1. | Load Layout from xml layout file | | |
2. | android:layout_width and android:layout_height | | |
3. | Provide layout for different screen size | | |
4. | Config your own layout through xml | | |
5. | extends FrameLayout | | |
6. | Table layout inside a Linear layout | | |
7. | Set layout alignment base line | | |
8. | Using more than one layout xml | | |
9. | Using LayoutInflater | | |
10. | res\layout\main.xml | | |
11. | Using static string in layout xml file from strings.xml | | |
12. | Layout Orientation | | |
13. | Set Layout Parameters in your code | | |
14. | Layout widget with code only | | |
15. | Using two layout xml file for one Activity | | |
16. | Create the user interface by inflating a layout resource. | | |
17. | Layout input form | | |
18. | Layout Animation | | |
19. | extends ViewGroup to do layout | | |
20. | A layout that arranges its children in a grid. | | |
21. | Use the animateLayoutChanges tag in XML to automate transition animations as items are removed from or added to a container. | | |
22. | Use LayoutTransition to automate transition animations as items are hidden or shown in a container. | | |
23. | Layout gravity bottom | | |
24. | Layout gravity center vertical | | |
25. | Layout align Baseline, align Right | | |
26. | Layout grid fade | | |
27. | Layout bottom to top slide | | |
28. | Layout random fade | | |
29. | Layout grid inverse fade | | |
30. | Layout wave scale | | |
31. | Layout animation row left slide | | |
32. | Demonstrates a simple linear layout. The height of the layout is the sum of its children. | | |
33. | Demonstrates a simple linear layout. The layout fills the screen, with the children stacked from the top. | | |
34. | A simple linear layout fills the screen, with the children stacked from the top. The middle child gets allocated any extra space. | | |
35. | Demonstrates a horizontal linear layout with equally sized columns | | |
36. | Demonstrates a nesting layouts to make a form | | |
37. | Demonstrates a horizontal linear layout with equally sized columns. Some columns force their height to match the parent. | | |
38. | A simple layout which demonstrates stretching a view to fill the space between two other views. | | |
39. | Demonstrates using a relative layout to create a form | | |
40. | Demonstrates wrapping a layout in a ScrollView. | | |
41. | This example shows how to use cell spanning in a table layout. | | |
42. | Tabs that uses labels TabSpec#setIndicator(CharSequence) for indicators and views by id from a layout file TabSpec#setContent(int) | | |
43. | This sample application shows how to use layout animation and various transformations on views. | | |
44. | Create Linear Layout | | |
45. | Create LayoutParam | | |
46. | Inflate Layout | | |
47. | Layout Utils | | |
48. | Set text Size | | |
49. | Set right margin | | |
50. | Baseline nested | | |
51. | Set baselineAlignedChildIndex | | |
52. | Align along with Parent | | |
53. | Using LayoutParams | | |