Utility class providing methods to access the Locale of the current thread and to get Localised strings. : Locale « I18N « Java

Utility class providing methods to access the Locale of the current thread and to get Localised strings.


//package net.gqu.utils;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

 * Utility class providing methods to access the Locale of the current thread and to get
 * Localised strings.
 * @author Roy Wetherall
public class I18NUtil
     * Thread-local containing the general Locale for the current thread
    private static ThreadLocal<Locale> threadLocale = new ThreadLocal<Locale>();
     * Thread-local containing the content Locale for for the current thread.  This
     * can be used for content and property filtering.
    private static ThreadLocal<Locale> threadContentLocale = new ThreadLocal<Locale>();
     * List of registered bundles
    private static Set<String> resouceBundleBaseNames = new HashSet<String>();
     * Map of loaded bundles by Locale
    private static Map<Locale, Set<String>> loadedResourceBundles = new HashMap<Locale, Set<String>>();
     * Map of cached messaged by Locale
    private static Map<Locale, Map<String, String>> cachedMessages = new HashMap<Locale, Map<String, String>>();
     * Lock objects
    private static ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
    private static Lock readLock = lock.readLock();
    private static Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock();
     * Set the locale for the current thread.
     * @param locale    the locale
    public static void setLocale(Locale locale)

     * Get the general local for the current thread, will revert to the default locale if none 
     * specified for this thread.
     * @return  the general locale
    public static Locale getLocale()
        Locale locale = threadLocale.get(); 
        if (locale == null)
            // Get the default locale
            locale = Locale.getDefault();
        return locale;
     * Set the <b>content locale</b> for the current thread.
     * @param locale    the content locale
    public static void setContentLocale(Locale locale)

