Lightweight tree n-arity structure : Tree « Collections Data Structure « Java

Lightweight tree n-arity structure

 * Created on 16 October 2006, 16:45
 * Tree structure

//package Util.Structures;

import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * Lightweight tree n-arity structure
 * @author EHemberg
public class NimbleTree<E> {

    private TreeNode<E> root,currentNode;
    private Stack<TreeNode<E>> freeNodes;// nodes that have been taken off the tree and recycled 
    private int nodeCount; //Tracks number of nodes in the tree
    private int depth; // maximum depth of tree
    private int currentLevel; // 
    private int maxStackSize;

    /** Creates a new instance of NimbleTree */
    public NimbleTree() {
        this.root = newNode();
        this.currentNode = this.root;
        this.nodeCount = 1;
        this.depth = 0;
        this.currentLevel = 0;
        //Important to make a new stack
        this.freeNodes = new Stack<TreeNode<E>>();
        this.maxStackSize = 10;

    /** Copy constructor
     *  @param n copied tree
    public NimbleTree(NimbleTree<E> n) {
        this.root = n.root;
        this.currentNode = n.currentNode;
        this.nodeCount = n.nodeCount;
        this.freeNodes = new Stack<TreeNode<E>>();
        this.depth = n.depth;
        this.currentLevel = n.currentLevel;

    protected TreeNode<E> newNode()
    {   return new TreeNode<E>();

     * A static constructor (is this the right term?) where a lisp-style s-expression
     * is passed in as a string. This can't be a true constructor because the result
     * is a tree over String, not a generic tree.
    public static NimbleTree<String> makeTreeOverStringFromSExpression(String input) {
  NimbleTree<String> tree = new NimbleTree<String>();
        Stack<TreeNode<String>> previousParents = new Stack<TreeNode<String>>();

  // Make sure the string is tokenizable
  // FIXME allow [] and maybe other delimiters?
  input = input.replace("(", " ( ");
        input = input.replace(")", " ) ");

  StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(input);

  boolean firstTimeThrough = true;
  while (st.hasMoreTokens()){
      String currTok = st.nextToken().trim();

      if (currTok.equals("")) {
    // Tokenizer gave us an empty token, do nothing.

      } else if (currTok.equals("(")) {
    // Get the *next* token and make a new subtree on it.
    currTok = st.nextToken().trim();

    if (firstTimeThrough == true) {
        // The tree is of the form "(x)"
        // This is the root node: just set its data
        firstTimeThrough = false;

    } else {
        // This is the root of a new subtree. Save parent,
        // then set this node to be the new parent.
      } else if (currTok.equals(")")) {
    // Finished adding children to current parent. Go back
    // to previous parent (if there was none, it's because
    // current parent is root, so we're finished anyway).
    if (!previousParents.empty()) {

      } else {
    if (firstTimeThrough == true) {
        // The tree is of the form "x".
        // This is to be the root node: just set its data. 
        firstTimeThrough = false;
    } else {
        // Add a child node to current parent.

  return tree;

     * Set max stack size
     * @param i max stack size
    public void setMaxStackSize(int i) {
        this.maxStackSize = i;

     * Get max stack size
     * @return max stack size
    public int getMaxStackSize() {
        return this.maxStackSize;

     * Create nodes and push to the stack
    public void populateStack() {
        TreeNode<E> tn;
        for(int i = 0; i < maxStackSize; i++) {
            tn = newNode();

     * Get root of tree
     * @return tree root
    public TreeNode<E> getRoot() {
        return this.root;

     * Set tree root
     * @param tn root of tree
    public void setRoot(TreeNode<E> tn){
        this.root = tn;

     * Get current node
     * @return current node
    public TreeNode<E> getCurrentNode(){
        return this.currentNode;

     * Set current node
     * @param tn node to be current
    public void setCurrentNode(TreeNode<E> tn){
        this.currentNode = tn;

     * Get node count
     * @return number of nodes in tree
    public int getNodeCount(){
        return this.nodeCount;

     * Set node count
     * @param i number to set
    public void setNodeCount(int i){
        this.nodeCount = i;

     * Set depth of tree
     * @param i depth
    public void setDepth(int i) {
        this.depth = i;

     * Get maximum depth of tree
     * @return tree max depth
    public int getDepth() {
        return this.depth;

     * Get current level
     * @return current level
    public int getCurrentLevel() {
        return this.currentLevel;

     * Set current level
     * @param i level to set
    public void setCurrentLevel(int i) {
        this.currentLevel = i;

