OpenGL « 2D Graphics « Android

1.Wrapper activity demonstrating the use of GLSurfaceView, a view that uses OpenGL drawing into a dedicated surface.
2.Check for OpenGL ES 2.0 support at runtime, and then use either OpenGL ES 1.0 or OpenGL ES 2.0, as appropriate.
3.A GLSurfaceView.Renderer that uses the Android-specific android.opengl.GLESXXX static OpenGL ES APIs.
4.Wrapper activity demonstrating the use of {@link GLSurfaceView}, a view that uses OpenGL drawing into a dedicated surface.
5.Demonstrate how to use the OES_texture_cube_map extension, available on some high-end OpenGL ES 1.x GPUs.
6.OpenGL objects
7.OpenGL Sprite Text Activity
8.An OpenGL ES renderer based on the GLSurfaceView rendering framework.
9.OpenGL Utils

10.Graphics API supports both OpenGL and Android 2D rendering targets efficiently through the same interface
11.OpenGL ES version of a sprite
12.OpenGL Utils 2
13.Demonstrate how to use ETC1 format compressed textures.