cout setf « Console « C++

1.cout: how to display float number, ios::showpoint, ios::showposcout: how to display float number, ios::showpoint, ios::showpos
2.You can OR together two or more flags: ios::uppercase | ios::scientificYou can OR together two or more flags: ios::uppercase | ios::scientific
3.cout.setf(ios::showpos | ios::showpoint) and cout.setf(ios::showpoint, ios::showpos | ios::showpoint)
4.Set cout: setf(ios::showpoint | ios::showpos, ios::showpoint)Set cout: setf(ios::showpoint | ios::showpos, ios::showpoint)
7.cout.setf(ios::uppercase | ios::scientific)
8.Set cout: hex, basefield, setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield)Set cout: hex, basefield, setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield)