To not to ignore whitespace nodes prior to parsing : Equality « XML « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

To not to ignore whitespace nodes prior to parsing


  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class Main extends Sprite{
    public function Main(){

        XML.ignoreWhitespace = false;  // Don't ignore whitespace nodes
        var x1:XML = <a><b></b></a>;
        var x2:XML = <a>
        trace(x1 == x2);  // Now displays: false


Related examples in the same category

1.XML Equality
2.By default, E4X ignores whitespace nodes when comparing XML for Equality
3.An element is equal to an XML attribute if the element contains no child and the text contained by the element matches the attribute value.
4.An element is equal to an XML instance representing a text node if the element contains no child elements, and the text it contains matches the text node's value.
5.Compare two xml variable
6.A comparison between an XML instance and an XMLList with only one XML instance is treated as a direct comparison between the two XML instances