Replace, remove, format strings
// Copyright (c) 2003-2009, Jodd Team ( All Rights Reserved.
* Various String utilities.
public class StringUtil {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- replace
* Replaces all occurrences of a certain pattern in a string with a
* replacement string. This is the fastest replace function known to author.
* @param s string to be inspected
* @param sub string pattern to be replaced
* @param with string that should go where the pattern was
public static String replace(String s, String sub, String with) {
int c = 0;
int i = s.indexOf(sub, c);
if (i == -1) {
return s;
int sLen = s.length();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(sLen + with.length());
do {
c = i + sub.length();
} while ((i = s.indexOf(sub, c)) != -1);
if (c < sLen) {
buf.append(s.substring(c, sLen));
return buf.toString();
* Replaces all occurrences of a character in a string.
* @param s input string
* @param sub character to replace
* @param with character to replace with
public static String replaceChar(String s, char sub, char with) {
char[] str = s.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str[i] == sub) {
str[i] = with;
return new String(str);
* Replaces all occurrences of a characters in a string.
* @param s input string
* @param sub characters to replace
* @param with characters to replace with
public static String replaceChars(String s, char[] sub, char[] with) {
char[] str = s.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
char c = str[i];
for (int j = 0; j < sub.length; j++) {
if (c == sub[j]) {
str[i] = with[j];
return new String(str);
* Replaces the very first occurrence of a substring with supplied string.
* @param s source string
* @param sub substring to replace
* @param with substring to replace with
public static String replaceFirst(String s, String sub, String with) {
int i = s.indexOf(sub);
if (i == -1) {
return s;
return s.substring(0, i) + with + s.substring(i + sub.length());
* Replaces the very first occurrence of a character in a string.
* @param s string
* @param sub char to replace
* @param with char to replace with
public static String replaceFirst(String s, char sub, char with) {
char[] str = s.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str[i] == sub) {
str[i] = with;
return new String(str);
* Replaces the very last occurrence of a substring with supplied string.
* @param s source string
* @param sub substring to replace
* @param with substring to replace with
public static String replaceLast(String s, String sub, String with) {
int i = s.lastIndexOf(sub);
if (i == -1) {
return s;
return s.substring(0, i) + with + s.substring(i + sub.length());
* Replaces the very last occurrence of a character in a string.
* @param s string
* @param sub char to replace
* @param with char to replace with
public static String replaceLast(String s, char sub, char with) {
char[] str = s.toCharArray();
for (int i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (str[i] == sub) {
str[i] = with;
return new String(str);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- remove
* Removes all substring occurrences from the string.
* @param s source string
* @param sub substring to remove
public static String remove(String s, String sub) {
int c = 0;
int sublen = sub.length();
if (sublen == 0) {
return s;
int i = s.indexOf(sub, c);
if (i == -1) {
return s;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(s.length());
do {
buf.append(s.substring(c, i));
c = i + sublen;
} while ((i = s.indexOf(sub, c)) != -1);
if (c < s.length()) {
buf.append(s.substring(c, s.length()));
return buf.toString();
* Removes all characters contained in provided string.
* @param src source string
* @param chars string containing characters to remove
public static String removeChars(String src, String chars) {
int i = src.length();
StringBuilder stringbuffer = new StringBuilder(i);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
char c = src.charAt(j);
if (chars.indexOf(c) == -1) {
return stringbuffer.toString();
* Removes set of characters from string.
* @param src string
* @param chars character to remove
public static String removeChars(String src, char[] chars) {
int i = src.length();
StringBuilder stringbuffer = new StringBuilder(i);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
char c = src.charAt(j);
for (char aChar : chars) {
if (c == aChar) {
continue mainloop;
return stringbuffer.toString();
* Removes a single character from string.
* @param src source string
* @param chars character to remove
public static String remove(String src, char chars) {
int i = src.length();
StringBuilder stringbuffer = new StringBuilder(i);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
char c = src.charAt(j);
if (c == chars) {
return stringbuffer.toString();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- miscellaneous
* Determines if a string is empty (<code>null</code> or zero-length).
public static boolean isEmpty(String string) {
return ((string == null) || (string.length() == 0));
* Determines if a string is blank (<code>null</code> or {@link #containsOnlyWhitespaces(String)}).
public static boolean isBlank(String string) {
return ((string == null) || containsOnlyWhitespaces(string));
* Returns <code>true</code> if string contains only spaces.
public static boolean containsOnlyWhitespaces(String string) {
int size = string.length();
for (int i= 0; i < size; i++) {
char c = string.charAt(i);
if (CharUtil.isWhitespace(c) == false) {
return false;
return true;
* Determines if a string is not empty.
public static boolean isNotEmpty(String string) {
return string != null && string.length() > 0;
* Converts safely an object to a string. If object is <code>null</code> it will be
* not converted.
public static String toString(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return null;
return obj.toString();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- captialize
* Capitalizes a string, changing the first letter to
* upper case. No other letters are changed.
