Reversing the digits: do while : Do While « Language Basics « C / ANSI-C

Reversing the digits: do while

Reversing the digits: do while

#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
   int number = 123; /* The number to be reversed */
   int reversedNumber = 0; /* The reversed number       */
   int temp = 0;   /* Working storage           */

   temp = number; /* Copy to working storage  */

   /* Reverse the number stored in temp */
     reversedNumber = 10 * reversedNumber + temp % 10; /* Add the rightmost digit    */
     temp = temp/10;                 /* Remove the rightmost digit */
   } while (temp);                   /* Continue while temp>0      */

   printf ("\nThe number %d reversed is  %d rebmun ehT\n",
                                               number, reversedNumber );


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