1. | Animation: fade in, fade out | | |
2. | Frame based animation | | |
3. | extends Animation to create your own animation | | |
4. | Slide out down animation, bounce in down animation | | |
5. | XML for Fade in animation | | |
6. | Xml for Fade out animation | | |
7. | XML for slide out animation | | |
8. | Animation Cloning | | |
9. | Animation Loading | | |
10. | Multi Property Animation | | |
11. | Animation: push up in,push up out,push left in,push left out,fade in,fade out,hyperspace in,hyperspace out | | |
12. | Using AlphaAnimation class to do animation in code | | |
13. | Animation Interpolator | | |
14. | Using TranslateAnimation class | | |
15. | Demonstrates the seeking capability of ValueAnimator. | | |
16. | Animating by calling invalidate() from draw(),loading and drawing resources, handling onPause() in an animation | | |