* @param str string to capitalize, may be null
* @see #uncapitalize(String)
public static String capitalize(String str) {
return changeFirstCharacterCase(true, str);
* Uncapitalizes a <code>String</code>, changing the first letter to
* lower case. No other letters are changed.
* @param str the String to uncapitalize, may be null
* @return the uncapitalized String, <code>null</code> if null
* @see #capitalize(String)
public static String uncapitalize(String str) {
return changeFirstCharacterCase(false, str);
* Internal method for changing the first character case. It is significantly
* faster using StringBuffers then just simply Strings.
private static String changeFirstCharacterCase(boolean capitalize, String str) {
int strLen = str.length();
if (strLen == 0) {
return str;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(strLen);
if (capitalize) {
} else {
return buf.toString();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- truncate
* Sets the maximum length of the string. Longer strings will be simply truncated.
public static String truncate(String string, int length) {
if (string.length() > length) {
string = string.substring(0, length);
return string;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- split
* Splits a string in several parts (tokens) that are separated by delimiter.
* Delimiter is <b>always</b> surrounded by two strings! If there is no
* content between two delimiters, empty string will be returned for that
* token. Therefore, the length of the returned array will always be:
* #delimiters + 1.
* <p>
* Method is much, much faster then regexp <code>String.split()</code>,
* and a bit faster then <code>StringTokenizer</code>.
* @param src string to split
* @param delimeter split delimiter
* @return array of split strings
public static String[] split(String src, String delimeter) {
int maxparts = (src.length() / delimeter.length()) + 2; // one more for the last
int[] positions = new int[maxparts];
int dellen = delimeter.length();
int i, j = 0;
int count = 0;
positions[0] = - dellen;
while ((i = src.indexOf(delimeter, j)) != -1) {
positions[count] = i;
j = i + dellen;
positions[count] = src.length();
String[] result = new String[count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
result[i] = src.substring(positions[i] + dellen, positions[i + 1]);
return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- indexof and ignore cases
* Finds first occurrence of a substring in the given source but within limited range [start, end).
* It is fastest possible code, but still original <code>String.indexOf(String, int)</code>
* is much faster (since it uses char[] value directly) and should be used when no range is needed.
* @param src source string for examination
* @param sub substring to find
* @param startIndex starting index
* @param endIndex ending index
* @return index of founded substring or -1 if substring not found
public static int indexOf(String src, String sub, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
if (startIndex < 0) {
startIndex = 0;
int srclen = src.length();
if (endIndex > srclen) {
endIndex = srclen;
int sublen = sub.length();
if (sublen == 0) {
return startIndex > srclen ? srclen : startIndex;
int total = endIndex - sublen + 1;
char c = sub.charAt(0);
for (int i = startIndex; i < total; i++) {
if (src.charAt(i) != c) {
int j = 1;
int k = i + 1;
while (j < sublen) {
if (sub.charAt(j) != src.charAt(k)) {
continue mainloop;
j++; k++;
return i;
return -1;
* Finds the first occurrence of a character in the given source but within limited range (start, end].
public static int indexOf(String src, char c, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
if (startIndex < 0) {
startIndex = 0;
int srclen = src.length();
if (endIndex > srclen) {
endIndex = srclen;
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (src.charAt(i) == c) {
return i;
return -1;
* Finds the first occurrence of a character in the given source but within limited range (start, end].
public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(String src, char c, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
if (startIndex < 0) {
startIndex = 0;
int srclen = src.length();
if (endIndex > srclen) {
endIndex = srclen;
c = Character.toLowerCase(c);
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (Character.toLowerCase(src.charAt(i)) == c) {
return i;
return -1;
* Finds first index of a substring in the given source string with ignored case.
* @param src source string for examination
* @param subS substring to find
* @return index of founded substring or -1 if substring is not found
* @see #indexOfIgnoreCase(String, String, int)
public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(String src, String subS) {
return indexOfIgnoreCase(src, subS, 0, src.length());
* Finds first index of a substring in the given source string with ignored
* case. This seems to be the fastest way doing this, with common string
* length and content (of course, with no use of Boyer-Mayer type of
* algorithms). Other implementations are slower: getting char array first,
* lower casing the source string, using String.regionMatch etc.
* @param src source string for examination
* @param subS substring to find
* @param startIndex starting index from where search begins
* @return index of founded substring or -1 if substring is not found
public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(String src, String subS, int startIndex) {
return indexOfIgnoreCase(src, subS, startIndex, src.length());
* Finds first index of a substring in the given source string and range with
* ignored case.
