1. | Specifying a New Length | | |
2. | StringBuffer length vs. capacity. | | |
3. | Demonstrate charAt() and setCharAt(). | | |
4. | Replace string at given index | | |
5. | StringBuffer indexOf method | | |
6. | Append different type of data to StringBuffer | | |
7. | Inserting Characters | | |
8. | Delete from start till end | | |
9. | Java StringBuffer append method | | |
10. | Demonstrating StringBuffer | |  |
11. | Java StringBuffer delete remove character or clear content | | |
12. | String formatter: format a string to a given maximum length with left, centre, or right justification | | |
13. | Java StringBuffer insert method Example | | |
14. | Java StringBuffer Reverse Example | | |
15. | Use booleanValue of Boolean class to convert it into boolean primitive | | |
16. | Set character at a given index | | |
17. | Java StringBuffer SubString Example | | |
18. | Java StringBuffer Replace Example | | |
19. | Java StringBuffer Constructor | | |
20. | Conversion between Unicode characters and Strings | |  |
21. | Reverse a string by character | |  |
22. | StringBufferDemo: construct the same String three different ways | |  |
23. | String Buffer Comma List | |  |
24. | SimpleCalc -- simple calculator to show StringTokenizer | | |
25. | Parse an Apache log file with StringTokenizer | |  |
26. | StringBuffer Insert | | |
27. | Insert string at given index | | |
28. | Reverse String Test | |  |
29. | String Buffer Append | |  |
30. | Bare-bones, unsafe, fast string buffer | | |
31. | Class similar to StringBuffer, except that it can be used to construct multiple Strings | | |