     * Get the content local for the current thread.<br/>
     * This will revert to {@link #getLocale()} if no value has been defined.
     * @return  Returns the content locale
    public static Locale getContentLocale()
        Locale locale = threadContentLocale.get(); 
        if (locale == null)
            // Revert to the normal locale
            locale = getLocale();
        return locale;
* Get the content local for the current thread.<br/>
     * This will revert <tt>null</tt> if no value has been defined.
     * @return  Returns the content locale
    public static Locale getContentLocaleOrNull()
        Locale locale = threadContentLocale.get(); 
        return locale;
     * Searches for the nearest locale from the available options.  To match any locale, pass in
     * <tt>null</tt>.
     * @param templateLocale the template to search for or <tt>null</tt> to match any locale
     * @param options the available locales to search from
     * @return Returns the best match from the available options, or the <tt>null</tt> if
     *      all matches fail
    public static Locale getNearestLocale(Locale templateLocale, Set<Locale> options)
        if (options.isEmpty())                          // No point if there are no options
            return null;
        else if (templateLocale == null)
            for (Locale locale : options)
                return locale;
        else if (options.contains(templateLocale))      // First see if there is an exact match
            return templateLocale;
        // make a copy of the set
        Set<Locale> remaining = new HashSet<Locale>(options);
        // eliminate those without matching languages
        Locale lastMatchingOption = null;
        String templateLanguage = templateLocale.getLanguage();
        if (templateLanguage != null && !templateLanguage.equals(""))
            Iterator<Locale> iterator = remaining.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext())
                Locale option = iterator.next();
                if (option != null && !templateLanguage.equals(option.getLanguage()))
                    iterator.remove();                  // It doesn't match, so remove
                    lastMatchingOption = option;       // Keep a record of the last match
        if (remaining.isEmpty())
            return null;
        else if (remaining.size() == 1 && lastMatchingOption != null)
            return lastMatchingOption;
        // eliminate those without matching country codes
        lastMatchingOption = null;
        String templateCountry = templateLocale.getCountry();
        if (templateCountry != null && !templateCountry.equals(""))
            Iterator<Locale> iterator = remaining.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext())
                Locale option = iterator.next();
                if (option != null && !templateCountry.equals(option.getCountry()))
                    // It doesn't match language - remove
                    // Don't remove the iterator. If it matchs a langage but not the country, returns any matched language                     
                    // iterator.remove();
                    lastMatchingOption = option;       // Keep a record of the last match
        /*if (remaining.isEmpty())
            return null;
        else */
        if (remaining.size() == 1 && lastMatchingOption != null)
            return lastMatchingOption;
            // We have done an earlier equality check, so there isn't a matching variant
            // Also, we know that there are multiple options at this point, either of which will do.
          // This gets any country match (there will be worse matches so we take the last the country match)
          if(lastMatchingOption != null)
            return lastMatchingOption;
                for (Locale locale : remaining)
                    return locale;
        // The logic guarantees that this code can't be called
        throw new RuntimeException("Logic should not allow code to get here.");
     * Factory method to create a Locale from a <tt>lang_country_variant</tt> string.
     * @param localeStr e.g. fr_FR
     * @return Returns the locale instance, or the {@link Locale#getDefault() default} if the
     *      string is invalid
    public static Locale parseLocale(String localeStr)
        if(localeStr == null)
            return null; 
        Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
        StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(localeStr, "_");
        int tokens = t.countTokens();
        if (tokens == 1)
           locale = new Locale(t.nextToken());
        else if (tokens == 2)
           locale = new Locale(t.nextToken(), t.nextToken());
        else if (tokens == 3)
           locale = new Locale(t.nextToken(), t.nextToken(), t.nextToken());
        return locale;
     * Register a resource bundle.
     * <p>
     * This should be the bundle base name eg, alfresco.messages.errors
     * <p>
     * Once registered the messges will be available via getMessage
     * @param bundleBaseName    the bundle base name
    public static void registerResourceBundle(String bundleBaseName)
     * Get message from registered resource bundle.
     * @param messageKey    message key
     * @return              localised message string, null if not found
    public static String getMessage(String messageKey)
        return getMessage(messageKey, getLocale());
     * Get a localised message string
     * @param messageKey        the message key
     * @param locale            override the current locale
     * @return                  the localised message string, null if not found
    public static String getMessage(String messageKey, Locale locale)
        String message = null;
        Map<String, String> props = getLocaleProperties(locale);
        if (props != null)
            message = props.get(messageKey);
        return message==null? messageKey:message;
     * Get a localised message string, parameterized using standard MessageFormatter.
     * @param messageKey    message key
     * @param params        format parameters
     * @return              the localised string, null if not found
    public static String getMessage(String messageKey, Object ... params)
        return getMessage(messageKey, getLocale(), params);
     * Get a localised message string, parameterized using standard MessageFormatter.
     * @param messageKey        the message key
     * @param locale            override current locale
     * @param params            the localised message string
     * @return                  the localaised string, null if not found
    public static String getMessage(String messageKey, Locale locale, Object ... params)
        String message = getMessage(messageKey, locale);
        if (message != null && params != null)
            message = MessageFormat.format(message, params);
        return message;
     * @return the map of all available messages for the current locale
    public static Map<String, String> getAllMessages()
        return getLocaleProperties(getLocale());
     * @return the map of all available messages for the specified locale
    public static Map<String, String> getAllMessages(Locale locale)
        return getLocaleProperties(locale);
     * Get the messages for a locale.
     * <p>
     * Will use cache where available otherwise will load into cache from bundles.
     * @param locale    the locale
     * @return          message map
    private static Map<String, String> getLocaleProperties(Locale locale)
        Set<String> loadedBundles = null;
        Map<String, String> props = null;
        int loadedBundleCount = 0;
            loadedBundles = loadedResourceBundles.get(locale);
            props = cachedMessages.get(locale);
            loadedBundleCount = resouceBundleBaseNames.size();
        if (loadedBundles == null)
                loadedBundles = new HashSet<String>();
                loadedResourceBundles.put(locale, loadedBundles);
        if (props == null)
                props = new HashMap<String, String>();
                cachedMessages.put(locale, props);
        if (loadedBundles.size() != loadedBundleCount)
                for (String resourceBundleBaseName : resouceBundleBaseNames)
                    if (loadedBundles.contains(resourceBundleBaseName) == false)
                        ResourceBundle resourcebundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(resourceBundleBaseName, locale);
                        Enumeration<String> enumKeys = resourcebundle.getKeys();
                        while (enumKeys.hasMoreElements() == true)
                            String key = enumKeys.nextElement();
                            props.put(key, resourcebundle.getString(key));
        return props;


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9.Get Display Variant for default localeGet Display Variant for default locale
10.Get the 2-letter country code; may be equal to ""
11.List Locale OrientationList Locale Orientation
12.Get localized name suitable for display to the user
13.Setting the Default Locale on the command line
14.Set language and country code on the command line
15.Change the default locale is to call Locale.setDefault():
16.Set the default locale to pre-defined locale
17.Set the default locale to custom locale
18.format date for a Locale
19.Get a list of country names
20.Set only language code on the command line
21.Set a default Locale
22.Disable localization
23.Set of convenience routines for internationalized code
24.Print the default locale
25.Change the default locale
28.Converts a String to a Locale
29.Converts the double value to locale-independent string representation
30.Calculate the postfix to append to a filename to load the correct single filename for that Locale.
31.Calculate the postfixes along the search path from the base bundle to the bundle specified by baseName and locale.
32.Concat postfix to the name. Take care of existing filename extension.
33.Convert a string based locale into a Locale Object
34.Obtains an unmodifiable set of installed locales.
35.Obtains the list of languages supported for a given country.
36.Obtains the list of locales to search through when performing a locale search.
37.Parse the given localeString into a java.util.Locale
38.Returns the parent locale of a given locale.
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40.This program demonstrates formatting dates under various locales.This program demonstrates formatting dates under various locales.
41.This program demonstrates formatting numbers under various locales.This program demonstrates formatting numbers under various locales.
42.Builds a Locale instance from the passed string.