Tree Node : Tree « Collections Data Structure « Java

Tree Node


//package org.j4me.collections;

 * <code>TreeNode</code> objects can be combined into a tree.  The tree is not
 * a special tree such as a balanced tree.  It can have any number of levels
 * and each node can have any number of children.
 * <p>
 * Each tree node may have at most one parent and 0 or more children.
 * <code>TreeNode</code> provides operations for examining and modifying a node's
 * parent and children.  A node's tree is the set of all nodes that can be
 * reached by starting at the node and following all the possible links to
 * parents and children.  A node with no parent is the root of its tree; a
 * node with no children is a leaf.  A tree may consist of many subtrees,
 * each node acting as the root for its own subtree.
 * <p>
 * Every <code>TreeNode</code> can hold a reference to one user object.  It is up
 * to the developer to decide what the object is and how to use it.  For
 * example in maintaining the golf course tree the user object is an
 * <code>ICourseElement</code>.
 * <p>
 * <i>This is not a thread safe class.</i>  If used from multiple threads it
 * must be manually sychronized by your code.
public class TreeNode
   * This node's parent node.  If this is the root of the tree then
   * the parent will be <code>null</code>.
  private TreeNode parent;
   * An array of all this node's child nodes.  The array will always
   * exist (i.e. never <code>null</code>) and be of length zero if this is
   * a leaf node.
   * <p>
   * This is an array instead of a <code>Vector</code> to favor speed of
   * accessing the children.  The array takes longer on adds because
   * of array copying and management.  However to get the array it
   * can just be returned instead of creating a new array from the
   * <code>Vector</code> each time.  The tree is used frequently enough for
   * reading course elements that this difference makes a small impact
   * on rendering.
  private TreeNode[] children = new TreeNode[0];
   * Constructs a tree node object.  It can become the root of a tree.
   * Or it can become a child of another node by calling the other node's
   * <code>add</code> method.
   * <p>
   * There is no user object attached to the node.  Call <code>setUserObject</code>
   * to attach one.
  public TreeNode ()
    // Nothing needed.
   * Constructs a tree node object.  It can become the root of a tree.
   * Or it can become a child of another node by calling the other node's
   * <code>add</code> method.
   * @param userObject is an object this node encapsulates.  It is up to
   *  the developer to maintain its type.  To get the object back out
   *  call <code>getUserObject</code>.
  public TreeNode (Object userObject)
    m_userData = userObject;

   * Adds the <code>child</code> node to this container making this its parent.
   * @param child is the node to add to the tree as a child of <code>this</code>
   * @param index is the position within the children list to add the
   *  child.  It must be between 0 (the first child) and the
   *  total number of current children (the last child).  If it is
   *  negative the child will become the last child.
  public void add (TreeNode child, int index)
    // Add the child to the list of children.
    if ( index < 0 || index == children.length )  // then append
      TreeNode[] newChildren = new TreeNode[ children.length + 1 ];
      System.arraycopy( children, 0, newChildren, 0, children.length );
      newChildren[children.length] = child;
      children = newChildren;
    else if ( index > children.length )
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add child to index " + index + ".  There are only " + children.length + " children.");
    else  // insert
      TreeNode[] newChildren = new TreeNode[ children.length + 1 ];
      if ( index > 0 )
        System.arraycopy( children, 0, newChildren, 0, index );
      newChildren[index] = child;
      System.arraycopy( children, index, newChildren, index + 1, children.length - index );
      children = newChildren;
    // Set the parent of the child.
    child.parent = this;
   * Adds the <code>child</code> node to this container making this its parent.
   * The child is appended to the list of children as the last child.
  public void add (TreeNode child)
    add( child, -1 );
   * Removes the child at position <code>index</code> from the tree.
   * @param index is the position of the child.  It should be between
   *  0 (the first child) and the total number of children minus 1
   *  (the last child).
   * @return The removed child node.  This will be <code>null</code> if
   *  no child exists at the specified <code>index</code>.
  public TreeNode remove (int index)
    if ( index < 0 || index >= children.length ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove element with index " + index + " when there are " + children.length + " elements.");
    // Get a handle to the node being removed.
    TreeNode node = children[index];
    node.parent = null;
    // Remove the child from this node.
    TreeNode[] newChildren = new TreeNode[ children.length - 1 ];
    if ( index > 0 )
      System.arraycopy( children, 0, newChildren, 0, index );
    if ( index != children.length - 1 )
      System.arraycopy( children, index + 1, newChildren, index, children.length - index - 1 );
    children = newChildren;
    return node;
   * Removes this node from its parent.  This node becomes the root
   * of a subtree where all of its children become first level
   * nodes.
   * <p>
   * Calling this on the root node has no effect.
  public void removeFromParent ()
    if ( parent != null )
      int position = this.index();
      parent.remove( position );
      parent = null;