* @param src source string for examination
* @param sub substring to find
* @param startIndex starting index from where search begins
* @param endIndex endint index
* @return index of founded substring or -1 if substring is not found
* @see #indexOfIgnoreCase(String, String, int)
public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(String src, String sub, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
if (startIndex < 0) {
startIndex = 0;
int srclen = src.length();
if (endIndex > srclen) {
endIndex = srclen;
int sublen = sub.length();
if (sublen == 0) {
return startIndex > srclen ? srclen : startIndex;
sub = sub.toLowerCase();
int total = endIndex - sublen + 1;
char c = sub.charAt(0);
for (int i = startIndex; i < total; i++) {
if (Character.toLowerCase(src.charAt(i)) != c) {
int j = 1;
int k = i + 1;
while (j < sublen) {
char source = Character.toLowerCase(src.charAt(k));
if (sub.charAt(j) != source) {
continue mainloop;
j++; k++;
return i;
return -1;
* Finds last index of a substring in the given source string with ignored
* case.
* @param s source string
* @param subS substring to find
* @return last index of founded substring or -1 if substring is not found
* @see #indexOfIgnoreCase(String, String, int)
* @see #lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(String, String, int)
public static int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(String s, String subS) {
return lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(s, subS, s.length(), 0);
* Finds last index of a substring in the given source string with ignored
* case.
* @param src source string for examination
* @param subS substring to find
* @param startIndex starting index from where search begins
* @return last index of founded substring or -1 if substring is not found
* @see #indexOfIgnoreCase(String, String, int)
public static int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(String src, String subS, int startIndex) {
return lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(src, subS, startIndex, 0);
* Finds last index of a substring in the given source string with ignored
* case in specified range.
* @param src source to examine
* @param sub substring to find
* @param startIndex starting index
* @param endIndex end index
* @return last index of founded substring or -1 if substring is not found
public static int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(String src, String sub, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
int sublen = sub.length();
int srclen = src.length();
if (sublen == 0) {
return startIndex > srclen ? srclen : (startIndex < -1 ? -1 : startIndex);
sub = sub.toLowerCase();
int total = srclen - sublen;
if (total < 0) {
return -1;
if (startIndex >= total) {
startIndex = total;
if (endIndex < 0) {
endIndex = 0;
char c = sub.charAt(0);
for (int i = startIndex; i >= endIndex; i--) {
if (Character.toLowerCase(src.charAt(i)) != c) {
int j = 1;
int k = i + 1;
while (j < sublen) {
char source = Character.toLowerCase(src.charAt(k));
if (sub.charAt(j) != source) {
continue mainloop;
j++; k++;
return i;
return -1;
* Finds last index of a substring in the given source string in specified range [end, start]
* See {@link #indexOf(String, String, int, int)} for details about the speed.
* @param src source to examine
* @param sub substring to find
* @param startIndex starting index
* @param endIndex end index
* @return last index of founded substring or -1 if substring is not found
public static int lastIndexOf(String src, String sub, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
int sublen = sub.length();
int srclen = src.length();
if (sublen == 0) {
return startIndex > srclen ? srclen : (startIndex < -1 ? -1 : startIndex);
int total = srclen - sublen;
if (total < 0) {
return -1;
if (startIndex >= total) {
startIndex = total;
if (endIndex < 0) {
endIndex = 0;
char c = sub.charAt(0);
for (int i = startIndex; i >= endIndex; i--) {
if (src.charAt(i) != c) {
int j = 1;
int k = i + 1;
while (j < sublen) {
if (sub.charAt(j) != src.charAt(k)) {
continue mainloop;
j++; k++;
return i;
return -1;
* Finds last index of a character in the given source string in specified range [end, start]
public static int lastIndexOf(String src, char c, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
int total = src.length() - 1;
if (total < 0) {
return -1;
if (startIndex >= total) {
startIndex = total;
if (endIndex < 0) {
endIndex = 0;
for (int i = startIndex; i >= endIndex; i--) {
if (src.charAt(i) == c) {
return i;
return -1;
* Finds last index of a character in the given source string in specified range [end, start]
public static int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(String src, char c, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
int total = src.length() - 1;
if (total < 0) {
return -1;
if (startIndex >= total) {
startIndex = total;
if (endIndex < 0) {
endIndex = 0;
c = Character.toLowerCase(c);
for (int i = startIndex; i >= endIndex; i--) {
if (Character.toLowerCase(src.charAt(i)) == c) {
return i;
return -1;
* Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix with ignored case.
* @param src source string to test
* @param subS starting substring
* @return <code>true</code> if the character sequence represented by the argument is
* a prefix of the character sequence represented by this string;
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String src, String subS) {
return startsWithIgnoreCase(src, subS, 0);
* Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix with ignored case
* and with the specified prefix beginning a specified index.
* @param src source string to test
* @param subS starting substring
* @param startIndex index from where to test
* @return <code>true</code> if the character sequence represented by the argument is
* a prefix of the character sequence represented by this string;
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String src, String subS, int startIndex) {
String sub = subS.toLowerCase();
int sublen = sub.length();
if (startIndex + sublen > src.length()) {
return false;
int j = 0;
int i = startIndex;
while (j < sublen) {
char source = Character.toLowerCase(src.charAt(i));
if (sub.charAt(j) != source) {
return false;
j++; i++;
return true;
* Tests if this string ends with the specified suffix.
