Do while loop : Do While « Language Basics « C / ANSI-C

Do while loop

Do while loop
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main(void)
  char ch;

  printf("Enter some text (type a period to quit).\n");
  do {
    ch = getchar();

        ch = toupper(ch);
        ch = tolower(ch);

  } while (ch != '.');

  return 0;



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1.Reversing the digits: do whileReversing the digits: do while
2.A flag: informs a certain condition has occuredA flag: informs a certain condition has occured
3.Do while loop for your selection
4.Do while with char value as condition
5.Do while loop with continueDo while loop with continue
6.Nested for loop inside a do while loop