StringBuffer « Development Class « Java

1.Specifying a New Length
2.StringBuffer length vs. capacity.
3.Demonstrate charAt() and setCharAt().
4.Replace string at given index
5.StringBuffer indexOf method
6.Append different type of data to StringBuffer
7.Inserting Characters
8.Delete from start till end
9.Java StringBuffer append method

10.Demonstrating StringBufferDemonstrating StringBuffer
11.Java StringBuffer delete remove character or clear content
12.String formatter: format a string to a given maximum length with left, centre, or right justification
13.Java StringBuffer insert method Example
14.Java StringBuffer Reverse Example
15.Use booleanValue of Boolean class to convert it into boolean primitive
16.Set character at a given index
17.Java StringBuffer SubString Example
18.Java StringBuffer Replace Example
19.Java StringBuffer Constructor
20.Conversion between Unicode characters and StringsConversion between Unicode characters and Strings
21.Reverse a string by characterReverse a string by character
22.StringBufferDemo: construct the same String three different waysStringBufferDemo: construct the same String three different ways
23.String Buffer Comma ListString Buffer Comma List
24.SimpleCalc -- simple calculator to show StringTokenizer
25.Parse an Apache log file with StringTokenizerParse an Apache log file with StringTokenizer
26.StringBuffer Insert
27.Insert string at given index
28.Reverse String TestReverse String Test
29.String Buffer AppendString Buffer Append
30.Bare-bones, unsafe, fast string buffer
31.Class similar to StringBuffer, except that it can be used to construct multiple Strings