   * Gets the parent node of this one.
   * @return The parent of this node.  This will return <code>null</code>
   *  if this node is the root node in the tree.
  public TreeNode getParent ()
    return parent;
   * Returns if this node is the root node in the tree or not.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this node is the root of the tree;
   *  <code>false</code> if it has a parent.
  public boolean isRoot ()
    if ( parent == null )
      return true;
      return false;

   * Gets a list of all the child nodes of this node.
   * @return An array of all the child nodes.  The array will
   *  be the size of the number of children.  A leaf node
   *  will return an empty array, not <code>null</code>.
  public TreeNode[] children ()
    return children;
   * Returns if this node has children or if it is a leaf
   * node.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this node has children; <code>false</code>
   *  if it does not have any children.
  public boolean hasChildren ()
    if ( children.length == 0 )
      return false;
      return true;
   * Gets the position of this node in the list of siblings
   * managed by the parent node.  This node can be obtained
   * by <code>this = parent.children[this.index()]</code>.
   * @return The index of the child array of this node's
   *  parent.  If this is the root node it will return -1.
  public int index ()
    if ( parent != null )
      for ( int i = 0; ; i++ )
        Object node = parent.children[i];
        if ( this == node )
          return i;

    // Only ever make it here if this is the root node.
    return -1;

   * Gets this node's depth in the tree.  The root node will
   * have a depth of 0, first-level nodes will have a depth
   * of 1, and so on.
   * @return The depth of this node in the tree.
  public int depth ()
    int depth = recurseDepth( parent, 0 );
    return depth;

   * Recursive helper method to calculate the depth of a node.
   * The caller should pass its parent and an initial depth of 0.
   * <p>
   * A recursive approach is used so that when a node that is
   * part of a tree is removed from that tree, we do not need
   * to recalculate the depth of every node in that subtree.
   * @param node is the node to recursively check for its depth.
   *  This should be set to <code>parent</code> by the caller.
   * @param depth is the depth of the current node (i.e. the
   *  child of <code>node</code>).  This should be set to 0 by the
   *  caller.
  private int recurseDepth (TreeNode node, int depth)
    if ( node == null )  // reached top of tree
      return depth;
      return recurseDepth( node.parent, depth + 1 );

   * A handle to the programmer assigned object encapsulated by this
   * node.  This will be <code>null</code> when the user has not assigned
   * any data to this node.
  private Object m_userData;
   * Attaches a user defined object to this node.  Only one
   * object can be attached to a node.
   * @param userObject is the programmer defined object to
   *  attach to this node in the tree.  Set it to <code>null</code>
   *  to clear any objects.
  public void setUserObject (Object userObject)
    m_userData = userObject;
   * Gets the user defined object attached to this node.  It
   * must be cast back to what it was inserted as.  It is up
   * to the developer to make this cast.
   * @return The programmer defined object attached to this
   *  node in the tree.  Returns <code>null</code> if no object is
   *  attached.
  public Object getUserObject ()
    return m_userData;
package org.j4me.collections;

import j2meunit.framework.*;

