. | How to write a GUI application that uses a JMS QueueBrowser to browse the contents of a queue | | |
6. | This example is a simple JMS client application | | |
7. | Demonstrates a simple end-to-end "Hello World" JMS example that can be compiled and run with the Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue product |  | |
8. | The BrokerMetrics example is a JMS application that monitors the Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue broker |  | |
9. | The DestListMetrics example is a JMS application that monitors the destinations on a Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue broker |  | |
10. | The DestMetrics example is a JMS application that monitors a destination on a Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue broker |  | |
11. | The VMMetrics example is a JMS application that monitors the Java VM used by the Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue broker |  | |
12. | MQ Cluster Monitor | | |
13. | The TopicSelectors class demonstrates the use of multiple subscribers and message selectors |  | |
14. | A message will not be acknowledged until processing of it is complete |  | |
15. | Reads a textfile, creates a BytesMessage from it, then reads the message |  | |
16. | A durable subscription is active even when the subscriber is not active |  | |
17. | Creates and then reads a StreamMessage and a BytesMessage |  | |
18. | Creates and reads messages in all supported JMS message formats: BytesMessage, TextMessage, MapMessage, StreamMessage, and ObjectMessage |  | |
19. | The use of message header fields |  | |
20. | Demonstrates that mutable objects are copied, not passed by reference, when you use them to create message objects |  | |
21. | A simple implementation of a request/reply message exchange |  | |
22. | Sends several messages to a queue |  | |
23. | Fetches one or more messages from a queue using synchronous message delivery |  | |
24. | The simplest form of the publish/subscribe model: the producer publishes a message, and the consumer reads it using a synchronous receive |  | |
25. | Demonstrates the use of transactions in a JMS application |  | |
26. | Creates a Producer and a Consumer objects (Producer and Consumer classes are defined in this file) |  | |
27. | Fetches one or more messages from a queue using asynchronous message delivery |  | |
28. | The use of a message listener in the publish/subscribe model. The producer publishes several messages, and the consumer reads them asynchronously |  | |