Convert array to string : Array Convert « Collections Data Structure « Java

Convert array to string



    2001/11/13, Henri Chen: Created.


Copyright (C) 2001 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

  This program is distributed under GPL Version 3.0 in the hope that
  it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

import java.lang.reflect.Array;

 * Utilities for handling arrays.
 * @author henrichen
public class ArraysX {
  /** Converts an array to a readable string (for debugging purpose).
  public final static String toString(Object[] array) {
    if (array == null)
      return "null";

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(128).append('[');
    for (int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) {
      if (array[j] == array)
        sb.append("(this array)");
      if (j != array.length - 1)
        sb.append(", ");
    return sb.append(']').toString();
  /** Converts an array of int to a readable string (for debugging purpose).
  public final static String toString(int[] array) {
    if (array == null)
      return "null";

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(128).append('[');
    for (int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) {
      if (j != array.length - 1)
        sb.append(", ");
    return sb.append(']').toString();
  /** Converts an array of long to a readable string (for debugging purpose).
  public final static String toString(long[] array) {
    if (array == null)
      return "null";

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(128).append('[');
    for (int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) {
      if (j != array.length - 1)
        sb.append(", ");
    return sb.append(']').toString();
  /** Converts an array of short to a readable string (for debugging purpose).
  public final static String toString(short[] array) {
    if (array == null)
      return "null";

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(128).append('[');
    for (int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) {
      if (j != array.length - 1)
        sb.append(", ");
    return sb.append(']').toString();
  /** Converts an array of byte to a readable string (for debugging purpose).
  public final static String toString(byte[] array) {
    if (array == null)
      return "null";

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(128).append('[');
    for (int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) {
      if (j != array.length - 1)
        sb.append(", ");
    return sb.append(']').toString();
  /** Converts an array of char to a readable string (for debugging purpose).
  public final static String toString(char[] array) {
    if (array == null)
      return "null";

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(128).append('[');
    for (int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) {
      if (j != array.length - 1)
        sb.append(", ");
    return sb.append(']').toString();
  /** Converts an array of boolean to a readable string (for debugging purpose).
  public final static String toString(boolean[] array) {
    if (array == null)
      return "null";

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(128).append('[');
    for (int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) {
      if (j != array.length - 1)
        sb.append(", ");
    return sb.append(']').toString();
  /** Converts an array of float to a readable string (for debugging purpose).
  public final static String toString(float[] array) {
    if (array == null)
      return "null";

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(128).append('[');
    for (int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) {
      if (j != array.length - 1)
        sb.append(", ");
    return sb.append(']').toString();
  /** Converts an array of char to a readable string (for debugging purpose).
  public final static String toString(double[] array) {
    if (array == null)
      return "null";

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(128).append('[');
    for (int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) {
      if (j != array.length - 1)
        sb.append(", ");
    return sb.append(']').toString();
   * Returns the hex String representation of a byte array without prefix 0x.
   * The String is formed by making value[0] the leftmost two digits and
   * value[value.length-1] the rightmost two digits.
   * @param array the byte array
  public final static String toHexString(byte[] array) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(array.length*2 + 8);
    char ch;
    for (int i=0; i< array.length; i++) {
      // byte will be promote to integer first, mask with 0x0f is a must.
      ch = Character.forDigit(array[i] >>> 4 & 0x0f, 16);
      ch = Character.forDigit(array[i] & 0x0f, 16);

    return sb.toString();
   * Returns the octal String representation of a byte array with optional
   * prefix. The String is formed by making value[0] the leftmost three digits
   * and value[value.length-1] the rightmost three digits.
   * @param array the byte array
  public final static String toOctalString(byte[] array, String prefix) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(array.length*(3+prefix.length()) + 8);
    if (prefix == null) {
      for (int i=0; i< array.length; i++) {
        appendOctalDigits(sb, array[i]);
    } else {
      for (int i=0; i< array.length; i++) {
        appendOctalDigits(sb, array[i]);
    return sb.toString();
   * Returns the octal digit String buffer representation of a byte.
   * @param byte the byte
  private final static StringBuffer appendOctalDigits(StringBuffer sb, byte b) {
    // b will be promote to integer first, mask with 0x07 is a must.
    return sb.append(Character.forDigit(b >>> 6 & 0x07, 8))
      .append(Character.forDigit(b >>> 3 & 0x07, 8))
      .append(Character.forDigit(b & 0x07, 8));