* @param src String to test
* @param subS suffix
* @return <code>true</code> if the character sequence represented by the argument is
* a suffix of the character sequence represented by this object;
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String src, String subS) {
String sub = subS.toLowerCase();
int sublen = sub.length();
int j = 0;
int i = src.length() - sublen;
if (i < 0) {
return false;
while (j < sublen) {
char source = Character.toLowerCase(src.charAt(i));
if (sub.charAt(j) != source) {
return false;
j++; i++;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- count substrings
* Counts substring occurrences in a source string.
* @param source source string
* @param sub substring to count
* @return number of substring occurrences
public static int count(String source, String sub) {
return count(source, sub, 0);
public static int count(String source, String sub, int start) {
int count = 0;
int j = start;
int sublen = sub.length();
if (sublen == 0) {
return 0;
while (true) {
int i = source.indexOf(sub, j);
if (i == -1) {
j = i + sublen;
return count;
public static int count(String source, char c) {
return count(source, c, 0);
public static int count(String source, char c, int start) {
int count = 0;
int j = start;
while (true) {
int i = source.indexOf(c, j);
if (i == -1) {
j = i + 1;
return count;
* Count substring occurrences in a source string, ignoring case.
* @param source source string
* @param sub substring to count
* @return number of substring occurrences
public static int countIgnoreCase(String source, String sub) {
int count = 0;
int j = 0;
int sublen = sub.length();
if (sublen == 0) {
return 0;
while (true) {
int i = indexOfIgnoreCase(source, sub, j);
if (i == -1) {
j = i + sublen;
return count;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- string arrays
* Finds the very first index of a substring from the specified array. It
* returns an int[2] where int[0] represents the substring index and int[1]
* represents position where substring was found. Returns <code>null</code> if
* noting found.
* @param s source string
* @param arr string array
public static int[] indexOf(String s, String arr[]) {
return indexOf(s, arr, 0);
* Finds the very first index of a substring from the specified array. It
* returns an int[2] where int[0] represents the substring index and int[1]
* represents position where substring was found. Returns <code>null</code>
* if noting found.
* @param s source string
* @param arr string array
* @param start starting position
public static int[] indexOf(String s, String arr[], int start) {
int arrLen = arr.length;
int index = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int last = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < arrLen; j++) {
int i = s.indexOf(arr[j], start);
if (i != -1) {
if (i < index) {
index = i;
last = j;
return last == -1 ? null : new int[] {last, index};
* Finds the very first index of a substring from the specified array. It
* returns an int[2] where int[0] represents the substring index and int[1]
* represents position where substring was found. Returns <code>null</code>
* if noting found.
* @param s source string
* @param arr string array
public static int[] indexOfIgnoreCase(String s, String arr[]) {
return indexOfIgnoreCase(s, arr, 0);
* Finds the very first index of a substring from the specified array. It
* returns an int[2] where int[0] represents the substring index and int[1]
* represents position where substring was found. Returns <code>null</code>
* if noting found.
* @param s source string
* @param arr string array
* @param start starting position
public static int[] indexOfIgnoreCase(String s, String arr[], int start) {
int arrLen = arr.length;
int index = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int last = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < arrLen; j++) {
int i = indexOfIgnoreCase(s, arr[j], start);
if (i != -1) {
if (i < index) {
index = i;
last = j;
return last == -1 ? null : new int[] {last, index};
* Finds the very last index of a substring from the specified array. It
* returns an int[2] where int[0] represents the substring index and int[1]
* represents position where substring was found. Returns <code>null</code>
* if noting found.
* @param s source string
* @param arr string array
public static int[] lastIndexOf(String s, String arr[]) {
return lastIndexOf(s, arr, s.length());
* Finds the very last index of a substring from the specified array. It
* returns an int[2] where int[0] represents the substring index and int[1]
* represents position where substring was found. Returns <code>null</code>
* if noting found.
* @param s source string
* @param arr string array
* @param fromIndex starting position
public static int[] lastIndexOf(String s, String arr[], int fromIndex) {
int arrLen = arr.length;
int index = -1;
int last = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < arrLen; j++) {
int i = s.lastIndexOf(arr[j], fromIndex);
if (i != -1) {
if (i > index) {
index = i;
last = j;
return last == -1 ? null : new int[] {last, index};
* Finds the very last index of a substring from the specified array. It
* returns an int[2] where int[0] represents the substring index and int[1]
* represents position where substring was found. Returns <code>null</code>
* if noting found.
* @param s source string
* @param arr string array
* @return int[2]
public static int[] lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(String s, String arr[]) {
return lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(s, arr, s.length());
* Finds the very last index of a substring from the specified array. It
* returns an int[2] where int[0] represents the substring index and int[1]
* represents position where substring was found. Returns <code>null</code>
* if noting found.
