UTF8 Byte Hex « Development Class « Java

1.Convert file in SJIS to UTF8
2.Return an UTF-8 encoded String
3.Return an UTF-8 encoded String by length
4.UTF8 String utilities
5.Return UTF-8 encoded byte[] representation of a String
6.Encodes octects (using utf-8) into Hex data
7.Decodes values of attributes in the DN encoded in hex into a UTF-8 String.
8.converting between byte arrays and hex encoded strings
9.Convert bytes To Hex

10.Convert hex To Bytes
11.Unicode 2 ASCII
12.Make bytes
13.String converterString converter
14.Show unicode stringShow unicode string
16.Convert from UTF-8 to Unicode
17.Convert from Unicode to UTF-8
18.Utility methods for handling UTF-8 encoded byte streams.
19.Read Windows Notepad Unicode files
20.UTF Util
21.To UTF8 InputStream
22.Returns {@code true} if the specified character sequence is a valid sequence of UTF-16 char values.
23.URL UTF8 Encoder