 * Tests the <code>TreeNode</code> object.  It is a generic tree (integer.e. not a balanced tree
 * or some other specialized tree).
 * @see org.j4me.collections.TreeNode
public class TreeNodeTest
  extends TestCase
  public TreeNodeTest ()
  public TreeNodeTest (String name, TestMethod method)
    super( name, method );
  public Test suite ()
    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
    suite.addTest(new TreeNodeTest("testIllegalOperations", new TestMethod() 
        { public void run(TestCase tc) {((TreeNodeTest) tc).testIllegalOperations(); } }));
    suite.addTest(new TreeNodeTest("testUserObjects", new TestMethod() 
        { public void run(TestCase tc) {((TreeNodeTest) tc).testUserObjects(); } }));
    suite.addTest(new TreeNodeTest("testRoot", new TestMethod() 
        { public void run(TestCase tc) {((TreeNodeTest) tc).testRoot(); } }));
    suite.addTest(new TreeNodeTest("testOneChild", new TestMethod() 
        { public void run(TestCase tc) {((TreeNodeTest) tc).testOneChild(); } }));
    suite.addTest(new TreeNodeTest("testMultipleChildren", new TestMethod() 
        { public void run(TestCase tc) {((TreeNodeTest) tc).testMultipleChildren(); } }));
    suite.addTest(new TreeNodeTest("testMultipleLevels", new TestMethod() 
        { public void run(TestCase tc) {((TreeNodeTest) tc).testMultipleLevels(); } }));
    suite.addTest(new TreeNodeTest("testBigTree", new TestMethod() 
        { public void run(TestCase tc) {((TreeNodeTest) tc).testBigTree(); } }));
    return suite;
   * Tests the tree nodes defend themselves again invalid parameters that would
   * be the result of programming errors.
  public void testIllegalOperations ()
    // Test cannot add a child node to position greater than available number of children.
    boolean caughtException = false;
      TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
      root.add( new TreeNode(), 1 );
    catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
      caughtException = true;
    catch (Throwable t)
      String actualExceptionName = t.getClass().getName();
      fail( "Expected exception 'IllegalArgumentException' and got '" + actualExceptionName + "'." );
    if ( caughtException == false )
      fail( "Expected exception 'IllegalArgumentException' but no exceptions caught." );
    // Test remove a child node from position greater than available number of children.
    caughtException = false;
      TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
      root.remove( 1 );
    catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
      caughtException = true;
    catch (Throwable t)
      String actualExceptionName = t.getClass().getName();
      fail( "Expected exception 'IllegalArgumentException' and got '" + actualExceptionName + "'." );
    if ( caughtException == false )
      fail( "Expected exception 'IllegalArgumentException' but no exceptions caught." );
   * Tests that user objects can be attached and extracted from
   * a tree node.
  public void testUserObjects ()
    String user = "This is a test string.\n  It should go in and come out the same.";
    Integer user2 = new Integer(13);
    // Create a node with the user defined object.
    TreeNode node = new TreeNode( user );
    // Get the object back out.
    Object obj = node.getUserObject();
    String result = (String)obj;
    assertEquals("The attached string should be the same one as put in.", user, result);
    // Try erasing the string.
    node.setUserObject( null );
    obj = node.getUserObject();
    assertNull("No user object should be attached to the node.", obj);
    // Put a different object back in and pull it out.
    node.setUserObject( user2 );
    obj = node.getUserObject();
    Integer intResult = (Integer)obj;
    assertEquals("The attached Integer should be the same one as put in.", user2, intResult);
   * Tests assertions about a root node.  This is a very simple test
   * and should be right before working with children.
  public void testRoot ()
    TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
    // Verify properties of the root node.
    boolean isRoot = root.isRoot();
    assertTrue("The node should be the root node.", isRoot);
    int index = root.index();
    assertEquals("The root node should have an index of -1 since it has no parent.", -1, index);
    int depth = root.depth();
    assertEquals("The root node should have depth of 0 since it has no parent.", 0, depth);
    TreeNode parent = root.getParent();
    assertNull("The root node should not have a parent node.", parent);
    boolean hasChildren = root.hasChildren();
    assertTrue("The root node should not have any children because none have been added.", hasChildren == false);
    TreeNode[] children = root.children();
    int childLength = children.length;
    assertEquals("The root node should not have any children because none have been added.", 0, childLength);
    // Verify the following method doesn't throw an exception.
   * Test a tree that has a root and just one child.  This is a simple
   * test to verify the child has properties appropriately set before
   * testing more complex trees.
  public void testOneChild ()
    // Create the tree.
    TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
    TreeNode child = new TreeNode();
    root.add( child );
    // Verify properties of the child node.
    boolean isRoot = child.isRoot();
    assertTrue("The node should not be the root node.", isRoot == false);
    int index = child.index();
    assertEquals("The child node should have an index of 0 since it is the only child.", 0, index);
    int depth = child.depth();
    assertEquals("The child node should have depth of 1 since it is a first level node.", 1, depth);
    TreeNode parent = child.getParent();
    assertEquals("The child's parent should be the root node.", root, parent);
    boolean hasChildren = child.hasChildren();
    assertTrue("The child node should not have any children because none have been added.", hasChildren == false);
    hasChildren = root.hasChildren();
    assertTrue("The root node should now have children.", hasChildren == true);
    TreeNode[] children = child.children();
    int childLength = children.length;
    assertEquals("The child node should not have any children because none have been added.", 0, childLength);
    children = root.children();
    childLength = children.length;
    assertEquals("The root node should have 1 child.", 1, childLength);