* @param s source string
* @param arr string array
* @param fromIndex starting position
public static int[] lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(String s, String arr[], int fromIndex) {
int arrLen = arr.length;
int index = -1;
int last = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < arrLen; j++) {
int i = lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(s, arr[j], fromIndex);
if (i != -1) {
if (i > index) {
index = i;
last = j;
return last == -1 ? null : new int[] {last, index};
* Compares two string arrays.
* @param as first string array
* @param as1 second string array
* @return <code>true</code> if all array elements matches
public static boolean equals(String as[], String as1[]) {
if (as.length != as1.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) {
if (as[i].equals(as1[i]) == false) {
return false;
return true;
* Compares two string arrays.
* @param as first string array
* @param as1 second string array
* @return true if all array elements matches
public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String as[], String as1[]) {
if (as.length != as1.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) {
if (as[i].equalsIgnoreCase(as1[i]) == false) {
return false;
return true;
* Replaces many substring at once. Order of string array is important.
* @param s source string
* @param sub substrings array
* @param with replace with array
* @return string with all occurrences of substrings replaced
public static String replace(String s, String[] sub, String[] with) {
if ((sub.length != with.length) || (sub.length == 0)) {
return s;
int start = 0;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(s.length());
while (true) {
int[] res = indexOf(s, sub, start);
if (res == null) {
int end = res[1];
buf.append(s.substring(start, end));
start = end + sub[res[0]].length();
return buf.toString();
* Replaces many substring at once. Order of string array is important.
* @param s source string
* @param sub substrings array
* @param with replace with array
* @return string with all occurrences of substrings replaced
public static String replaceIgnoreCase(String s, String[] sub, String[] with) {
if ((sub.length != with.length) || (sub.length == 0)) {
return s;
int start = 0;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(s.length());
while (true) {
int[] res = indexOfIgnoreCase(s, sub, start);
if (res == null) {
int end = res[1];
buf.append(s.substring(start, end));
start = end + sub[0].length();
return buf.toString();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- the one
* Compares string with at least one from the provided array.
* If at least one equal string is found, returns its index.
* Otherwise, <code>-1</code> is returned.
public static int equalsOne(String src, String[] dest) {
for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; i++) {
if (src.equals(dest[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
* Compares string with at least one from the provided array, ignoring case.
* If at least one equal string is found, it returns its index.
* Otherwise, <code>-1</code> is returned.
public static int equalsOneIgnoreCase(String src, String[] dest) {
for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; i++) {
if (src.equalsIgnoreCase(dest[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
* Checks if string starts with at least one string from the provided array.
* If at least one string is matched, it returns its index.
* Otherwise, <code>-1</code> is returned.
public static int startsWithOne(String src, String[] dest) {
for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; i++) {
if (src.startsWith(dest[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
* Checks if string starts with at least one string from the provided array.
* If at least one string is matched, it returns its index.
* Otherwise, <code>-1</code> is returned.
public static int startsWithOneIgnoreCase(String src, String[] dest) {
for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; i++) {
if (startsWithIgnoreCase(src, dest[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
* Checks if string ends with at least one string from the provided array.
* If at least one string is matched, it returns its index.
* Otherwise, <code>-1</code> is returned.
public static int endsWithOne(String src, String[] dest) {
for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; i++) {
if (src.endsWith(dest[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
* Checks if string ends with at least one string from the provided array.
* If at least one string is matched, it returns its index.
* Otherwise, <code>-1</code> is returned.
public static int endsWithOneIgnoreCase(String src, String[] dest) {
for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; i++) {
if (endsWithIgnoreCase(src, dest[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- char based
public static int indexOfChars(String string, String chars) {
return indexOfChars(string, chars, 0);
* Returns the very first index of any char from provided string, starting from specified index offset.
* Returns index of founded char, or <code>-1</code> if nothing found.
public static int indexOfChars(String string, String chars, int startindex) {
int stringLen = string.length();
int charsLen = chars.length();
if (startindex < 0) {
startindex = 0;
for (int i = startindex; i < stringLen; i++) {
char c = string.charAt(i);
for (int j = 0; j < charsLen; j++) {
if (c == chars.charAt(j)) {
return i;
return -1;
public static int indexOfChars(String string, char[] chars) {
return indexOfChars(string, chars, 0);
* Returns the very first index of any char from provided string, starting from specified index offset.