     * Find all the paths from root to leaves. Used by NGramEDAReproductionOperation.
     * @return list of list of TreeNode, each list starting at the root and ending at a leaf. 
    public ArrayList<ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>> getRootToLeafPaths() {
  ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> leafNodes = new ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>();
  // traverse the tree and find the leaf nodes
  for (TreeNode<E> node: depthFirstTraversal(getRoot())) {
      if (node.size()== 0) {
  ArrayList<ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>> paths = new ArrayList<ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>>();
  for (TreeNode<E> leaf: leafNodes) {
      ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> path = new ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>();
      TreeNode<E> current = leaf;
      while (current != getRoot()) {
    current = current.getParent();
      // add the root
  return paths;

     * Get all the chains of ancestors of length n in this tree. Used
     * as sources for NGram model.
    public ArrayList<ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>> getAncestorChains(int n) {
  ArrayList<ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>> retval = new ArrayList<ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>>();
  for (TreeNode<E> node: depthFirstTraversal(getRoot())) {
      ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> chain = getAncestorChain(node, n);
      if (chain.size() == n) {
  return retval;

     * Starting at a given node, get a chain of ancestors of length n or less.
    public ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> getAncestorChain(TreeNode<E> node, int n) {
  ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> retval = new ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>();
  TreeNode<E> current = node;
  while (retval.size() < n && current != null && current.getData() != null) {
      current = current.getParent();
  return retval;

     * Do a depth-first traversal of the tree starting at a given node.
     * @return a list of TreeNodes in depth-first order.
    public ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> depthFirstTraversal(TreeNode<E> root) {
  ArrayList<TreeNode<E>> retval = new ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>();
  for (TreeNode<E> child: root) {
  return retval;
     * Add a child to the current node. Take a node from the free nodes.
     * @param data data contained in the child
    public void addChild( E data) {
        if(!this.freeNodes.empty()) {
            TreeNode<E> n = this.freeNodes.pop();
            this.setDepth(this.depth + 1);
        } else {
            addChild(data);//Infinite loop possibility

    public String toString() {
  String s = "";
        s += root.toString();
        return s;

     * Get some code for drawing this tree using Graphviz.
    public String getGraphvizCode() {
  String retval = "graph dotFile {\n";

  // Write out the nodes.
  for (TreeNode<E> n: depthFirstTraversal(root)) {
      if (n != null && n.getData() != null) {
    retval += "id" + n.getID() + " [label=\"" + n.getData() + "\"];\n";
  // Write out the incoming edge for every node that has a parent.
  for (TreeNode<E> n: depthFirstTraversal(root)) {
      if (n != null && n.getParent() != null && n.getParent().getData() != null) {
    retval += "id" + n.getParent().getID() + " -- id" + n.getID() + ";\n";
  retval += "}";
  return retval;
 class TreeNode<E> extends ArrayList<TreeNode<E>>{
    private TreeNode<E> parent;
    private E data;
    private int id;
    /** Creates a new instance of TreeNode */
    public TreeNode() {
  id = 0;

     * Create node with parent and data
     * @param parent node parent
     * @param data node data
    public TreeNode(TreeNode<E> parent, E data) {
        this.parent = parent; = data; = 0;
    /** Copy constructor
     * @param copy node to copy
    public TreeNode(TreeNode<E> copy) {
        for (TreeNode<E> aCopy : copy) {
            this.add(new TreeNode<E>(aCopy));
        this.parent = new TreeNode<E>(copy.parent); =; =;

     * Get parent node
     * @return parent node
    public TreeNode<E> getParent(){
        return this.parent;

     * Set parent node
     * @param tn parent node
    public void setParent(TreeNode<E> tn) {
        this.parent = tn;

     * Get data in node
     * @return data
    public E getData() {
        return data;

     * Set data in node
     * @param data node data
    public void setData(E data) { = data;

     * Get node id
     * @return int
    public int getID() {
        return id;

     * Set node id
     * @param int id
    public void setID(int id) { = id;

     * Get the last node
     * @return the last node
    public TreeNode<E> getEnd() {
        return this.get(this.size() - 1);

     * Collapse the node to a string
     * @return string representation
    public String collapse() {
        String s = "";
        if(this.getParent() != null) {
            s += this.getParent().collapse();
        for (TreeNode<E> e : this) {
            s += e.getData().toString();
            s += e.getParent().collapse();
        return s;
    //Not working
    public String toString() {
        String s = "";
        s += this.getData() + ":";
        for (TreeNode<E> e : this) {
            s += e.toString() + " ";
        return s;



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