    TreeNode theChild = children[0];
    assertEquals("The root's child should be child.", child, theChild);
    // Now remove the child from the root.
    isRoot = child.isRoot();
    assertTrue("The child node should now be the root of its own subtree.", isRoot == true);
    depth = child.depth();
    assertEquals("The child node should have depth of 0 since it is now the root.", 0, depth);
    parent = child.getParent();
    assertEquals("The child should not have a parent since it is now the root.", null, parent);
    hasChildren = root.hasChildren();
    assertTrue("The root node should no longer have any children.", hasChildren == false);

   * This tests a tree only 1 level deep, but there are several first
   * level children.  This is useful to test that siblings are kept
   * correctly before testing multiple level trees.
  public void testMultipleChildren ()
    TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
    TreeNode child1 = new TreeNode();
    TreeNode child2 = new TreeNode();
    TreeNode child3 = new TreeNode();
    // Add the children.
    root.add( child1, 0 );
    root.add( child3, 1 );  // Add with index, but really appending child
    root.add( child2, 1 );  // Add out of order to test insertion in the middle of the children
    TreeNode[] children = root.children();
    assertEquals("child1 should be the first child.", child1, children[0]);
    assertEquals("child2 should be the second child.", child2, children[1]);
    assertEquals("child3 should be the third child.", child3, children[2]);
    // Verify the properties of the children.
    for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
      TreeNode child = children[i];
      int index = child.index();
      assertEquals("child" + (i+1) + " should have an index of " + i, i, index);
      boolean isRoot = child.isRoot();
      assertTrue("child" + (i+1) + " should not be the root node.", isRoot == false);
      int depth = child.depth();
      assertEquals("child" + (i+1) + " should have depth of 1 since it is a first level node.", 1, depth);
      TreeNode parent = child.getParent();
      assertEquals("child" + (i+1) + "'s parent should be the root node.", root, parent);
      boolean hasChildren = child.hasChildren();
      assertTrue("child" + (i+1) + " should not have any children because none have been added.", hasChildren == false);
    // Remove the middle child.
    TreeNode removed = root.remove( 1 );
    assertEquals("The removed node should be child2.", child2, removed);
    assertEquals("child2 should now have a depth of 0.", 0, removed.depth());
    children = root.children();
    assertEquals("The root should now have 2 children.", 2, children.length);
    assertEquals("child3 should be the second child.", child3, children[1]);
    // Add the middle child back in.
    root.add( removed, 1 );
    children = root.children();
    TreeNode node = children[1];

    assertEquals("The second node should be child2 again.", child2, node);
    assertEquals("child2's parent should be the root again.", root, child2.getParent());
    assertEquals("child2's depth should be 1 again.", 1, child2.depth());
    // Remove all the children.
    root.remove( 1 );
    root.remove( 1 );
    assertTrue("The root should not have any children now.", root.hasChildren() == false);
   * This tests that multiple levels of the tree work correctly.  Each
   * level has only 1 child.  This is a simple test to verify depth
   * works before moving onto more complex trees.
  public void testMultipleLevels ()
    TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
    TreeNode depth1 = new TreeNode();
    TreeNode depth2 = new TreeNode();
    TreeNode depth3 = new TreeNode();
    // Add the children.
    root.add( depth1 );
    depth2.add( depth3 );
    depth1.add( depth2 );

