BufferedReader « File Input Output « Java

1.Create BufferedReader from System.in
2.Create BufferedReader from InputStreamReader
3.Create BufferedReader from StringReader
4.Create BufferedReader out of FileReader
5.Create BufferedReader from URL
6.Create BufferedReader from FileReader and Read / display lines from file
7.Create BufferedReader from InputStreamReader and System.in, read console input
8.Use BufferedReader to Read and process lines from console
9.Tab filter: Convert tab to space characters

10.List of lines in a file with BufferedReader
11.Use BufferedReader to read line by line
12.A simple FilterReader that strips HTML tags out of a stream of characters
13.Using BufferedReader to read input number from user
14.Read lines of text from a file with the BufferedReader class
15.Read from a file using a BufferedReader
16.Read each line in a comma separated file into an array
17.Read content of a file
18.Reading Text from a File
19.Read a text file
20.Call the static method PressAnykey to keep to "DOS" window open.
21.A standalone program that reads a list of classes and builds a database of packages, classes, and class fields and methods
22.ReadLines: read file to list of strings
23.The AsciiReader can read ascii data files
24.Count the number of lines in the buffer