1. | Determining If a Database Supports Scrollable Result Sets | | |
2. | Create a scrollable result sets | | |
3. | Get Number Of Rows in a Scrollable ResultSet from MySQL | | |
4. | Demo Scrollable ResultSet from MySQL | | |
5. | Scrollable resultset | | |
6. | Get the fetch size of a statement | | |
7. | Set the fetch size on the statement | | |
8. | Change the fetch size on the result set | | |
9. | Move cursor to the last record | | |
10. | Move cursor to the first row | | |
11. | Move cursor to the last row | | |
12. | Move cursor to the end, after the last row | | |
13. | Move cursor backward | | |
14. | Move the cursor back and forth with absolute index | | |
15. | Move cursor to the beginning, before the first row | | |
16. | Move cursor to the second last row with absolute position | | |
17. | Move cursor down 5 rows from the current row. If this moves cursor beyond the last row, cursor is put after the last row | | |
18. | Move cursor up 3 rows from the current row. If this moves cursor beyond the first row, cursor is put before the first row | | |
19. | Get the current position of cursor | | |
20. | Move cursor in scrollable result sets | | |
21. | If cursor is in the last row | | |
22. | Check if cursor is in the first row | | |
23. | Moving the Cursor in a Scrollable Result Set | | |
24. | Getting the Cursor Position in a Scrollable Result Set | | |
25. | Getting the Number of Rows in a Table Using a Scrollable Result Set | | |
26. | Create an insensitive scrollable result set | | |
27. | Create a sensitive scrollable result set | | |