Passing by reference and using virtual functions in exceptions.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int DefaultSize = 10;
class Array
Array(int itsSize = DefaultSize);
Array(const Array &rhs);
~Array() { delete [] pType;}
Array& operator=(const Array&);
int& operator[](int offSet);
const int& operator[](int offSet) const;
int GetitsSize() const { return itsSize; }
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Array&);
class xBoundary {};
class xSize
xSize(int size):itsSize(size) {}
virtual int GetSize() { return itsSize; }
virtual void PrintError()
cout << "Size error. Received: ";
cout << itsSize << endl;
int itsSize;
class xTooBig : public xSize
xTooBig(int size):xSize(size){}
virtual void PrintError()
cout << "Too big! Received: ";
cout << xSize::itsSize << endl;
class xTooSmall : public xSize
xTooSmall(int size):xSize(size){}
virtual void PrintError()
cout << "Too small! Received: ";
cout << xSize::itsSize << endl;
class xZero : public xTooSmall
xZero(int size):xTooSmall(size){}
virtual void PrintError()
cout << "Zero!!. Received: " ;
cout << xSize::itsSize << endl;
class xNegative : public xSize
xNegative(int size):xSize(size){}
virtual void PrintError()
cout << "Negative! Received: ";
cout << xSize::itsSize << endl;
int *pType;
int itsSize;
Array::Array(int size):
if (size == 0)
throw xZero(size);
if (size > 30000)
throw xTooBig(size);
if (size <1)
throw xNegative(size);
if (size < 10)
throw xTooSmall(size);
pType = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i<size; i++)
pType[i] = 0;
int& Array::operator[] (int offSet)
int size = GetitsSize();
if (offSet >= 0 && offSet < GetitsSize())
return pType[offSet];
throw xBoundary();
return pType[0];
const int& Array::operator[] (int offSet) const
int size = GetitsSize();
if (offSet >= 0 && offSet < GetitsSize())
return pType[offSet];
throw xBoundary();
return pType[0];
int main()
Array intArray(9);
for (int j = 0; j< 100; j++)
intArray[j] = j;
cout << "intArray[" << j << "] okay...\n";
catch (Array::xBoundary)
cout << "Unable to process your input!\n";
catch (Array::xSize& theException)
catch (...)
cout << "Something went wrong!\n";
cout << "Done.\n";
return 0;
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