   * Duplicates the specified array.
   * <p>The array could be an array of objects or primiitives.
   * @param ary the array
   * @param jb the beginning index (included)
   * @param je the ending index (excluded)
   * @return an array duplicated from ary
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if ary is not any array
   * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if out of bounds
  public static final Object duplicate(Object ary, int jb, int je) {
    int len = Array.getLength(ary);
    if (jb<0 || je>len || jb>je)
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(jb + " or " + je + " exceeds " + len);

    len = je - jb;
    Object dst = Array.newInstance(ary.getClass().getComponentType(), len);
    System.arraycopy(ary, jb, dst, 0, len);
    return dst;
   * Duplicates the specified array.
   * @param ary the array
   * @return an array duplicated from ary
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if ary is not any array
   * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if out of bounds
  public static final Object duplicate(Object ary) {
    return duplicate(ary, 0, Array.getLength(ary));

   * Concat the two specified array.
   * <p>The array could be an array of objects or primiitives.
   * @param ary the array
   * @param ary1 the array
   * @return an array concat the ary and ary1
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if ary and ary1 component type are different
  public static final Object concat(Object ary, Object ary1) {
    int len = Array.getLength(ary) + Array.getLength(ary1);
    if (!ary.getClass().getComponentType().equals(ary1.getClass().getComponentType()))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("These concated array component type are different.");
    Object dst = Array.newInstance(ary.getClass().getComponentType(), len);
    System.arraycopy(ary, 0, dst, 0, Array.getLength(ary));
    System.arraycopy(ary1, 0, dst, Array.getLength(ary), Array.getLength(ary1));
    return dst;
   * Shrink the specified array. It is similar to duplicate, except
   * it returns the previous instance if je==length && jb==0.
   * @param ary the array
   * @param jb the beginning index (included)
   * @param je the ending index (excluded)
   * @return ary or an array duplicated from ary
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if ary is not any array
   * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if out of bounds
  public static final Object shrink(Object ary, int jb, int je) {
    if (jb == 0 && je == Array.getLength(ary))
      return ary; //nothing changed
    return duplicate(ary, jb, je);
   * Resizes the specified array. Similar to {@link #shrink}, but
   * it can enlarge and it keeps elements from the first.
  public static final Object resize(Object ary, int size) {
    final int oldsz = Array.getLength(ary);
    if (oldsz == size)
      return ary;

    final Object dst = Array.newInstance(ary.getClass().getComponentType(), size);
    System.arraycopy(ary, 0, dst, 0, oldsz > size ? size: oldsz);
    return dst;
  /** Clones an array.
  public static final Object clone(Object ary) {
    final int size = Array.getLength(ary);
    final Object dst = Array.newInstance(ary.getClass().getComponentType(), size);
    System.arraycopy(ary, 0, dst, 0, size);
    return dst;


Related examples in the same category

1.Convert byte array to Integer and Long
2.Return a new byte array containing a sub-portion of the source array
3.byte array to int array array to byte array
5.Turn an array of ints into a printable string.
6.Array Converter
7.Convert array to string (from c3p0)
8.Convert byte array to string
9.Converts a Array to an Enumeration and allows it to be serializedConverts a Array to an Enumeration and allows it to be serialized
10.Array helper
11.Return a String representation of the given two-dimensional object array
12.Return a string representation of the given native two-dimensional long array.
13.Concatenates the given int[] array into one String, inserting a delimiter between each pair of elements.
14.Concatenates the given long[] array into one String, inserting a delimiter between each pair of elements.
15.Converts an array of Strings to a comma-sperated-list.