Collections « Collections Data Structure « Java

1.Collections.min with Comparator
2.Minimum and maximum number in array
3.Shuffling the Elements of a List or Array: use Collections.shuffle() to randomly reorder the elements in a list
4.Shuffle the elements in the array
5.Create an empty collection object
7.Use Collections.sort to sort custom class and user defined Comparator
8.Collections.shuffle to shuffle a list

10.Demonstrates the use of final collections
11.Use Collections.shuffle to shuffle listUse Collections.shuffle to shuffle list
12.Making a Collection Read-Only
13.Shuffle generic list
14.Create List containing n Copies of Specified Object Example
15.Create and demonstrate an immutable collection.
16.Sort and Search a LinkedList.
17.Finding an Element in a Sorted List
18.Use reverse(), rotate(), and shuffle().
19.This program demonstrates the random shuffle and sort algorithmsThis program demonstrates the random shuffle and sort algorithms