* Returns index of founded char, or <code>-1</code> if nothing found.
public static int indexOfChars(String string, char[] chars, int startindex) {
int stringLen = string.length();
int charsLen = chars.length;
for (int i = startindex; i < stringLen; i++) {
char c = string.charAt(i);
for (int j = 0; j < charsLen; j++) {
if (c == chars[j]) {
return i;
return -1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- strip
* Strips leading char if string starts with one.
public static String stripLeadingChar(String string, char c) {
if (string.length() > 0) {
if (string.charAt(0) == c) {
return string.substring(1);
return string;
* Strips trailing char if string ends with one.
protected String stripTrailingChar(String string, char c) {
if (string.length() > 0) {
if (string.charAt(string.length() - 1) == c) {
return string.substring(0, string.length() - 1);
return string;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- trim
* Trims array of strings. Null elements of the array are ignored.
public static void trim(String[] strings) {
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
String string = strings[i];
if (string != null) {
strings[i] = string.trim();
* Trims array of strings where empty strings are nulled.
* Null elements of the array are ignored.
* @see #trimNonEmpty(String)
public static void trimNonEmpty(String[] strings) {
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
String string = strings[i];
if (string != null) {
strings[i] = trimNonEmpty(strings[i]);
* Trims string where empty strings are returned as a <code>null</code>.
public static String trimNonEmpty(String string) {
if (string != null) {
string = string.trim();
if (string.length() == 0) {
string = null;
return string;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- regions
* @see #indexOfRegion(String, String, String, int)
public static int[] indexOfRegion(String string, String leftBoundary, String rightBoundary) {
return indexOfRegion(string, leftBoundary, rightBoundary, 0);
* Returns indexes of the first region without escaping character.
* @see #indexOfRegion(String, String, String, char, int)
public static int[] indexOfRegion(String string, String leftBoundary, String rightBoundary, int offset) {
int ndx = offset;
int[] res = new int[4];
ndx = string.indexOf(leftBoundary, ndx);
if (ndx == -1) {
return null;
res[0] = ndx;
ndx += leftBoundary.length();
res[1] = ndx;
ndx = string.indexOf(rightBoundary, ndx);
if (ndx == -1) {
return null;
res[2] = ndx;
res[3] = ndx + rightBoundary.length();
return res;
* @see #indexOfRegion(String, String, String, char, int)
public static int[] indexOfRegion(String string, String leftBoundary, String rightBoundary, char escape) {
return indexOfRegion(string, leftBoundary, rightBoundary, escape, 0);
* Returns indexes of the first string region. Region is defined by its left and right boundary.
* Return value is an array of the following indexes:
* <ul>
* <li>start of left boundary index</li>
* <li>region start index, i.e. end of left boundary</li>
* <li>region end index, i.e. start of right boundary</li>
* <li>end of right boundary index</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Escape character may be used to prefix boundaries so they can be ignored.
* If region is not founded, <code>null</code> is returned.
public static int[] indexOfRegion(String string, String leftBoundary, String rightBoundary, char escape, int offset) {
int ndx = offset;
int[] res = new int[4];
while (true) {
ndx = string.indexOf(leftBoundary, ndx);
if (ndx == -1) {
return null;
if (ndx > 0) {
if (string.charAt(ndx - 1) == escape) {
ndx += leftBoundary.length();
res[0] = ndx;
ndx += leftBoundary.length();
res[1] = ndx;
while (true) {
ndx = string.indexOf(rightBoundary, ndx);
if (ndx == -1) {
return null;
if (ndx > 0) {
if (string.charAt(ndx - 1) == escape) {
ndx += rightBoundary.length();
res[2] = ndx;
res[3] = ndx + rightBoundary.length();
return res;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- join
* Joins array of strings into one string.
public String join(String... parts) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String part : parts) {
return sb.toString();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- charset
* Converts string charsets.
public static String convertCharset(String source, String srcCharsetName, String newCharsetName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
return new String(source.getBytes(srcCharsetName), newCharsetName);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- chars
* Safely compares provided char with char on given location.
public static boolean isCharAtEqual(String string, int index, char charToCompare) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= string.length())) {
return false;
return string.charAt(index) == charToCompare;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- surround
* @see #surround(String, String, String)
public static String surround(String string, String fix) {
return surround(string, fix, fix);
* Surrounds the string with provided prefix and suffix if such missing from string.
public static String surround(String string, String prefix, String suffix) {
if (string.startsWith(prefix) == false) {
string = prefix + string;
if (string.endsWith(suffix) == false) {
string += suffix;
return string;
* Inserts prefix if doesn't exist.
public static String prefix(String string, String prefix) {
if (string.startsWith(prefix) == false) {
string = prefix + string;
return string;
* Appends suffix if doesn't exist.
public static String suffix(String string, String suffix) {
if (string.endsWith(suffix) == false) {
string += suffix;
return string;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- cut
* Cuts the string from beginning to the first index of provided substring.
public static String cutFromIndexOf(String string, String substring) {
int i = string.indexOf(substring);
if (i != -1) {
string = string.substring(0, i);
return string;
public static String cutFromIndexOf(String string, char c) {
int i = string.indexOf(c);
if (i != -1) {
string = string.substring(0, i);
return string;
public static String cutToIndexOf(String string, String substring) {
int i = string.indexOf(substring);
if (i != -1) {
string = string.substring(i);
return string;
public static String cutToIndexOf(String string, char c) {
int i = string.indexOf(c);
if (i != -1) {
string = string.substring(i);
return string;
* Cuts prefix if exists.
