1. | NumberFormatInfo Defines how numeric values are formatted and displayed, depending on the culture. | | |
2. | NumberFormatInfo.CurrencyDecimalDigits Indicates the number of decimal places to use in currency values. | | |
3. | NumberFormatInfo.Currency Decimal Separator | | |
4. | NumberFormatInfo.Currency Group Separator | | |
5. | NumberFormatInfo.Currency Group Sizes | | |
6. | NumberFormatInfo.Currency Symbol | | |
7. | NumberFormatInfo.Digit Substitution | | |
8. | NumberFormatInfo properties: Currency | | |
9. | NumberFormatInfo properties: Number | | |
10. | NumberFormatInfo properties: Percent | | |
11. | NumberFormatInfo.Native Digits | | |
12. | NumberFormatInfo.Number Decimal Digits | | |
13. | NumberFormatInfo.Number Decimal Separator | | |
14. | NumberFormatInfo.Number Group Separator Property | | |
15. | NumberFormatInfo.Number Group Sizes | | |
16. | Displays the value with three elements in the GroupSize array. | | |
17. | Displays the value with zero as the last element in the GroupSize array. | | |
18. | NumberFormatInfo.Number Negative Pattern | | |
19. | NumberFormatInfo.Percent Decimal Digits | | |
20. | NumberFormatInfo.Percent Decimal Separator | | |
21. | NumberFormatInfo.Percent Group Separator | | |
22. | NumberFormatInfo.Percent Group Sizes | | |