    // Verify the properties of the nodes.
    assertTrue("The root should have 1 child.", root.hasChildren() == true);
    assertEquals("The root should have a depth of 0.", 0, root.depth());
    assertEquals("The root should not have a parent.", null, root.getParent());
    assertTrue("depth1 should have 1 child.", depth1.hasChildren() == true);
    assertEquals("depth1 should have a depth of 1.", 1, depth1.depth());
    assertEquals("depth1 should have root as its parent.", root, depth1.getParent());
    assertTrue("depth2 should have 1 child.", depth2.hasChildren() == true);
    assertEquals("depth2 should have a depth of 2.", 2, depth2.depth());
    assertEquals("depth2 should have depth1 as its parent.", depth1, depth2.getParent());
    assertTrue("depth3 should have not have any children.", depth3.hasChildren() == false);
    assertEquals("depth3 should have a depth of 3.", 3, depth3.depth());
    assertEquals("depth3 should have depth2 as its parent.", depth2, depth3.getParent());
    // Cut the tree in 1/2.
    assertTrue("depth2 should now be a root.", depth2.isRoot() == true);
    assertEquals("depth2 should now have a depth of 0.", 0, depth2.depth());
    assertEquals("depth3 should now have a depth of 1.", 1, depth3.depth());
    assertTrue("depth1 should not have any children now.", depth1.hasChildren() == false);
   * This tests a tree with multiple varying depths and multiple
   * varying amounts of children at each depth.
  public void testBigTree ()
    String testData = "";
    TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
    TreeNode d1c0 = new TreeNode( testData );
    TreeNode d1c1 = new TreeNode( testData );
    TreeNode d1c2 = new TreeNode( testData );
    TreeNode d2c1c0 = new TreeNode( testData );
    TreeNode d2c1c1 = new TreeNode( testData );
    TreeNode d2c1c2 = new TreeNode( testData );
    TreeNode d2c2c0 = new TreeNode( testData );
    TreeNode d2c2c1 = new TreeNode( testData );
    TreeNode d3c2c0c0 = new TreeNode( testData );
    TreeNode d3c2c0c1 = new TreeNode( testData );
    root.add( d1c0 );
    root.add( d1c1 );
    root.add( d1c2 );
    d1c1.add( d2c1c1 );  // Second child
    d1c1.add( d2c1c0, 0 );  // First child
    d1c1.add( d2c1c2 );  // Third child
    d1c2.add( d2c2c0 ); 
    d2c2c0.add( d3c2c0c0 );
    d2c2c0.add( d3c2c0c1 );

    d1c2.add( d2c2c1 ); 
    // Verify the tree structure.
    assertEquals("root should be the parent of d1c0", root, d1c0.getParent());
    assertEquals("root should be the parent of d1c1", root, d1c1.getParent());
    assertEquals("root should be the parent of d1c2", root, d1c2.getParent());
    assertEquals("d1c1 should be the parent of d2c1c0", d1c1, d2c1c0.getParent());
    assertEquals("d1c1 should be the parent of d2c1c1", d1c1, d2c1c1.getParent());
    assertEquals("d1c1 should be the parent of d2c1c2", d1c1, d2c1c2.getParent());
    assertEquals("d1c2 should be the parent of d2c2c0", d1c2, d2c2c0.getParent());
    assertEquals("d1c2 should be the parent of d2c2c1", d1c2, d2c2c1.getParent());
    assertEquals("d2c2c0 should be the parent of d3c2c0c0", d2c2c0, d3c2c0c0.getParent());
    assertEquals("d2c2c0 should be the parent of d3c2c0c1", d2c2c0, d3c2c0c1.getParent());
    // Verify the depths of some of the nodes.
    assertEquals("root should have a depth of 0", 0, root.depth());
    assertEquals("d1c1 should have a depth of 1", 1, d1c1.depth());
    assertEquals("d2c2c0 should have a depth of 2", 2, d2c2c0.depth());
    assertEquals("d3c2c0c1 should have a depth of 3", 3, d3c2c0c1.depth());
    // Verify we can traverse the tree from root to d3c2c0c0.
    TreeNode node = root.children()[2];  // d1c2
    node = node.children()[0];  // d2c2c0
    node = node.children()[0];  // d3c2c0c0
    assertEquals("We should have tranversed the tree to d3c2c0c0.", d3c2c0c0, node);
    assertEquals("Should have test data as user object from node d3c2c0c0.", testData, node.getUserObject());


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