public static String cutPreffix(String string, String prefix) {
if (string.startsWith(prefix)) {
string = string.substring(prefix.length());
return string;
* Cuts sufix if exists.
public static String cutSuffix(String string, String suffix) {
if (string.endsWith(suffix)) {
string = string.substring(0, string.length() - suffix.length());
return string;
* @see #cutSurrounding(String, String, String)
public static String cutSurrounding(String string, String fix) {
return cutSurrounding(string, fix, fix);
* Removes surrounding prefix and suffixes.
public static String cutSurrounding(String string, String prefix, String suffix) {
int start = 0;
int end = string.length();
if (string.startsWith(prefix)) {
start = prefix.length();
if (string.endsWith(suffix)) {
end -= suffix.length();
return string.substring(start, end);
* Cuts the last word from the string.
public static String cutLastWord(String string) {
return cutLastWord(string, false);
* Cuts the last word from the string, but not if it is a first.
public static String cutLastWordNotFirst(String string) {
return cutLastWord(string, true);
private static String cutLastWord(String string, boolean preserveFirst) {
int ndx = string.length() - 1;
while (ndx >= 0) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(string.charAt(ndx)) == true) {
if (ndx >= 0) {
if ((ndx == 0) && (preserveFirst == true)) {
return string;
string = string.substring(0, ndx);
return string;
//Copyright (c) 2003-2009, Jodd Team ( All Rights Reserved.
* Various character and character sequence utilities.
class CharUtil {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- to byte array
* Converts char array into byte array by stripping high byte.
public static byte[] toByteArray(char[] carr) {
if (carr == null) {
return null;
byte[] barr = new byte[carr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < carr.length; i++) {
barr[i] = (byte) carr[i];
return barr;
* Converts char array to byte array using provided encoding.
public static byte[] toByteArray(char[] carr, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
return new String(carr).getBytes(charset);
* Converts char array into ASCII array.
* @see #toAscii(char)
public static byte[] toAsciiArray(char[] carr) {
if (carr == null) {
return null;
byte[] barr = new byte[carr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < carr.length; i++) {
barr[i] = (byte) toAscii(carr[i]);
return barr;
* Converts char sequence into byte array. Chars are truncated to byte size.
public static byte[] toByteArray(CharSequence charSequence) {
if (charSequence == null) {
return null;
byte[] barr = new byte[charSequence.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < barr.length; i++) {
barr[i] = (byte) charSequence.charAt(i);
return barr;
* Converts char sequence into ASCII array.
public static byte[] toAsciiArray(CharSequence charSequence) {
if (charSequence == null) {
return null;
byte[] barr = new byte[charSequence.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < barr.length; i++) {
barr[i] = (byte) toAscii(charSequence.charAt(i));
return barr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- to char array
* Converts byte array to char array by simply extending.
public static char[] toCharArray(byte[] barr) {
if (barr == null) {
return null;
char[] carr = new char[barr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < barr.length; i++) {
carr[i] = (char) barr[i];
return carr;
* Converts byte array of specific encoding to char array.
public static char[] toCharArray(byte[] barr, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
return new String(barr, charset).toCharArray();
* Returns ASCII value of a char. In case of overload, 0x3F is returned.
public static int toAscii(char c) {
if (c <= 0xFF) {
return c;
} else {
return 0x3F;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- find
* Match if one character equals to any of the given character.
* @return <code>true</code> if characters match any character from given array,
* otherwise <code>false</code>
public static boolean equalsOne(char c, char[] match) {
for (char aMatch : match) {
if (c == aMatch) {
return true;
return false;
* Finds index of the first character in given array the matches any from the
* given set of characters.
* @return index of matched character or -1
public static int findFirstEqual(char[] source, int index, char[] match) {
for (int i = index; i < source.length; i++) {
if (equalsOne(source[i], match) == true) {
return i;
return -1;
* Finds index of the first character in given array the matches any from the
* given set of characters.
* @return index of matched character or -1
public static int findFirstEqual(char[] source, int index, char match) {
for (int i = index; i < source.length; i++) {
if (source[i] == match) {
return i;
return -1;
* Finds index of the first character in given array the differs from the
* given set of characters.
* @return index of matched character or -1
public static int findFirstDiff(char[] source, int index, char[] match) {
for (int i = index; i < source.length; i++) {
if (equalsOne(source[i], match) == false) {
return i;
return -1;
* Finds index of the first character in given array the differs from the
* given set of characters.
* @return index of matched character or -1
public static int findFirstDiff(char[] source, int index, char match) {
for (int i = index; i < source.length; i++) {
if (source[i] != match) {
return i;
return -1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- is char at
public static boolean isCharAtEqual(char[] source, int index, char match) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= source.length)) {
return false;
return source[index] == match;
public static boolean isCharAtEqual(CharSequence source, int index, char match) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= source.length())) {
return false;
return source.charAt(index) == match;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- is
* Returns <code>true</code> if character is a white space.
