Convert byte array to Integer and Long
* Copyright Aduna ( (c) 1997-2006.
* Licensed under the Aduna BSD-style license.
public class Utils {
public static void putInt(int value, byte[] array, int offset) {
array[offset] = (byte)(0xff & (value >> 24));
array[offset+1] = (byte)(0xff & (value >> 16));
array[offset+2] = (byte)(0xff & (value >> 8));
array[offset+3] = (byte)(0xff & value);
public static int getInt(byte[] array, int offset) {
((array[offset] & 0xff) << 24) |
((array[offset+1] & 0xff) << 16) |
((array[offset+2] & 0xff) << 8) |
(array[offset+3] & 0xff);
public static void putLong(long value, byte[] array, int offset) {
array[offset] = (byte)(0xff & (value >> 56));
array[offset+1] = (byte)(0xff & (value >> 48));
array[offset+2] = (byte)(0xff & (value >> 40));
array[offset+3] = (byte)(0xff & (value >> 32));
array[offset+4] = (byte)(0xff & (value >> 24));
array[offset+5] = (byte)(0xff & (value >> 16));
array[offset+6] = (byte)(0xff & (value >> 8));
array[offset+7] = (byte)(0xff & value);
public static long getLong(byte[] array, int offset) {
((long)(array[offset] & 0xff) << 56) |
((long)(array[offset+1] & 0xff) << 48) |
((long)(array[offset+2] & 0xff) << 40) |
((long)(array[offset+3] & 0xff) << 32) |
((long)(array[offset+4] & 0xff) << 24) |
((long)(array[offset+5] & 0xff) << 16) |
((long)(array[offset+6] & 0xff) << 8) |
((long)(array[offset+7] & 0xff));
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