attribute selector « Style Basics « HTML / CSS

1.A blockquote with a cite attribute displayed with CSS
2.p[title] selects all paragraphs containing a title attribute.
3.p[title~="paragraph"] selects all paragraphs with a title attribute containing the word, paragraph.
4.Matches are case sensitive and must match letter-for-letter including whitespace
5.p[title="myPara"] selects all paragraphs with a title attribute containing the exact text, myPara
6.Attribute Selectors for form controls
7.Attribute Substring Selectors
8.Attribute Substring Selectors: a[href^="ftp://"]
9.Attribute Substring Selectors: a[href*="#"]

10.Attribute Substring Selectors: a[href$=".html"]
11.Attribute Substring Selectors: a[href$=".pdf"]