* White space definition is taken from String class (see: <code>trim()</code>
public static boolean isWhitespace(char c) {
return c <= ' ';
* Returns <code>true</code> if specified character is lowercase ASCII.
* If user uses only ASCIIs, it is much much faster.
public static boolean isLowercaseLetter(char c) {
return (c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z');
* Returns <code>true</code> if specified character is uppercase ASCII.
* If user uses only ASCIIs, it is much much faster.
public static boolean isUppercaseLetter(char c) {
return (c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z');
public static boolean isLetter(char c) {
return ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z'));
public static boolean isDigit(char c) {
return (c >= '0') && (c <= '9');
public static boolean isLetterOrDigit(char c) {
return isDigit(c) || isLetter(c);
public static boolean isWordChar(char c) {
return isDigit(c) || isLetter(c) || (c == '_');
public static boolean isPropertyNameChar(char c) {
return isDigit(c) || isLetter(c) || (c == '_') || (c == '.') || (c == '[') || (c == ']');
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- conversions
* Uppers lowercase ASCII char.
public static char toUpperAscii(char c) {
if (isLowercaseLetter(c)) {
c -= (char) 0x20;
return c;
* Lowers uppercase ASCII char.
public static char toLowerAscii(char c) {
if (isUppercaseLetter(c)) {
c += (char) 0x20;
return c;
Related examples in the same category
1. | Fmt - format text (like Berkeley UNIX fmt) | | |
2. | Demonstrate some usage patterns and format-code examples of the Formatter | |  |
3. | String.format(): right pad a string | | |
4. | String.format(): left pad a string | | |
5. | Format a String (JDK1.5) | | |
6. | Pass value array to String.format() | | |
7. | Format Calendar with String.format() | | |
8. | Abbreviates a String using ellipses in both sides. | | |
9. | Abbreviates a String using ellipses. | | |
10. | Abbreviate string | | |
11. | Word Wrap | | |
12. | Centers a String in a larger String of size size using the space character (' '). | | |
13. | Centers a String in a larger String of size size. Uses a supplied String as the value to pad the String with. | | |
14. | Centers a String in a larger String of size size. Uses a supplied character as the value to pad the String with. | | |
15. | Capitalize the first character of the given string | | |
16. | Capitalize the first letter but leave the rest as they are. | | |
17. | Capitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as Character.toTitleCase(char). No other letters are changed. | | |
18. | Format strings into table | | |
19. | Center the contents of the string. | | |
20. | Truncate the supplied string to be no more than the specified length. | | |
21. | Adds spaces in suitable locations of the input string | | |
22. | Blank string: empty or white space | | |
23. | Capital and uncapital strings | | |
24. | Capitalizes the first character of the given string | | |
25. | Utilities for String formatting, manipulation, and queries | | |
26. | Fast lower case conversion | | |
27. | Format a percentage for presentation to the user | | |
28. | Left justify the contents of the string, ensuring that the supplied string begins at the first character and that the resulting string is of the desired length. | | |
29. | Transforms words to singular, plural, humanized (human readable), underscore, camel case, or ordinal form | | |
30. | Escapes all necessary characters in the String so that it can be used in SQL | | |
31. | Escapes all necessary characters in the String so that it can be used in an XML doc | | |
32. | Adds zeros to the beginning of a value so that the total length matches the given precision, otherwise trims the right digits. | | |
33. | Right justify string, ensuring that the string ends at the last character | | |
34. | Makes the first letter caps and the rest lowercase. | | |
35. | Quote a string so that it can be used as an identifier or a string literal in SQL statements. | | |
36. | Remove the hyphens from the begining of str and return the new String. | | |
37. | Swaps the case of a String changing upper and title case to lower case, and lower case to upper case. | | |
38. | Uncapitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as per Character.toLowerCase(char). No other letters are changed. | | |
39. | Capitlize each word in a string (journal titles, etc) | | |
40. | Uncapitalize String | | |
41. | Utility inserts a space before every caps in a string | | |
42. | convert String array To Comma Delimited | | |
43. | Constructs a method name from element's bean name for a given prefix | | |
44. | break Lines | | |
45. | Limit the string to a certain number of characters, adding "..." if it was truncated | | |
46. | Capicalizes the first letter of a string | | |
47. | Add delimiters to a string. | | |
48. | Get Truncated String | | |
49. | Convert to $(Dollars) string | | |
50. | Convert string to multiline | | |
51. | Deletes all whitespace from a String. | | |
52. | Trim string from left or right | | |
53. | implode and explode string | | |
54. | To Upper Case First Char | | |
55. | Left trim and right trim | | |
56. | capitalize and uncapitalize | | |